District 9

Chapter 1282: One wave has not subsided, but another wave arises

"Why are you so arrogant?" When Lin Chengdong faced Qin Yu and Gu Yan, his expression was very relaxed and his eyes were clear.

Qin Yu looked at him with his hands behind his back: "I'm just fucking confused. You're short of money and work. You can talk to me and Gu Yan. Is it necessary to come to District 5 to work?"

Everyone intentionally gave way to the two of them and stood chatting not far away, so Lin Chengdong did not hide his thoughts: "Xiao Yu, I have nothing now. If even the road to the future is paved, then you say, I What’s the point of life? If it’s just for living, then my life will be very painful. It’s better to die with my dad.”

Qin Yu was silent.

"I know it well." Lin Chengdong took out a cigarette and handed it to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu knew in his heart that Lin Chengdong had not passed that hurdle yet, and he also knew that it would be useless no matter how you tried to persuade him at this time, so he just sighed and took the cigarette and replied: "What I mean is, if you have something to say, just say something. There is nothing impersonal or impersonal about this relationship.”

"Yes, I know." Lin Chengdong nodded with a smile and changed the topic lightly: "Feng Liang and I will return to Nanhu, and you have to make arrangements."

"That's no problem, I'll follow...!" Qin Yu nodded and was about to reply.


While the two were talking, an off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road. Yao Jingzhong stepped down and shouted, "Oh, Qin Brigade is here too."

"Well, come and take a look." Qin Yu nodded.

Yao Jingzhong stepped into the courtyard and said to him with his hands behind his back: "I came here to call Lin Chengdong, the person in charge of the seventh district, and I want him to talk to Lao Zhou."

Lin Chengdong was a little confused: "Let me talk to him, what should I say?"

"I don't know either." Yao Jingzhong replied softly: "There is probably something that needs you to confront him."

When Lin Chengdong heard this, although he felt a little troubled, he thought that this matter happened because of him after all. Qin Yu was also here. He had no way to shirk it, so he immediately nodded and replied: "Okay, let's go and take a look." Take a look."

"Where are we talking? Is it far away?" Qin Yu asked.

"Not far, just nearby." Yao Jingzhong lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "I'll probably be back at noon."

"Then go over." Qin Yu didn't know much about the story between Lin Chengdong and Lao Zhou, and couldn't think about it at all. He just raised his head and said to him: "I'll wait for you here. After we finish talking, I'll fly to you in the afternoon." You go to Chuanfu."

"Okay." Lin Chengdong nodded.

"Second aunt, come here and I'll meet with you alone." Qin Yu shouted to Ma Laoer.

"...Fuck!" Ma Laoer cursed and walked over.

"Then I'll go to Ang first!" Lin Chengdong turned around and shouted.

"Well, you go ahead!"

Less than an hour later, Lin Chengdong, led by Yao Jingzhong, walked into the small courtyard.

The person in charge of District 7 went out to greet him, extended his hand to Lin Chengdong and said, "Hello, hello!"

"Hello!" Lin Chengdong responded politely.

"Okay, let's talk about it. I'll come to pick him up in the afternoon." Yao Jingzhong glanced at his watch and said.

"Okay, you're busy." The person in charge of District 7 replied.

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Yao Jingzhong got back in the car and went to another work place, while Lin Chengdong went indoors with the person in charge of District 7.

At this moment, Zhou Zheng was being held in the room on the left, but the people from District 7 brought Lin Chengdong to the room on the right.

In the not-so-spacious room, Chief Huang was sitting on a chair, chatting with the two people next to him.

Lin Chengdong was a little surprised to see so many people present, but he didn't say anything.

"This is Lin Chengdong." Someone from District 7 introduced.

Officer Huang stepped in and looked at him, nodding slightly: "Sit down, Xiao Lin."

"Oh, okay." Lin Chengdong nodded and sat on the chair near the door.

"Xiao Lin, you must keep the following conversation strictly confidential." The person in charge of District 7 said with a serious face.

Lin Chengdong looked at him, paused, and then slowly nodded: "Okay!"

"It's like this. The man you kidnapped, that is, Lao Zhou, after our rigorous investigation, we found that no one knows his identity in the fifth district, including basic information, family situation, and even his appearance. No one knows..." The person in charge of the Seventh District frowned slightly and said: "You and Qin Yu are friends, and you can probably tell. We people have to do something in the Zangyuan area, and Zhou Zheng This situation is very beneficial to us, so we are ready to release him back to the fifth area."

Lin Chengdong frowned when he heard the sound.

"But Zhou Zheng's condition for agreeing to go back is that he must take you with him and let you pretend to be his assistant and cooperate with him to help us complete the task." The person in charge of District 7 finally revealed his purpose.

When Lin Chengdong heard this, he looked at him in disbelief: "Shall I go back with Lao Zhou?"


"Isn't this a fantasy? Lao Zhou is a man smarter than a monkey. If you let him go back to the fifth area, what if he loses control? Besides, you know which sentence he said is true and which sentence Are the words false?! If this matter is leaked, I may lose my head in a minute." Lin Chengdong said with great resistance.

"We have found Zhou Zheng's wife and children in the EU area and are currently being sent to Nanhu." The person in charge of the seventh district said succinctly: "The possibility of him losing control after returning to the fifth district is very small."

"It's not good to be small. Being small also means there are risks." Lin Chengdong refused without thinking at all: "I'm not interested in this matter."

After listening to Lin Chengdong's words, Chief Huang raised his hand and lit a cigarette, and said with a smile: "Xiao Lin, please don't be so excited. In terms of responsibility, you really don't need to take risks, because you are not from the military intelligence department. But speaking from a larger perspective, I still hope that you can do something for the more than 10,000 soldiers who were killed and injured on the northwest front. I will not hide it from you. The purpose of letting Zhou Zheng go back is to get close to Kim Tae-soo and gather some people through him. We are going to shoot many people at once for the lackeys of capital who secretly support the Pu clique’s military conflict with us.”

"Why does it have to be me? Is there no one among you?!" Lin Chengdong asked in disbelief.

"Of course we don't lack soldiers, it's just that Zhou Zheng asked you to participate." The person in charge of District 7 answered with his arms crossed: "Because you have already withdrawn fifty gold bars from that financial services company, and you have already shown up. If Lao Zhou goes back by himself, the matter will probably be exposed."

Lin Chengdong was very upset when he heard this.

He has successfully obtained the money, nearly five million in cash and fifty gold bars. His purpose of coming to the fifth district has been achieved. Now that he can go back with satisfaction, will he still choose to risk his life to help the people in front of him?

What will he choose?


Li Zhixun put his hand in, chuckled and said to the two major companies in Sichuan and the four major families: "This is the plan. In short, the problems in the Sichuan area depend on your help!"

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