District 9

Chapter 1287 Trouble is coming

Normally, it would take at least about a month and a half to transport supplies from Yanbei in the Eighth District to Sichuan. If there is heavy snow and fog, it is not unusual for the journey to take several months.

But the good thing is that Lin Hanhan has a lot of reputation and the person he is looking for is tough. Knowing that Qin Yu is anxiously waiting for building materials to set up camp, Qiao Xiaoxiao's company even applied for the opening of a new railway from District 8 to District 7. For the reason of trial operation, all building materials were distributed at once.

The railway has been built for more than three years, almost four years. The overall project has been basically completed. There are scattered locations that still need to be re-inspected, but it does not affect the overall situation. The three major districts are expected to be officially accessible by the end of this year. But even so, Qiao Xiao The fact that Xiao was able to get a place for the trial operation in Yanbei also shows the relationship between this girl.

With railway transportation, the time cost was greatly reduced. The building materials were sent directly to Jiangzhou for loading. Brother Xiao organized manpower and sent them to Sichuan Prefecture as soon as possible.

It took a little more than five days in total for the first batch of goods to arrive at the garrison area.

As soon as the building materials arrived, the mixed brigade got to work in full swing. More than two thousand people set up camps in their respective garrison areas.

Military housing building materials are different from ordinary civilian building materials. They are all easy to erect, such as door panels, composite wall panels, plastic steel windows, and color steel roofs. They are all installed in the factory. As long as a shallow foundation is laid, A few soldiers followed the drawings, used equipment to inlay them, and then put a layer of cement on them, and the house was completed.

The garrison area is roughly divided into three areas. The reorganized 1st Infantry Regiment, led by Daya, is placed on the right side of the brigade headquarters, while the 2nd Infantry Regiment and the artillery battalion are placed on the left. However, these two units are not fully staffed, because there are no new recruits to supplement them, so the number of people is similar to that of Daya.

Finally, there is Qin Yu's headquarters, which with its guard battalion is placed in the center of the defense area. It is about ten kilometers away from the two garrison units on the left and right.

This kind of deployment idea was researched by Daya and Li Zhan, who are more professional in this.

The three areas work at the same time. When they are hungry, they eat. When they are bored, they organize dinners and social activities. In short, the atmosphere is very good and quite prosperous.

But just when everyone was full of energy, trouble came.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, in the headquarters barracks, Qin Yu was holding a phone and arguing with Feng Ji: "Yes, there is no precedent for a brigade to set up so many recruiting departments alone. But you have to consider our situation, right? Troops I have just arrived in Sichuan. I am not familiar with this person and have no contact with the people. If you ask me to replenish troops here, how long will it take? Yes, please tell the boss that I have set up recruitment sites near Songjiang and Longcheng. The department must recruit at least a thousand people in a short period of time to fill at least two regiments. Otherwise, although I have the title of brigade commander, I am actually doing the work of a regiment commander. How can I garrison without troops? !”

"You just have a lot of shit!" Feng Ji is no ordinary headache. Recently, this kid has been scheming with him. If he has anything to discuss with him first, he will stalk him. This means that even if you agree, you have to agree. No. If you agree, find a way to agree.

"Brother, I'll call you brother, can you not help me with this?" Qin Yu used his trump card again.

"Don't talk about this." Feng Ji thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I'll tell you during the meeting, you can go on your own, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

"Thank you so much, brother!"

"Go away!" Feng Ji hung up the phone directly.

Qin Yu hung up the phone, curled his lips and sighed: "When the hell will I be the big brother!"

"It's good to be the eldest brother, since you only have to do things for others." Qi Lin replied with a smile: "It's more stable to be the younger brother, the younger brother. As long as you are shameless, any good thing will be yours."

"You've finally grown up." Qin Yu nodded happily.

While the two were chatting, Daya suddenly rushed in: "Brother, something happened!"

Qin Yu turned around: "What happened?!"

"The second batch of building materials was robbed on the road. The goods of eight trucks are all fucking gone!" Da Ya Leng said with his eyes: "The driver, the escort, more than 20 people were trapped on the road, and there were no Dare to move, waiting for us to pick you up!"

Qin Yu was stunned for a long time: "Been robbed?! Why didn't I tell Brother Xiao and ask him to send some long-distance drivers here to take care of the relationship along the way? How could he still be robbed?"

"The team leader told me that they had already taken care of all the relationships they needed to take care of along the way. Who would have thought that they would be robbed just as they entered the Yuanshan Life Town in the Chongdu area?"

"Is something wrong with someone?" Qi Lin asked immediately.

"Two died, beaten to death with a hammer." Daya replied truthfully.

"What the fuck, I'm just grabbing the goods when I get them, how can I still be so attractive!" Qin Yu was anxious: "Inform the guard camp to assemble for me and go to the distant mountains!"

"I'll go too!" Qi Lin took his hat and walked out with Qin Yu.

Yuanshan Living Town is the closest trading town to the Qinyu Defense Zone. It has a permanent population of about 200,000, and a living area of ​​this size is only available in the Sichuan Prefecture!

This place does not have a large district, but its population base is much larger than that of Xianbian and Zangyuan, so many places similar to Jiangzhou have spontaneously emerged. The people here follow the organizational departments of the areas to be planned and do their own business. I work on people's livelihood and do it in a decent way. It can be regarded as a special living area in this kind of environment.

Yuanshan Life Town is about fifty kilometers away from Qin Yu's garrison area, but the road is very difficult to walk. The winding mountain road has no guardrails at all and is very slippery. If you are not careful, the car may drive into the mountain stream. Most of Qin Yu's soldiers came from plain areas, and there were few drivers who could drive mountain roads. Therefore, more than 200 people from the guard camp drove for more than three hours to arrive at the "site of the crime." !”


Qin Yu pushed open the car door, frowned and walked down. He saw that all the trucks on both sides of the road had their tires punctured. Many of the vehicles had bullet holes, and blood could be seen on the ground. The scene was a bit miserable...

When the people waiting in the car saw the soldiers coming, they all rushed out immediately. The leader had gauze wrapped around his head, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he said, "Who is the leader!"

"This is our brigade commander!" Daya introduced succinctly.

"You're here, Brigadier Qin!" As soon as the leader heard that Qin Yu had arrived, he immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Oh, we are lucky to be alive...!"

"What's going on? Brother!" Qin Yu asked politely.


The middle-aged man walked into Jin Taishu's room and said softly to him: "I have checked everything. Before Zhou Zheng ran back, his assistant Xiao Zhu did go to the financial services company to get the gold bars! The boarding and lodging shop was also found, the boss He has brought it back, and according to him, three people did stay at his place before, and one of them was injured!"

Kim Tae-soo touched his chin and muttered with some self-doubt: "I'm overthinking it!"

"...Actually, some things are not that complicated." The middle-aged man reminded vaguely, please don't think too much.

Jin Taizhu pondered for a long time, then said with a smile: "I will make an appointment with Lao Zhou tomorrow, and I will officially meet him!"

"Okay." The officer nodded.

In Yuanshan Life Town, Brother Suo looked at the goods and said expressionlessly: "Send it!"

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