District 9

Chapter 134 He is miserable enough


Yongdong sat on the sofa, reached out and took out a piece of paper from his pocket, put it on the table and said: "I was the one who came up with the idea of ​​replacing the counterfeit medicine, and I also talked about the little song. There is a message on it that will be replaced that night." All the details of the medicine and the people involved. If you follow what I wrote, this matter will be cleared up."

When Lao Mao heard the sound, he picked up the note and took a look at it. He frowned and asked, "Xiao Qu is dead. There is a missing link in the evidence chain. Is there any way to remedy this?"

Yongdong thought for a few seconds, pointed to the note and replied: "There is a person named Liu Chun on it. When I gave Xiaoqu money, he and Lao San were both present."

"Did he run away after the accident?" Old Cat asked.

"It should still be in Songjiang." Yongdong said with a sneer: "With Yuan Hua gone, the company must be in chaos. At this time, no one should care about such a small role."

"Okay, I understand." Old Mao stood up with the note: "You guys chat, I'll go out and make a phone call."

On the bed, Qin Yu raised his head and looked at Yongdong, and suddenly asked: "You have given up everything, aren't you afraid that Ma Laoer will seek revenge on you after we finish the work?"

Yongdong smiled: "Haha, if I were Yongdong a week ago, I would be afraid of everything. But now that I have gotten to this point, what do you think I should be afraid of?"

Qin Yu was silent.

"Yuan Ke, Fatty Xing wants to kill me. I will definitely not be able to go back to District 9 for the time being. The little voice I have in the company will definitely be taken away. Overnight, I not only became a fugitive, but also a criminal. Friends who came to help, and the first half of my life was in vain." Yongdong shook his head and said sarcastically: "To be honest, I really want to find a building to jump off now, but I don't have the courage yet. Haha, Ma If the second brother really wants to take revenge, then it will be my wish."

"Where is your family?"

"I have no parents, and I only have one woman left in Songjiang." Yongdong lowered his head and responded: "I never thought that Yuan Hua would die. Alas, I guess my woman may also be targeted. I will definitely not dare to pick her up for the time being."

"You are quite miserable."

"Life is gambling, but I'm very unlucky to have met a boss like Yuan Hua." Yongdong lowered his head and took out his cigarette case: "Forget it, I admit it."

Qin Yu thought about it for a long time, frowned and said, "There are results in Songjiang, you can leave at any time."

Yongdong took a puff of his cigarette, looked up at Qin Yu and said, "Yuan Hua is dead and Xing Zihao is dead too. If you don't fight each other, there will be no one left. This hatred cannot be resolved."

Qin Yu said nothing.

"How about I stay and help you?" Yongdong suddenly asked with a smile.

"Why?" Qin Yu asked.

"Because I'm not willing to do it either."

"...!" Qin Yu thought but did not respond.

"Haha." Yongdong smiled and looked at Qin Yu: "I don't want to join empty-handed. I can buy shares. I still have some money in my hand."

Qin Yu looked up at the ceiling and responded in a clear voice: "I don't believe you, and it's hard for Ma Laoer and the others to accept you. You'd better leave."

"That's right, after all, I'm no longer a human inside and outside now." Yongdong nodded and stood up: "Haha, okay, it's over once the matter is explained clearly... There is a letter from Songjiang, please let someone tell me Just one word and I’m leaving.”

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded.

Yongdong stared at Qin Yu: "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Qin Yu asked.

"Thank you for overcoming everyone's opinions and not letting Ma Laoer kill me for revenge." Yongdong smiled: "Although I know that you kept me because you saw that I was not willing to accept it, but I still thank you."

"Then am I right?" Qin Yu asked softly.

"Haha, you little brat is so smart." Yongdong said this and turned around to leave.

Qin Yu lay on the bed and yawned sleepily.

A few minutes later, Lao Mao opened the door and returned. He raised his head and asked, "I really want to let Yongdong go. Aren't you afraid that my second brother won't agree?"

"Yongdong is like this, what's the point of killing him? What problem can it solve?" Qin Yu frowned and responded: "He has paid so much for the company, and now he is leaving the house with his identity as a fugitive. What do you think? Can he be willing? If you keep him, he might give the Yuan family a blow at some point."

"Yes." The old cat nodded.

"What's more, what happened to Mao Zi, Xiao Liu and the others was Xing Zihao's fault. Uncle Ma was arrested mainly for jacking up the cylinder... So, Yongdong actually didn't play a big role here." Qin Yu sighed: "Oh, you have to show mercy to others."

The old cat bent over and sat on the sofa. After a long silence, he sighed: "The second child has really gone crazy this time, and he still hasn't recovered yet."

"If he can't recover, then Uncle Ma would be unjust." Qin Yu objectively commented: "But I believe he can stand up."

While the two were chatting, Qi Lin opened the door and walked in and shouted: "Xiao Yu, Coco is quite interesting. I was given two frozen chickens for you to make soup."

"Is the stew done?" When the old cat heard this, he stretched his neck like a police dog.

"It won't be your share even if it's stewed." Qi Lin rolled his eyes: "Then it's a meal for sick patients. It's not enough for them alone."

"Fuck, it's not enough anyway, so let's stew it all." The old cat stood up and said, "I won't eat anything else. Just give me two whole chicken whips to taste..."


Late that night.

Zhu Wei, who had just quietly returned from Fengbei, stood in an alley beside a gambling stall and asked softly: "Who is in there?"

"Yes, they are here." The Taig brothers from the third group nodded: "Are you going to arrest them now?"

Zhu Wei thought about it for a long time, shook his head and responded: "No, there are too many people in the place. If you go in to arrest, the news will be leaked."

"Then wait a little longer?"

"Well, wait."


In this way, two cars of people waited outside for nearly three hours in a temperature of more than 40 degrees below zero before a young man smelling of cigarettes walked out of the venue.

"People are coming out."


"Just himself."

"Let's do it." Zhu Wei immediately ordered: "On the left and right sides, push him directly into the alley."

On the street, the young man was talking on the phone. As he walked, he cursed: "Damn it, I lost more than three hundred again. Damn it. I won't play any more tomorrow. Well, isn't the boss going to have a funeral tomorrow? Yes, I I'll go too. Okay, okay, that's it...see you tomorrow."

The phone had just been hung up, and when the young man was about to cross the street, there was a sudden shout from behind him.

"Liu Chun?!"

The young man paused for half a second when he heard the sound, then suddenly ran away.


A man rushed up from the left and kicked the young man on the waist.

"Brother, you got the wrong person." Liu Chun staggered back a few steps and hit the wall.

"Bang bang!"

Brother Taig swung his solid tactical baton, hit Liu Chun's head twice and shouted: "Do you know why I'm arresting you?!"

"No... I don't know." Liu Chun responded with blood on his face.

"I don't know why you didn't ask?"

"...!" Liu Chun held his head and was speechless.

"Drag him into the alley and get stuck in the traffic jam," Zhu Wei gasped and waved his hands: "Hurry up."

The other end.

Zhang Tian took the phone, sat on the sofa at home and asked, "The second son of the Xing family has agreed to meet with us, right?"

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