District 9

Chapter 1366 Dog

In the infirmary of No. 57.

Kim Tae-soo slowly opened his eyes in the darkness, slightly moved his arm, and heard the sound of shackles rubbing against each other.

He turned around and glanced around, only to realize that he was being held in the infirmary. There was no one around, the room was dark, and the light was very dark, giving people a very depressing feeling.

Jin Taizhu recalled the scene of his wife being bitten to death in his mind, and felt extremely uncomfortable. But the strange thing is that he can't shed a single tear. No matter whether his eyes are closed or open, all he sees is the bitten neck and the iron chair stained with blood...


The door opened, and Yu Weiliang walked in alone, holding a stack of documents.

Kim Tae Soo looked at the ceiling expressionlessly, as if he hadn't noticed him.

Yu Weiliang pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed. He chuckled and said, "Your wife has been taken to the hospital morgue, so you don't have to suffer."

"Are you here to conduct a psychological interrogation on me?" Kim Tae-soo replied numbly.

"No." Yu Weiliang shook his head and sighed: "After all, you are a senior military intelligence officer on No. 57. I have no right to judge you. The Al-Hasa headquarters called and wanted to take you back."

After hearing this, Kim Tae-soo's eyes regained some brightness.

"Before I send you away, there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with." Yu Weiliang took out a set of contracts from the document bag and said briefly: "Yandao is the economic hub of the five districts and it also structures many relationships. The bridge is very important to the upper management. Before you leave, you must hand over your shares."

"Haha!" Kim Tae-soo laughed when he heard this.

Yu Weiliang took out his pen, looked at him with a smile and said, "Here, sign where I said."


Jin Taizhu turned around and slapped Yu Weiliang's palm, knocking away the pen and the contract: "Get out, get out!"

Yu Weiliang paused for a long time, then bent down to pick up the contract and pen again, and still persuaded in an unhurried tone: "Be obedient, don't make trouble, come on, sign."

"You are dreaming, dreaming!" Kim Tae-soo shouted with red eyes: "I tell you clearly that I will never sign until I die, so don't waste your efforts."


Yu Weiliang sighed, shook his head and said, "Old Jin, you said you have been involved in the political field of the fifth district for decades. How come you can't even see this clearly?"

Kim Tae-soo closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Your wife is dead, do you have no weakness?" Yu Weiliang said calmly: "You still have children, you still have a father, you still have father-in-law and mother-in-law! Dog No. 57 needs to be fed every day If you chew on a thigh a day, you will have no relatives in less than a month!"


Jin Taizhu sat up suddenly, tugged on Yu Weiliang's clothes with his shackled hands and shouted: "I'm a fucking senior colonel officer. I have served the fifth district for so many years and escaped death several times. This is what you fucking do." To me?"

Yu Weiliang was pulled by Jin Taizhu's neck collar, but he didn't struggle, and only replied teasingly: "I'm not more like a dog than you? I'm more loyal than you! I even sold my fucking ancestors, and I'm here to help They do things, but with the last sentence above, wouldn’t I still be marginalized?!”

Kim Tae Soo was speechless.

"Look at it, you and I are just chess pieces. Use it if it's useful. If it's not useful, take the chessboard." Yu Weiliang held the contract and pen with a smile, and said calmly: "Accept your fate and sign."

"Hehe, hehe...!"

Jin Taizhu laughed nervously, slowly let go of Yu Weiliang's arm, shook his head and said: "What bullshit evidence and bullshit doubts are just excuses... Are you really sure that I am a ghost? Ah?! Are you really Can you find out? Huh?! Whether I am loyal or not has been repeatedly proven through decades of work. You know better than anyone else that I may have been wronged..."

Yu Weiliang looked at him without saying a word.

"But you can't find who the ghost is! You need to give an explanation to the dead bosses and higher-ups. What you are looking for is just a scapegoat, and I happen to be the most reasonable one, right?!" Kim Tae-soo shouted and questioned road.

Yu Weiliang looked at him unmoved, with no expression on his face.

"Why did you only kill me? Why did you kill my wife?!" Kim Tae-soo smashed his hands on the bed and shouted with veins popping out on his forehead: "Isn't it just because I blocked other people's way? Isn't it because I didn't kill Yandao immediately? Hand over the shares?!"

"I don't know, haha." Yu Weiliang shook his head.

"Haha!" Kim Tae-soo also laughed, shook his head and said: "I am just a fool. I still want to investigate Lin Chengdong's identity, and even risked activating Group 17... What am I trying to do? I'm pretending to be stupid, and pretending to be someone who only cares about making money. , isn’t it good for a dog to try to figure out the intentions of the higher-ups?”

"Yes, it is right to be a dog. I am more in favor of this." Yu Weiliang said in a joking tone: "This time I am reinstated, I told myself that I will be the most ruthless, ferocious and useful dog."

"You bitch, you figured it out earlier than I did."

"Sign." Yu Weiliang emphasized again.

"I won't sign." Kim Tae-soo looked at him blankly: "If you want me to let go of Yandao's equity, you must increase your stake."

"I can force you to sign." Yu Weiliang said calmly: "Chop off your hand and press your fingerprints."

"After Li Zhixun approached me about the shares, I found an agency company in the European Union and signed a contract with them. If something happened to me, the shares would automatically be passed to my son, and they would have full authority to execute the rights and interests of the shares until my son reaches adulthood. ." Kim Tae-soo said briefly: "So, without the presence of a third-party agency, what you forced me to write down will not count."

Yu Weiliang frowned.

"Let me tell you again, I did kill Yao Jingzhong." Kim Taishu said in Yu Weiliang's ear: "There are still many secrets in me. If you kill me now, you will be in trouble."

five minutes later.

Yu Weiliang left the infirmary and took the phone and said, "Mr. Li, Kim Tae-soo is not easy to deal with, and the issue of shares is not what we thought..."

Indoors, Kim Tae-soo squinted at the ceiling and said in a hoarse voice: "I...I can never die like this...!"

In the hotel.

Lin Chengdong hid in the bathroom and used the rain shower head to make noise. Then he took the phone and said to Qin Yu: "I am safe here for the time being, but I am still being monitored by the other party..."

Qin Yu was very happy when he heard Lin Chengdong's voice. After chatting with him on the phone for a long time, he asked in an urgent tone: "Please give me the total. If you don't exchange the chips, it is possible to rescue the second child." How many……?"

Lin Chengdong fell into deep thought when he heard the sound.

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