District 9

Chapter 1424 Father

Early morning.

The Wu mercenary group and the Marion Armed Forces fought together to reach the capital city, but suddenly stopped. Two groups of troops were stationed at the east entrance and the north entrance respectively, regrouping their strength and armaments, and seemed likely to launch an siege against the capital at any time.

The worst thing was the Chongqing Self-Defense Forces. They claimed to have tens of thousands of people when they "went out", but before the war started, the Suo family and the He family ran away with 4,000 people, and made the remaining 6,000 people look like fools.

After Ma Laoer escaped from trouble, Qin Yu once again interrupted the Self-Defense Army's offensive rhythm. He proposed a ceasefire on the condition that Han Tong be handed over to the other party. This move directly led to the expansion of the rift between the Suo family, the He family and Li Zhixun, serious internal disagreements, and also caused the 6,000 self-defense forces outside Chongqing to lose their direction. .

If there is internal strife at the top, how can those below fight?

When these six thousand people were confused and without direction, Lao Li led his team to rob Han Tong in the capital. At the same time, Qin Yu's troops opened fire and penetrated the six thousand main force instantly.

What's heavy?

There were only ten thousand troops, and the main force of six thousand was completely defeated from the front. This kind of blow was very fatal.

Currently, the only remaining self-defense forces in Chongdu are the two thousand people who guarded the city before, plus the more than four thousand people from the Suo family and the He family. The other troops who fled back were completely disorganized. Even their officers had been captured for unknown numbers, and they would definitely not be able to assemble in a short time.

At this time, if Qin Yu attacked the important capital, he would actually be able to fight. Six thousand versus six thousand, he is not too weak. But if there is a fight at this time, the Suo family and the He family will definitely not be able to watch the excitement, and they will definitely fight with their lives to stop it, because if the city is broken, none of them will survive.

In the capital city.

The Wang family, Suo family, He family, as well as Fengxiang Company and Xin'an Company were all panicked.

Six thousand troops came to the city, and Zheng Xinghui, who was in charge of command, and Wang Changli, who was in charge of coordination, were both seriously injured. Li Zhixun, the representative of the fifth district, has also been sent to the ICU. There is no telling whether he will survive or not, let alone let him serve as a bridge for everyone to communicate with the fifth district.

Inside Fengxiang Company.

The head of the Wang family said to He Taiyong in an extremely anxious manner: "You must prepare the existing self-defense forces and open up battle formations at the east and north entrances to be ready to defend Qin Yu's 6,000 men at any time."

"Why panic?" He Taiyong certainly couldn't show too much anxiety at this moment, because he was the first to shout the slogan of refusing to cooperate, and now he has become cowardly, which proves that he was wrong to lead his troops to withdraw from the outside. So although he was nervous inside, his expression remained calm and he said: "The Fifth District and the Pu Army have mobilized their troops. The center is really unstable. They are more anxious than us."

"Don't say these are useless, send the troops out immediately!" Lin Youxiang slapped the table and shouted.

"Okay." He Taiyong nodded.

District 5, in a hotel.

Han Sanqian was sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette with an expressionless face.

The news that Han Tong had been captured had come back, which made Han Sanqian feel a little regretful for the first time. He was even reflecting on whether the words he said to his son were a bit harsh...

Han Yao walked over from the window and spoke quickly: "There is news from Chongdu that Qin Yu stopped attacking when he reached the bottom of the city."

"Are you sure?" Han Sanqian stood up suddenly.


"Then there's still a chance." Han Sanqian immediately took out his cell phone and said, "I'll make a few calls first..."

After saying that, Han Sanqian lowered his head and dialed Mr. Park's phone number.

"Hello? Mr. Han!"

"Master Pu, Qin Yu has stationed troops outside Chongdu?" Han Sanqian asked.

"That's it for now."

"My son was arrested." Han Sanqian said bluntly.

"This is Li Zhixun's work mistake. I represent..."

"Mr. Park, I won't say any more polite words." Han Sanqian interrupted and responded: "I only have one condition."

"you say."

"If there is a peace negotiation, I hope to add a condition that Han Tong must be released in the negotiation." Han Sanqian said bluntly.

Mr. Park was silent for a few seconds: "Okay, no problem."


"We will do our best to deal with your son's matter."


Both of them were understanding people. After explaining the matter clearly, they ended the call.

Han Sanqian stood by the sofa and thought for a few seconds, then dialed the number of Yanbei's upper-level relations.


"Commander, I...I won't be merciful anymore." Han Sanqian paused and said, "You should understand what I mean by making this call."

"What's going on?" Yanbei's chief political officer replied slowly.

"Xiaotong was captured by Qin Yu." When Han Sanqian heard this, he already understood in his heart. It is impossible that the other party didn't know about this. It was just that he was dissatisfied, so he replied like this.

"Why was he arrested?" the chief political officer asked again calmly.

There is a war in Chongdu, and the opponent is the fifth district, four major families and two major companies with questionable positions, so why is Han Tong there? What did he do? !

This sentence choked Han Sanqian so much.

"Old Han, you have been in contact with the European Union too frequently. Have you forgotten many things and friendships?" the Chief of Political Affairs asked softly.

"It's my fault in teaching my son."

"I believe this." The chief of political affairs replied calmly: "But all your son's actions represent you. Without you Han Sanqian, who would know who Han Tong is? What do you think?"

Han Sanqian was silent.

"The relationship between us and the military and government has become very tense, and Qin Yu has the support of the Gu family behind him. I can't intercede in this." The chief of political affairs said softly: "You can find a way to solve this matter yourself."

After saying that, the Chief of Administration was about to hang up the phone, and Han Sanqian immediately shouted: "Chief, for the sake of my many years of hard work, can you help me?"

The Chief Administrative Officer was silent.

Han Sanqian gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and said again: "Maybe I am of little use to the upper levels now, and I can't exert much energy in the ninth district... But after so many years, I can be considered an obedient dog, right? You see In terms of our relationship as master and servant, please help me, okay?"

When Han Yao heard this from the side, he burst into tears.

If Han Sanqian was doing it for himself, he would not say such a thing even if someone put a gun to his head. But for the sake of his son, face, dignity, etc... are not important.

The Chief of Political Affairs was also slightly touched by Han Sanqian's words. He was silent for a while and replied: "Old Han, don't say that. Well, let me try it for you."


Five more minutes.

Ye Lin, who was far away in Yanbei, received a call from Han Sanqian: "Say."

"You call Qin Yu, as long as you save Xiaotong's life, let him set the conditions."

"Okay." Ye Lin agreed immediately.

"I'm waiting for your news." Han Sanqian sighed and hung up the phone.

In Yanbei's luxurious apartment, Ye Lin sat on the sofa and thought for a long time before throwing the phone on the coffee table. She did not call Qin Yu at all, and had no intention of interceding for Han Tong.

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