District 9

Chapter 1450: Moves in the First War Zone

On the way to Fengbei, Shen Yin held the phone in his hand and looked a little solemn.

"What's wrong?" Sha Yong frowned and asked, "Who called you?"

"Zheng Kai, Commander of the First Field Army." Shen Yin replied coldly: "He made it clear to me that if Qin Yu moved closer to the Gu family in the eighth district and changed his banner, then if the Sichuan government was lost, he would follow I’m not done yet.”

"Then this is wrong. Isn't Zheng Kai a very low-key person? How could he speak so bluntly?" Sha Yong was a little confused.

Shen Yin pondered for a while: "Zheng Kai himself would not speak like this. It must be the old man from the World War II zone who expressed his stance, so he took sides."

"Let me tell you, if Qin Yu had no one to back him up, how could he let Qi Lin go to trouble Lao Xu?" Sha Yongxuan said in hindsight: "Damn it, I guess they have already discussed it. After firing the gun and stirring up trouble, the World War II District said that Qin Yu was going to be transferred to the Gu family in the Eighth District and threatened us with this matter."

Shen Yin turned to look at Sha Yong: "It's okay, I'll call my dad."

"Yeah!" Sha Yong nodded.

Shen Yin took the phone and organized some conversation before dialing his biological father's number.

"Hello?" The old man's voice rang when the phone was connected.

"Dad, the World War II area has expressed its position...?" Shen Yin's voice was a little aggrieved, and he told his father what happened with added jealousy.

After hearing this, the old man replied calmly: "Let Wenxu handle this matter. When you return to Fengbei, go directly to the Ministry of Finance."

"Should I contact Secretary-General Wenxu?" Shen Yin asked.

"Why are you contacting Wenxu about the Ministry of Finance and Qin Yu?" The old man frowned and asked: "Let the Ministry of Finance take the initiative to ask the headquarters for assistance in handling this matter, so that Wenxu can have legitimate reasons to intervene. Otherwise, Finance What right do you have to dictate the conflict between the Ministry and the troops in the World War II zone?"

When Shen Yin heard this, he immediately understood: "I understand, Dad!"

"Okay, that's it?"

Early in the morning, around 12 o'clock.

In the Ministry of Finance building, the head of the District Defense Department, the main leaders of the ministry, Shen Yin, Sha Yong and others sat together to discuss.

"I think Qin Yu is just using this to scare people." The director of the district defense department said with a gloomy face: "His mixed brigade has just captured Yuanshan and Nanmu, and he is very confident. In addition, the World War II area is also interested in With these two pieces of fat, we can indirectly control this place through Qin Yu, so we cooperate with him in acting so that we dare not hold ourselves accountable for the shooting incident and compromise on the issue of military expenditures."

"Yes." A middle-aged man nodded in agreement: "The World War II area must be cooperating with Qin Yu's acting and using the Sichuan government to threaten us."

"We can't be threatened by him." Sha Yong said angrily: "Qin Yu has violated the rules not once or twice. In Songjiang, if you don't give him the biggest cake, he will take the lead in making trouble. That one He has tasted the sweetness of this matter, and now he has become accustomed to the point where the higher-ups must approve the military expenditures required for them to form a brigade. If you don't give it, he dares to let senior military officers shoot people from the Ministry of Finance. What's the nature of it? It's too bad."

"He's spoiled. I just don't understand. How could a gangster like him, Lao Leizi, who had grown up from the ground, enter the top military and political circles so easily? And he even reached the level of brigade commander. It's incredible. Yes." The middle-aged man echoed again.

Shen Yin rubbed his palms: "Everyone still hasn't seen the key to the problem."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Shen Yin.

"It's impossible for Qin Yu to hang out with the Gu family in District 8." Shen Yin said lightly with a smile on his face: "First, his main economic focus is in District 9, Tiancheng Group, Tiancheng Pharmaceutical, and those on the ground. Xiang'er's business and the public base in Songjiang? It took a lot of effort to slowly develop it. If the mixed brigade now jumps to the rebels and is incorporated into the Gu family's troops in the eighth district, then he will be gone With the Huncheng Brigade being the bottom card, what should he do with Songjiang's businesses? Can he transfer them all to the Eighth District? Start over from scratch? This is unrealistic! Secondly, Qin Yu's biggest backer in the Ninth District is Lao Wu from the Military Intelligence Department. He was able to get up because of the strong support of the Wu family. Now that he has finally cultivated him into a talent, and indirectly allowed him to take such an important Sichuan government, do you think Old Wu will let him go? Will the World War II zone let him go? ?"

When everyone heard this, they all nodded slowly.

"Qin Yu has too many connections with the Ninth District, and he can't get away so easily." Shen Yin hugged his shoulders and said expressionlessly: "So, we don't need to be threatened by this, let's take Qi Lin from the Huncheng Brigade. , who dared to shoot a leading cadre of the Ministry of Finance for talking about something, he should be held accountable."

"I think it's okay." The director of the District Defense Department nodded.

"In this case, our Ministry of Finance will now call the First Theater Command and ask them to help handle this case." Shen Yin put his hands in, sat forward and said, "Then I will handle the rest." "

"What do you mean, let the First War Zone go directly to Sichuan...?" The director of the District Defense Department asked tentatively.

"Yes, let the Military Discipline Department of the First War Zone go directly to Sichuan Mansion with orders to arrest people." Shen Yin made it clear.

"Is this okay? The mixed brigade is a unit of the World War II zone. It is a bit beyond our authority to arrest people!" Sha Yong reminded.

"I will ask the Military Discipline Bureau of the General Political Bureau to issue a written order." Shen Yin waved his hand and said: "Directly bypass the Military Supervision Bureau and the World War II area, and arrest the people first."

"Then what if Qin Yu doesn't admit it?" Sha Yong asked again.

"Haha, it would be better if he denies it." Shen Yin sneered and said, "I wish Qin Yu would do something drastic again."

Half an hour later.

Qin Wenxu, the head of the Military Discipline Department of the First War Zone, dialed the number of the Military Discipline Bureau under the administration of the General Department of Military and Political Affairs. This department is at the same level as the Military Supervision Bureau, and they are both units that can communicate directly with the office of the supreme military and political commander.

After Qin Wenxu chatted with the people from the Military Discipline Bureau for about ten minutes, he immediately called Shen Yin's father.

"Hey, Commander, I'm done saying hello."

"Then let's do it." The commander said calmly: "Shooting without giving military funds has never happened since the establishment of the district. It must be dealt with seriously."


"that's all."

After getting permission from the commander of the First Theater Command, Qin Wenxu immediately called a dozen elite soldiers from his department and went directly to the Military Discipline Bureau.

It's about four o'clock in the morning.

Three helicopters took off from outside Fengbei City and flew directly to Sichuan.

at the same time.

Qin Yu also received a call from Wu Di: "Hello?"

"I'm not bluffing." Wu Di said bluntly: "Damn it, the Ministry of Finance found Qin Wenxu from the First World War Zone, and then he directly reported it to the military discipline department. Now he may have gone to your side."

Qin Yu was silent for a long time: "Then let him come."

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