District 9

Chapter 1473: Just fight, what can you do?

It was nearly six o'clock in the morning.

The signal soldier stood up and shouted: "Qin Brigade, the anti-aircraft artillery battalion called back and has entered the designated position."

Qin Yu paused for three seconds: "Fire!"

"You have to think about it." Xu Yan couldn't help but said from the side: "If we fight the Ruan family, they will side with Chongdu. The road behind us will not be easy."

"We've already opened fire. Can I still give the Ruan family a chance to stand on Chongdu's side? I'll defeat them today." Qin Yulang shouted with eyes wide open: "Notify the frontline troops to open fire for me!"

Xu Yan was completely stunned. He seemed to have understood now. The loss of Lao Jin might have given Qin Yu an excuse to open fire on the Ruan family. Because he was so determined in wanting to fight, there was no hesitation at all.

Near Taoli Life Town, Li Shihong stood in the commander's position, holding a walkie-talkie and yelling: "First company, second company, focus on the target in the city, shoot out the five tons of artillery shells, let me do it!"


As soon as the order was given, the sound of grinding machinery sounded in the artillery camp, and the muzzle of the gun shot up to the sky, filled with murderous intent.

"Fire continuously!"

"Bang bang bang...!"

The cannon roared, and hot and shiny shells filled the sky and flew directly into the city.

A violent explosion sounded, and the street where the Ruan family lived instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

On the street, around the collapsed houses, a middle-aged man pulled his neck and shouted: "Spread to both sides, spread out, wait until their shelling is over!"

The news that a war might break out has long spread in Taoli Life Town, so most of the Ruan family members have fled to relatively safe places, leaving only people of Ruan Xiong's lineage.


The sound of shelling was earth-shaking, and the entire Taoli Life Town seemed to burst into flames in an instant. The fire illuminated the town brightly, and the private armed forces originally stationed inside fled howling like ghosts.

Two hundred million military expenditures!

Qin Yu had just received an allocation from the Ministry of Finance. This was the time when he was most confident. The junior officers all had large budgets. The anti-aircraft guns were fired at a constant pace, and they were pouring money into Taoli Life Town as if they didn't need money.

After three rounds of shelling, the artillery camp was shut down and ammunition was restocked.

The other end.

Da Ya picked up the walkie-talkie: "Report to the brigade commander that the artillery fire is over."

"I'll give you thirty minutes to penetrate Tao Li." Qin Yu responded.

"Two thousand stragglers, I will definitely defeat them within thirty minutes!" Daya replied in a very firm tone.



Da Ya put down the walkie-talkie, pushed open the door and jumped out, pointing his finger at Tao Li and shouting: "Three mobile companies, fight in for me!"


On the road, there was a continuous sound of cars igniting. Three mobile companies instantly launched an attack at the entrance to the town from a position within the city that could not be attacked by light artillery.

A few minutes later, the convoy arrived at the entrance of the town. More than a dozen machine guns were drawn out and fired fiercely at the bunkers on both sides of the road.

From behind, Daya waved his hand and shouted: "Heavy fire company, lift the RPG to me and throw it at a 45-degree angle into the city. If I don't want to fight, you must open the door for me in one round."

Ten seconds later, dozens of soldiers approached on foot and built temporary launching positions on both sides of the road.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!"

Dozens of RPG projectiles entered the scene.


A violent explosion sounded, and the civilian and military buildings entering the town were like paper. They instantly melted in the fire, falling into pieces and turning into ruins and debris.

Ahead, two platoons of motorized convoys were paralyzed by private armed forces in the city using RPGs. But they did not occupy the impact lane. Dozens of soldiers got out of the car together, harassed the enemy with machine guns, and pushed the car sideways to the center of the road.

This fighting style completely confused the private armed forces in the city. They had never fought against the regular army, and they had never heard of anyone fighting like this.

In a few years, the mixed brigade fought from the northwest front to Sichuan, fighting at least a dozen times in large and small battles. The troops were replaced countless times, and the new recruits had long since become veterans.

It is no longer the mixed brigade that scared half of the Ura Army on the northwest front and fled.

It is a regular army with 2,500 people who dares to station in Sichuan!

Near the commander's motorcade, Daya looked back at the recruits of the second battalion and shouted: "When the opening in front is opened, you guys have to get through it. Sooner or later, you will have to pass this level. Damn it, I will give it to you if we fight the Ruan family today." Practice your skills. Roll around in the fire and among the dead, and you will be my soldiers."

The recruits in the second battalion at the rear were originally a little timid, but seeing Daya's domineering words, their blood boiled for no reason, and they immediately lined up, preparing to enter the battlefield alternately.

Within the town.

Sha Yong stood on the roof of the building, looking at the entrance to the town in disbelief, and stammered: "Does the Hunchback Brigade have this kind of combat capability?"

Ruan Xiong next to him was completely panicked. He kept dialing Zheng Xinghui's number with his phone.

"Damn it, more than a thousand people blocked the door, and they couldn't withstand the impact for five minutes?!" Sha Yong cursed with shock on his face: "Isn't this just adults beating children?! When the Huncheng Brigade was in Songjiang , I don’t even have the courage to confront the regular army, and I have to rely on Chen Jun’s people to block the problem. How long has it been, can it have such combat effectiveness?!”

"Fighted out." The officer who came with Sha Yong next to him replied: "They have fought a lot of battles recently."

"Retreat! Retreat, Ruan Xiong!" Sha Yong turned around, not caring about being polite anymore: "We can no longer fight at the door, let people retreat!"

"I'm calling Zheng Xinghui."

"How far away are they? What's the use of calling them?!" Sha Yong yelled, scratching his neck: "Command here first!"

Yuanshan Life Town, Xu Family.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang, and Qin Yu instantly picked up the phone: "Say, I'm Qin Yu."

"The Self-Defense Forces from Chongdu have already left, neither too fast nor too slow, and are heading towards us." Fu Xinhao's voice sounded.

"Give them shame. Give him some movement and tell him to get back to his knees, otherwise I will kill them all today!" Qin Yu said this and hung up the phone.

five minutes later.

The 2,000 men armed by Marion, as well as a regiment left by Wu Tianyin, plus the new and old battalions of the mixed brigade, plus 2,500 men, reached the capital city at the same time.

"Bang bang bang bang...!"

The large-caliber cannon with retained shells fired more than a dozen rounds at the road outside the capital city. The explosion shattered the road and sent sand and rocks flying everywhere.

As soon as the two regiments of the Self-Defense Army came out, they were stopped outside the gate of Chongdu by artillery shells.


Li Zhan rushed out of his defense area with only three cars, stood on the roof of the car and shouted: "Go back and tell Zheng Xinghui, honestly, you are all lying down! If the Self-Defense Army dares to take a step forward, Tao Lina will Let’s stop fighting on the other side. CNM, I will make sure you have no military power in three days at most!”

Two minutes later.

Zheng Xinghui took the phone and asked: "Are there five thousand people here? Isn't it just a little friction? Qin Yu's attitude is so determined?"

"Yes, the cannons are here. It doesn't look like a threat."

"...!" Zheng Xinghui was silent for three seconds and said decisively: "Forget it, come back and let the Ruan family deal with them on their own."

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