District 9

Chapter 1497 The bloody moat outside Yanbei

At the critical moment of life and death, Li Weichen led 500 people to the scene of the gunfight and temporarily turned the situation around.

Two hundred people directly blocked the military intelligence personnel to the left, while the remaining troops quickly cleared away the pursuing personnel on Xingong Avenue, rushed out of the gap in the special zone wall, and caught up with Gu Tai'an, Qin Yu and others.

"Commander Gu, our soldiers from the General Administration Guard Battalion will send you home!" Li Weichen, with more than a hundred people, stood beside the special zone wall, shouting loudly while shooting.

Gu Tai'an turned around and looked at Li Weichen with no surprise on his face. He just nodded and shouted: "Fight outside and go home together!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone charged together and fought outward.

Qin Yu followed from behind and ran next to Gu Tai'an and Gu Taixian, shouting: "Take off your coats. Spread out a little. After crossing the river, everyone will run their own way. Otherwise, if we are too concentrated, we will definitely be watched." superior."

When the reinforcements arrived, Gu Tai'an did not insist as before, but immediately took off his military coat, wearing only a light gray fleece jacket, mixed in with the large army, and rushed onto the ice.


at this time.

There was a dense sound of breaking wind in the sky, and seven or eight helicopters chased out of the city.

"Disperse, disperse!" Li Weichen roared and commanded.

As soon as the helicopter formation looked out, the soldiers in the cabin immediately set up their machine guns.

"Da da da……!"

Gunshots like firecrackers rang out in the air, and a finger-long gun shot down like a downpour.

Below, soldiers from the guard battalion directly under the General Political Bureau had just rushed through the special zone wall and were blocking the soldiers from the garrison brigade regiment running over the ice, so they were standing very densely.

Helicopters are the absolute natural enemies of infantry. As soon as they fire, the people below will fall in pieces.

The crowd began to disperse, all rushing toward the ice.

"Da da da……!"

The helicopter lowered its altitude, chased everyone, and opened fire collectively.

The ice was cracked and collapsed. Some soldiers suddenly fell into the ice cave while running. Some people had their backs to the helicopters. While they were shouting, they were shot at by sub-ds, and their bodies were broken into pieces.

The slowly flowing moat was stained red with blood. There were corpses, gun pits, and bullet holes everywhere on the shore and on the ice.

In less than two or three minutes, the number of soldiers brought by Li Weichen was reduced by at least one hundred people.

"Whoosh, whoosh...!"

Beside the wall, several RPGs were launched into the air.

"Boom, boom...!"

Three helicopters were hit and instantly exploded into fireworks in the sky.

"Pull it up, pull it up, they've set up the RPG."

"Be careful to avoid the machine gun fire below."


The intercoms in the helicopter formation were also in chaos.

"Rush over!"

Li Weichen fought bloody battles and led the remaining soldiers to penetrate the weakest point of the opponent's crowd, crossed the river, and once again caught up with Gu Tai'an, Gu Taixian and others who were escaping in front.


"Spread out and run!"


In the crowd, experienced veterans were shouting, and the people who had originally fled in a group slowly dispersed.


The leader of the garrison's subordinate regiment felt his heart sink when he looked at the crowd that had dispersed.

"Captain Feng, Commander Feng, can you hear me?!" came the shout from the intercom.

Captain Feng immediately came to his senses and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Speak!"

"I'm Lao Huang!" Chief Huang responded with a walkie-talkie in the city: "We were stopped by people from the General Administration Guard Battalion and can't fight out for the time being. How is the situation over there?"

"The people from the General Administration came too suddenly. They are protecting Gu Tai'an with their lives." Captain Feng immediately replied: "They are running away in scattered directions. I can't stop them."

"Old Feng, if you want Gu Tai'an to return to the First Theater Command, everything will be different. If you can't catch him, kill him. This is an order from the top." Officer Huang roared with a ferocious expression: "Use cannons Fight, fight indiscriminately, hit wherever there are more people, quickly!"

"Got it." After Captain Feng replied, he immediately shouted: "Use the drone to take a bird's-eye view of the situation below, and ask the mortars to fire on the fleeing group of more than ten people."

"Yes!" The adjutant nodded immediately.

"The road here is not easy to walk. The other people gave up their motor vehicles and chased me on foot in platoon units. When they found Gu Tai'an, they immediately reported their location!" Commander Feng ordered again.

Half a minute later.

In the vast wasteland around the gap in the SAR wall, gunshots were fired everywhere, and there were people fleeing and chasing people everywhere. The two sides were mixed together, and there were no bunkers, so they could only engage in the most primitive and brutal fighting.

in the air.

After half of the first batch of seven or eight helicopters that arrived were destroyed, a dozen more helicopters immediately flew out. They chased and opened fire, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Northwest direction.

Qin Yu pressed his left hand on Gu Tai'an's back and shouted at him in a low voice: "Commander, please don't raise your head right now. There are drones all over your head. As soon as you raise your head, you will be recognized instantly."

"Da da……!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a row of missiles fired from the air. Qin Yu did not look back, but relied entirely on his instincts to reach out and pull Gu Tai'an, protecting him and shouting: "Squat down and lie down in the snow shell."


The two of them fell down together and rolled to the left due to the force of inertia.


Qin Yu's body armor was torn to pieces in an instant, and Zid penetrated through the left shoulder.

The burning and unbearable pain came, Qin Yu turned his back to the sky, his ears were filled with the sound of explosions, and his eyes were dizzy.

"Kid, get up!"

After Gu Tai'an got up, he immediately reached out to Qin Yu.

After Qin Yu came to his senses, he slowly stood up.


A sharp crack of wind sounded, and Cha Meng's shout came: "Commander, mortar!"


Cha rushed over and fell on Gu Tai'an and Qin Yu.


There was an explosion and the snow was blown up several meters high.

Qin Yu, Cha Meng, and Gu Tai'an lay motionless under the snow, unresponsive.

After a few seconds.

In the sky, ten fighter jets flying out from the First Theater Command came through the clouds.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!"

After a round of concentrated fire from ten fighter jets, the sky outside Yanbei became bright.

The helicopter formation only had one encounter before they were collectively shattered into pieces.

In the snow shell, Cha Meng sat up suddenly, touched his body very quickly, pulled off a few pieces of mortar shrapnel from the bulletproof vest behind him, and then stretched out his hand to push Qin Yu: "Are you okay? Wake up. !”

Qin Yu slowly opened his eyes. Blood was pouring from his shoulder, but there were no other external injuries on his body.

Cha Meng glanced at Qin Yu briefly, and after seeing that there was no big problem with him, he immediately lowered his head and looked at the commander.

He fell into the snow shell, bleeding from his left side of the ribs.

Cha Meng looked at the wound site and his face turned pale: "The shrapnel collapsed."

on the highway.

Fatty Teng shouted with squinting eyes: "Let the fighter planes cover you in the air, and others quickly find the commander for me. If someone... something happens, I will shoot you, and we will attack Yanbei tonight!"

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