District 9

Chapter 1500 It is difficult for outsiders to interfere in family affairs

The Gu Corps' counterattack attitude was very resolute. As soon as the battle between the two sides started, Gu Taixian transferred Fatty Teng, the top-ranked general in the first battle zone, and asked him to face the Yanbei garrison directly.

After Fatty Teng returned to the division headquarters, he immediately convened a meeting with the core team.

In the conference room, more than two dozen officers stood on both sides of the table. No one sat down and only stood astride to listen to orders.

"Open fire, I have three requests." Fatty Teng used the remote control to turn off the tactical map and looked at everyone and said: "First, there is no main attack direction for this attack. The 10 combat groups only attack the garrison from their respective positions. The brigade launches an attack. The division headquarters will issue adjustment orders based on the rhythm of the attack and changes in the battlefield, but the detailed tactics are directly decided by the regiment-level military commander. There is no need to report to the superiors, and they can act freely. Second, from now on, my division headquarters The command room will move forward 20 kilometers every two hours. During the firefight, if the position of any regiment is surpassed by the division command room, there will be no discussion. The military chief will dismiss the class directly. According to Deal with it with fear of battle. Third, the headquarters’ intention of letting us wield three axes is very obvious. In the first battle, we must show murderous intent. Let me say it bluntly, I have never used the city defense garrison as a dish, and their brigade commander and the staff team, they will only sit in the office, look at the city defense map, and engage in conspiracy fights. Such a military chief is only worthy of sitting in the gallery in the Gu family. Twelve hours, I will give you twelve hours Time, before tomorrow afternoon, I must clear out the garrison. Our ultimate goal is the Yanbei Self-Defense Army, the garrison is just a show, I will touch it tomorrow at the latest."


After hearing this, all the generals saluted with uniform voices and high spirits.

Early that morning.

Fatty Teng's division, consisting of ten full regiments and fifteen thousand men, began to attack the garrison frantically from multiple directions. And since Fatty Teng himself did not issue any purposeful tactical orders, the group leaders below also had fun and began to express themselves freely. Some have two regiments tied together, and some have gone deep alone, attacking the garrison crazily directly from the flanks...

After such a fight, the garrison had no direction. They couldn't figure out the intentions of Fatty Teng's division, so they couldn't figure out which direction their headquarters should focus on for defense. They could only divide their troops to put out the fire, and they were still very worried that someone on the other side would take a detour and go straight to Yanbei. It was very tiring.

Around seven o'clock in the morning.

When the helicopter landed in Sichuan Mansion, Qin Yu walked out of the cabin with his arms hanging, wearing military uniform.

"Hello, Brigadier!"

The officers and guards in the brigade compound immediately saluted Qin Yu.

"Officers above the battalion commander level who have arrived at the brigade headquarters, all go to the conference room. I will have a meeting in five minutes." Qin Yu shouted expressionlessly.

Upon hearing the sound, the officers immediately rushed to the brigade headquarters hall.

"Why did the fight suddenly start?" Li Zhan came over and asked, "This... there was no warning at all beforehand!"

"There are signs, but we can't see them in Sichuan Mansion." Qin Yu frowned and asked, "Has our World War II Area Headquarters made a call?"

"I was just about to tell you about this." Li Zhan replied with a serious face: "The headquarters has given orders to other troops, asking them to stick to the defense zone and not get involved in the military conflict in the eighth zone, but there was no notice. Let's form a mixed brigade. What do you mean..."

"The higher-ups know about our relationship with the Gu family. They have made their attitude clear by not giving orders." Qin Yu frowned and replied, "This matter is difficult to handle. Let me call Chen Jun first."

"Yeah." Li Zhan nodded.

Qin Yu took out his mobile phone, stood next to the helicopter and dialed Chen Jun's number.

A few seconds later, the call came through: "Hello?"

"Brother Jun, what do you think about the eighth district?" Qin Yu asked.

"Oh, it's useless no matter what I look at." Chen Jun sighed and replied: "The party, government and military affairs in the Eighth District have turned against each other, and there are also people from the General Administration who have taken sides. Then this is a family matter in the Eighth District. Outsiders I want to talk, but I can’t get a word in.”

"There won't be any action in District 7?" Qin Yu asked bluntly.

"There will definitely be no action on the matter in the Eighth District." Chen Jun said decisively: "You have friends in the Gu family, but Tang Qingyuan and Secretary-General Zhang don't have friends? Suppose there is any force in the Seventh District, or If the faction is on Lao Gu’s side, then there must be someone who will support the Eighth District Party and Government. This is something you don’t even have to think about.”

Qin Yu was silent.

"Especially our Chen family." Chen Jun did not beat around the bush with Qin Yu: "Once we side with the Gu family, the three major districts will immediately enter a state of full-scale melee. If things go wrong, the party and government meetings between the major districts will secretly form a tacit understanding. Other military and political forces will not continue to watch the show from the sidelines. Politics is like this. When hundreds of schools of thought flourish, the rules will not allow one or two companies to become too big."

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded.

"If the Chen family doesn't move here in District 7, others will definitely not dare to move either." Chen Jun said calmly: "This is actually helping the Iron Hat King."

"Yes, the party, government and college in the Seventh District are all leaning towards Tang Qingyuan, I know this." Qin Yu nodded.

"Do you have any ideas about District 8?" Chen Jun asked.

"Without Gu Yan, I wouldn't be where I am today." Qin Yu replied without hesitation: "If he can't come back on the northwest line, then I will definitely go to Beijing to support him." "

"District Nine will not express its position. If you want to join the war, there will be great resistance." Chen Jun said bluntly.

"Brother Jun, do you have any good ideas?" Qin Yu asked humbly.

"Your World War II district is slightly weaker in the military and political affairs of the ninth district. If the Gu family really unites the eighth district, it will be good for them." Chen Jun replied calmly: "You can act coquettishly with your headquarters. If they agree, You can join the war; if they don't agree, it will be very dangerous for you to open fire in the eighth district."

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded and continued: "Brother Jun, there is one more thing I want to ask you for help..."

"Sichuan Mansion?" Chen Jun asked.

"Yes, Sichuan Mansion and the outer defense area." Qin Yu responded truthfully: "Once the mixed brigade leaves, I'm afraid there will be trouble here too."

"You can go without worries." Chen Jun replied calmly.


"that's all."

After saying that, the two ended the call.

In Yanbei, District 8, Lin Yaozong was sitting on the sofa in his villa, letting the phone ring but not getting through.

"Report!" the adjutant came in and shouted.

"Say." Lin Yaozong raised his head.

"In less than six hours, the city defense brigade was beaten by Fatty Teng and lost more than 1,500 people. All three defense positions were penetrated." The adjutant reported truthfully: "Tang Qingyuan probably couldn't sit still anymore and has been mobilized in advance. Self-Defense Forces, attack in the direction of Fatty Teng."

After hearing this, Lin Yaozong commented without any surprise on his face: "It's okay for the garrison to make money and be a bitch, but when it comes to fighting, they are nothing."

While the two were talking, a dozen cars stopped outside the door.

Tang Qingyuan, Secretary-General Zhang, and more than a dozen people entered the Lin family compound.

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