District 9

Chapter 1505 Give way

Early morning.

Yan Beilin's house was brightly lit, and Lin Nianlei's mother walked into the study with a cup of coffee: "Let's have something to drink."

"Just leave it here." Lin Yaozong, wearing glasses and holding a lot of information in his left hand, was browsing quickly, and responded to his wife without raising his head.

Zhang Lan stepped forward, placed the coffee on the table, and looked at her husband hesitantly.

Lin Yaozong raised his head: "What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

"I just heard a call from the officer below, saying that Qin Yu's mixed brigade was going to pass through the Lin family's Xinyang defense area." Zhang Lan paused and asked, "Will you fire?"

"Don't worry about the army. Get some rest early." Lin Yaozong replied calmly.

"Old Lin, when have I ever intervened in your work matters?" Zhang Lan frowned and replied, "What I'm asking you is not a business matter, but a family matter!"

Lin Yaozong was stunned.

"Old Lin, if you really start a fight with Qin Yu's mixed brigade, how many people will laugh at you?!" Zhang Lan persuaded softly: "The swordfight between the father-in-law and the son-in-law is really a legend. The old man is here When we were young, our Lin family had never been so passive. We don’t have to worry about our own face, but the face of our ancestors...!"

Lin Yaozong suddenly raised his head and looked at his wife with burning eyes.

"You glare at me, and I'll say it too." Zhang Lan is a very intellectual and generous woman. She rarely talks to Lin Yaozong in this tone, but once she does speak, it has some weight: "Old Lin, what are you doing? I don’t care what side you choose. But I know one thing. If you want to beat your own son-in-law for Tang and Zhang, no one outside will think you are considering the overall situation. They will only think you are too soft. The World War II Zone The commander has become the general who leads the politicians' horses and knocks them off their benches!"

When Lin Yaozong heard this, he lowered his head and continued to look at the information, and said with a chuckle: "You can just talk in my ear. You are thinking about it, why don't you call the girl?"

Zhang Lan said nothing.

"You have seen too little about the army." Lin Yaozong said calmly: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

"Then you should go to bed early." Zhang Lan was not a woman who indulged in nonsense. After she finished speaking, she turned and left the study.

Lin Yaozong took a sip of coffee and continued to read the information.

Early in the morning, around 3:30, near Xinyang.

The new reinforced regiment of the mixed brigade Daya, Wang Tianhui's 113th regiment, Xiaobai's 114th regiment, and Ou Xiaobin's 115th regiment, formed a vanguard of tens of thousands of people and were already very close to the Lin family's defense area.

Along the highway.

Daya was very nervous and asked with the walkie-talkie: "Is the investigation company back?"

"Report, just came back."

"Have the Lin family's troops moved?" Daya asked immediately.

"It's not moving, but it's not disengaging either." The commander of the reconnaissance company responded on the intercom: "Their forward regiment is still sticking to Highway 029, which is about fifteen kilometers away from us. If we move at normal speed, we should be very fast. We’re about to run into them.”

"Keep a distance of about five kilometers from the main force and continue the investigation." Daya ordered.


After the two ended the call, Da Ya took off his military cap and touched his head with his hand: "Damn it, what are you going to do when you meet your in-laws' army?"

"Wang Tuan, is Wang Tuan here?"

Just when Daya was feeling a little worried, Xiaobai shouted on the command channel.

"Copy that, please speak!" Daya immediately picked up another intercom.

"Have the Lin family's troops been withdrawn?" Xiaobai asked.

"It didn't move, it didn't move away." Daya shook his head and replied, "It's like he fell asleep. We don't know what that means."

"I personally suggest slowing down the advance and waiting for the higher-ups to make a decision." Ou Xiaobin also interjected: "Let me be clear in advance, I am not afraid of the battle, I just think... we have pressed the troops up, and I don't know if we can launch it by then. Open fire, the situation is quite embarrassing."

Daya thought about it for a long time: "What you said makes perfect sense. Our four groups should slow down our progress first and wait for the higher-ups to make a decision."




The other three responded immediately.


In the Eighth District Government Building, Secretary-General Zhang was sitting on the sofa in the lounge. He looked up at Tang Qingyuan and said, "The Sichuan government's mixed brigade is here, but the Lin family has not moved."

"Didn't fire or disarm?" Tang Qingyuan asked.

"Yes." Secretary-General Zhang nodded.

"This Lin Yaozong is just waiting for us to express our stance first." Tang Qingyuan took a sip of tea, frowned and said, "You should give him a call."

"Okay!" Secretary-General Zhang nodded.

five minutes later.

In the Lin family's study room, Lin Yaozong answered Secretary-General Zhang's call: "Hello?"

"Old Lin, are you in trouble now? Haha!" Secretary-General Zhang asked with a smile.

"What's the trouble?" Lin Yaozong replied calmly: "I didn't let the Xinyang troops move, I was just waiting for your call. Otherwise, if I withdraw the defense directly, your faces will not look good."

In one sentence, Secretary-General Zhang choked up and laughed twice.

"Although I don't approve of Qin Yu, there is this relationship after all." Lin Yaozong continued: "If you open fire on him, then the Lin family will become the laughing stock of the three major districts."

"Yes, we have also considered this." Secretary-General Zhang immediately replied: "Let's do this. You inform the troops to let him pass through the Xinyang Defense Area, and Guo Yu's New First Army will follow behind."

Lin Yaozong paused and said, "Secretary-General Zhang, please call earlier next time if this happens. I won't always give you this face."

Secretary-General Zhang understood the dissatisfaction in Lin Yaozong's words and replied with a haha: "You misunderstood. We have just received the news about the Huncheng Brigade passing through the Xinyang Defense Area, and we did not deliberately embarrass you."

"That's it." Lin Yaozong replied and hung up the phone.

In the lounge.

Tang Qingyuan stepped in and looked at Secretary-General Zhang and asked, "What did he say?"

"I'm not satisfied. I think we are deliberately causing friction between him and the Huncheng Brigade by not calling him for so long." Secretary-General Zhang replied calmly.

"This Lin Yaozong can really keep his composure." Tang Qingyuan pondered for a while and said, "Old Zhang, you need to show him a card as soon as possible and let him express his position as soon as possible."

"It's been negotiated over there. As long as the Self-Defense Forces have exhausted Fatty Teng, we will take action right away." Secretary-General Zhang replied.

"That's good." Tang Qingyuan nodded.

Half an hour later.

Daya took the military phone and said to Qin Yu: "The Lin family's troops have withdrawn, and we can get through."

"Then move forward."

"But there is a problem. If we pass by and the Lin family suddenly fires from behind, then we will really be attacked from both sides. We will have to face tens of thousands of people strangled." Daya reminded.

"My four regiments behind will guard the highway. If they open fire, I will give you time to withdraw." Qin Yu immediately replied.

"I understand." Da Ya nodded.

The other end.

The director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Eighth District, sitting at his desk, looked at Chief Huang and said, "Your immediate task is to mobilize military intelligence resources to the best of your ability to serve Guo Yu's New First Army."

"I have been prepared for a long time and will ensure that I complete the mission!" Officer Huang shouted after saluting.

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