District 9

Chapter 1507: Confused and bluffed

About two hundred kilometers to the north of Yanbei is the defense area of ​​the 231st Regiment of the Second Division of the New First Army. The highway here extends northward and extends in all directions. And a long time ago, there was a grain transport river here, so it is called Tonghe. area.

It's about seven o'clock in the evening.

Wang Tianhui's regiment suddenly advanced from the ribs, advanced to a position five kilometers to the left of the 231st regiment, then stopped, and stationed itself along the highway.

After another half an hour, Xiaobai's 114th Regiment also moved to the left, hitting the 231st Regiment from the front, and also stationed about five kilometers away from them.

After the two troops pounced on them, Wang Tianhui and Xiaobai immediately sent orders to each battalion, company, and platoon. The troops could deploy along the highway, but there was no need to set up camps. All subordinate combat units must maintain a certain safe distance and not get together.

The leader of the 231st Regiment is named Cui Li, who is also a veteran officer in the Eighth District. He was standing in the command room of the regiment at the moment, feeling very insecure and cursing: "What the hell, these two troops are coming up like this. It's obvious." It’s for us.”

"Regiment Commander, their 113th Regiment came in from the ribs, directly cutting off the connection between us and the 232nd Regiment, and there was also a main regiment in front. If this suddenly opened fire, our regiment would be in danger." Regiment Headquarters Staff Officer He frowned and said: "I heard that Qin Yu's troops are good at night fighting. These two regiments are so close to us. If they suddenly open fire and form the main regiment of Brigade King He Nan, as long as they go up to contain the 232 regiment, then as long as we retreat, it will be equivalent to If you get out of the defense zone, but if you fight hard, there is a risk of being eaten."

Cui Li touched his shiny bald head and immediately picked up the phone: "I'll report to the division headquarters!"

Ten seconds later, the chief of staff of the Second Division answered Cui Li's call. The latter told the truth about his situation and asked the superiors to come up with a plan quickly.

After hearing this, the chief of staff immediately gave instructions: "They are provoking. Don't be fooled. Just remember, if the mixed brigade doesn't fire first, we won't move! If they fire, the division headquarters will immediately mobilize the regiment behind them." reinforce."

Cui Li knew that it would take at least more than an hour for the rear troops to catch up, but in modern warfare, this more than an hour was enough for the two opposing regiments to launch n charges, so he still felt unsure, but the superiors had already spoken, and he did not What can I say.

In this way, the 231st Regiment, surrounded by the two regiments of the mixed brigade, survived for half an hour shivering. The officers of each battalion, company and platoon kept communicating with each other in confusion.

Around 8:30 pm.

Cui Li was sitting in the regiment headquarters, holding a phone and communicating with the leader of the 232nd regiment: "You are mainly keeping an eye on Wang Henan's reinforced regiment. If they fire first, this regiment will definitely come forward to contain you. Yes, I am here Caught...!"


While Cui Li was on the phone, there was sudden sound of gunfire along the highway!

"F*ck!" Cui Li, who was a junior in the cultural class and had a very bold personality, cursed when he heard the sound of the cannon and immediately stood up and shouted: "Fired?"

After the sound of the artillery fire, the entire regiment headquarters moved, and the staff immediately called the subordinate battalions and companies to inquire.

"Check quickly, who is shooting where the cannon is fired!" Cui Li stepped forward and shouted.

at the same time.

At the headquarters of the 232 regiment, the signal soldier stood up and shouted: "Report to the regiment commander, there is a call from the first battalion. Wang Henan's troops are rushing up from the front!"

After hearing this, the regiment leader immediately made a deployment: "Let the second and third battalions go up and be ready to engage the enemy!"


The gunfire was still ringing, and there were bursts of smoke along the highway.

In the defense area of ​​the 2nd Battalion of the 231st Regiment, the battalion commander looked into the distance with a telescope and cursed in disbelief: "Who is attacking the mixed brigade?"

"I don't know!" Deputy Battalion Commander 6 shook his head and replied.

While the two were talking, the signal soldier immediately stood up and shouted: "Report to the battalion commander, there is a call from the forward observation post, saying that two battalions of the enemy's 113th Regiment have rushed towards our defense area!"

"Don't hang up the phone, I'll contact the regiment headquarters!" The battalion commander ran back and dialed the number of the regiment headquarters himself.

A few seconds later, Cui Li's voice rang on the phone: "What's going on? Who's firing!"

"It's not us!" the battalion commander shouted urgently: "From what I can see, Wang Tianhui's troops have been shelled. Two of their battalions have already rushed over and are very close to us!"

"Find out who opened fire first!" Cui Li frowned and scolded: "You are so close, can't you understand this?"

"Looking at the direction of the cannonball, it should be towards the 232nd Regiment!"

"Impossible, Lao Liu was calling me just now, telling me not to fire!"

"But that's the direction I'm looking at!" The battalion commander pulled his neck and replied: "Commander, the enemy troops have been shelled and are now coming up. What should we do?!"

Cui Li got entangled when he heard the sound, because he was not allowed to fire first because of the order from above, but on the battlefield, whoever strikes first has an advantage. If the other two battalions rush up, his own people are still standing stupidly. Then he will definitely get beaten first.

Seeing that Cui Li didn't respond, the battalion commander immediately shouted again and asked: "Are you going to fight or not?"

"Are you damn sure that the shells were fired from the direction of the 232nd Regiment?"

"...I judge that the attack was from the 232nd Regiment." The battalion commander was worried about the safety of his troops, so he bite the bullet and replied.

"Then if they dare to come close, fight back!" Cui Li immediately ordered.

Along the highway, the 113th Regiment command position.

Wang Tianhui held the walkie-talkie with sweat on his forehead and kept asking: "How is it?! Did the other side open fire?"

"No, we are rushing forward. The enemy's second battalion has already formed its formation and made a gesture to engage the enemy." The battalion commander immediately replied.

"Don't hang up the phone, keep charging forward!" Wang Tianhui gritted his teeth and shouted: "When approaching the opponent's defense area, build a mortar position for me, and act like it!"


"Send the drones out too!" Wang Tianhui added.


About five minutes later.

In the position of the 2nd Battalion of the 231st Regiment, the battalion commander held a telescope and saw that Wang Tianhui's troops had built a mortar position outside the line. He immediately shouted: "They are going to attack. Fire for me with the company. The RPG will focus the fire on them and attack them." Artillery emplacement!”

After a few seconds.

Two platoons of soldiers entered the trenches first and set up RPGs.


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh...!"

Flames rose in the trench, and more than a dozen RPGs took the lead in taking off!


The four groups of vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft guns of Wang Tianhui's troops were instantly set up!

"Da da da!"

The muzzle of the gun swept across the air, and RPG shells exploded in the sky instantly!

The battalion commander held a walkie-talkie in the car, pulled his neck and shouted: "He was fooled and opened fire first!"

"Did the drone observe it?" Wang Tianhui asked.


"Damn it, keep the evidence and use it for our headquarters to file a lawsuit later!" Wang Tianhui cursed excitedly: "You still know how to deal with it, and you were so confused and bluffed that you really fooled the other side and opened fire first!"

On the other side, Daya shouted to Qin Yu with a walkie-talkie: "They opened fire!"

"Attack the 231st Regiment and beat him to death!" Qin Yu immediately gave instructions.

at the same time.

At the headquarters of the Second Division of the New First Army, the division commander stood at the window of the headquarters, looked at the combat zone with a telescope and said: "Fire started?!"

In the military garrison area, a car stopped. Officer Huang got out of the car with everyone and walked directly to Guo Yu's office.

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