District 9

Chapter 1514 Steel Torrent

Tonghe battlefield.

The Xinyi reinforced regiment of the mixed brigade and Xiaobai's 114th regiment have withdrawn from the flank battlefield, while Ou Xiaobin's 115th regiment is getting rid of the enemy's 232nd regiment and is being covered by Wang Tianhui's 113th regiment.

But just when the large forces were retreating across the board and preparing to fight and run away, the troops of the Second Division of the enemy's New First Army finally pounced on them like a tide after gathering and marching for two hours.

This is the first time that the mixed brigade has encountered a regular army with strong combat capabilities since the end of the First World War in the Northwest. The opponent's fighting style and the modern combat capabilities of the troops have taught the mixed brigade a solid military lesson.

Along the left side of the highway, the 232nd Regiment was launching a full-scale counterattack. The tactical purpose was obvious. They wanted to hold back Ou Xiaobin's troops and prevent him from running away. However, with Wang Tianhui's 113th Regiment providing cover and blocking, and Ou Xiaobin not wanting to fight, the retreat was not slow.

But even so, as soon as the fully mechanized troops of the Second Division came up, the distance between the two sides was quickly shortened.

In the vast wasteland on both sides of the road, an armored regiment under the Second Division of the New First Army and nearly a hundred all-terrain T-15 combat tanks rushed over like a torrent of steel.

Each tank is equipped with all-terrain sensors. While the tires are crushing the snow, the sensors can quickly report data to the terminal in the cockpit. For example, the snow depth in front, the distance between friendly tanks on both sides, wind direction, humidity and other data are clearly displayed. And the terminal will simulate the most ideal route, just like navigation, accurately guiding the tank forward.

With this kind of electronic terminal equipment, the tank's advancement speed is very terrifying. Standing far away, you can only see the snow mist rolling on the ground, and the armored regiment looming over you.

On the retreat section of the 115th Regiment, a battalion commander took a walkie-talkie and shouted: "European Regiment, there is an armored regiment on the opposite side, and it is advancing too fast."

After Ou Xiaobin heard the sound, he immediately shouted to the signal soldiers: "Let the long-range firepower units stop for a moment, build a defensive position on the spot, and fight back. Wang Tianhui's troops have not come out yet, let's cover him."

"Yes!" The signal soldier immediately picked up the equipment and called the long-range fire unit.

In the command vehicle of the Second Division, the division commander Yang Liandong shouted with a huge military phone: "Is the armored regiment attached?"

"Reporting to the division commander, our unit has caught up with the target unit."

"Fire for me!" Yang Liandong gritted his teeth and roared: "Ignore the others, just attack the target troops to death."


Frontier battlefield.

The tank group of the armored regiment turned its gun barrels and aimed at the retreat section of the 113th regiment like a collective military salute. After the observation unit reported a series of precise targets, they frantically launched a covering strike there.

Along the highway, artillery fire rose. As soon as the troops of the 113th Regiment, which was retreating to the rear, gathered together, the bombed people fell over and their formations were scattered.

In the regimental command car, five or six walkie-talkies rang at the same time.

"Reporting to the regimental commander, the second battalion was covered by heavy firepower and the anti-aircraft cannons were ineffective... We suffered heavy losses..."

"Report to the commander, the tank group is advancing too fast and has already bitten our tail..."


Wang Tianhui heard the shouting and immediately switched the intercom to full channel: "Don't fucking panic, don't panic! Can the rear troops use anti-armor equipment to attack their tank group?"

"We can't fight." The commander of the third battalion shouted back: "There were armored vehicles guarding the wings around their tank group. They were advancing very fast. As soon as our men stopped, they were crushed to pieces in an instant. Moreover, the existing counterattacks It is completely impossible for armored troops to block the attack of an armored regiment."

Wang Tianhui gritted his teeth: "Speed ​​up the mechanical troops, and the troops behind can retreat on their own without having to run along the predetermined route."

Wang Tianhui actually said this very euphemistically. The straightforward meaning is that you can run as fast as you can without worrying about formation issues. Just evacuate the battlefield quickly and return to rebuild.

"Understood!" the third battalion commander immediately replied.

at the same time.

Wang Tianhui took the walkie-talkie and called Xiaobai, Daya, and Ou Xiaobin's troops again: "Their tank group is advancing too fast, and it seems that it is not affected by the terrain at all. Our rear troops are being held back, you three A regiment, focus on long-range firepower, build defensive positions on the spot, and help me fight their tank group."

"no problem!"



Daya, Xiaobai, and Ou Xiaobin responded immediately.

About half a minute later.

All long-range heavy firepower units of the New Reinforcement Regiment, the 114th Regiment, and the 115th Regiment all established artillery positions on the spot, preparing to fire at the enemy's tank group.

"Boom boom...!"

In the sky, six Y-18 transport planes unique to District 8 roared in.

High in the air.

Soldiers from the 1st Special Brigade of the Second Division, wearing multifunctional combat uniforms that were completely different from those of the army infantry, opened the iron gate at the rear of the cabin in the air.


In the cabin, the technical soldiers of the 1st Special Brigade quickly unfastened their seat belts and stood up, pressing the sliding track switch in the cabin.


The sound of sour teeth sounded, and silver drop boxes about two meters high and three meters wide were pushed to the rear of the cabin on the track in groups of two.


The steel plate on the outside of the box rose up, and rows of conductors inside leaked out.

"The long-range firepower unit of the enemy's new reinforcement group has been focused!"

"The long-range firepower unit of the enemy's 114th Regiment has been focused!"

"The enemy has been targeted...!"

Reports were received one after another in the headquarters of the Special 1st Brigade.

The young brigade commander looked at the heat map and ordered succinctly: "Put it in!"

After a few seconds.

"Swish swish!"

The silver drop box in the cabin began to roll, and warheads fell from the air with incomparable precision.

at the same time.

The team leader of the first brigade in each cabin immediately shouted: "Gather and prepare for airborne landing."

In the cabin, thirty soldiers stood up and walked to the end of the cabin in two teams.

Below, inside the Tonghe battlefield.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

As soon as the long-range units of the three regiments were deployed, the cannonballs in the air hit them. After two rounds of baptism, all the artillery positions were in a disabled state.

"End of delivery."

The team leaders in each cabin immediately waved their hands and shouted: "Airborne at the predetermined position, quickly!"


One by one, the soldiers untied their safety ropes and jumped out of the cabin.

The New First Army is the most special and different of all the opponents faced by the mixed brigade, because it represents a modernized regular army.

Compared with the New First Army, the private armed forces of the Sichuan government and the self-defense forces are like kindergarten troops, because the two sides are not of the same magnitude at all. One is just an armed force led by families or local forces, and the other is an actual regular army.

Although the Pu Clan Legion outside the Southwest and Northwest has strong combat attributes and an extremely tough combat style, in the end it is a large private armed group and does not rely on the regular army of the region.

If you want to sum up the difference between the Pu clan army and the new army in one sentence, it would be that one is the godson raised in the fifth district, while the other is the legitimate son of the eighth district. And this legitimate son has always had the unlimited support of the uncle's "party and government" behind him. This is the difference.

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