District 9

Chapter 1516 Heavy losses

It would have been better if Ou Xiaobin didn't retaliate, but this time when he retorted to Wang Tianhui, who was already in a state of shock, he turned the table over.

"I'm going to fuck you!" Wang Tianhui rushed up and punched him.

No one present expected that Wang Tianhui would take action, including Ou Xiaobin who retorted. Before he could figure out what was going on, he was punched and knocked back two steps. His eyes were bloodshot on the spot.

"You bitch, commanding a regiment now makes you feel bad, doesn't it? Have you forgotten how you screamed like Brother Wang when you were the battalion deputy for me?" Wang Tianhui cursed irrationally: "Damn it, when we were on the battlefield just now, who kept calling me for support? I helped you retreat and killed all the regiments, and you still said there was something wrong with my command?! I should have ignored you then and let you The tanks will crush you white-eyed wolf to death...!"

Wang Tianhui's words were a bit sharp. As the saying goes, don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, don't expose someone's shortcomings when you scold someone.

Ou Xiaobin graduated from the Army University. Although his grades in various subjects were not as good as those of Da Ya, he still had the rank of captain after leaving school, directly to the level of deputy battalion. Later, Daya withdrew from the army in the First War Zone and returned to serve in his family's mixed brigade. Ou Xiaobin and Li Shihong defected to Qin Yu's mixed brigade out of classmate friendship and brotherhood.

At that time, the size of the army was relatively small, and the positions of major military officers were limited. In addition, Ou Xiaobin was a newcomer, so Qin Yu asked him to serve as the deputy battalion commander of Wang Tianhui's battalion. After training for a period of time, he was made the battalion commander, and after the mixed brigade expanded to eight regiments, he was appointed commander of the 115th regiment.

There is actually nothing wrong with this resume, but when Wang Tianhui made this clear in front of a series of core military officers, the meaning became obvious.

Are you okay now? Now that you've become the team leader, you've expanded. Are you no longer the player behind me as the battalion deputy? If you dare to choke me with your words, are you so stupid? !

This kind of identity suppression can be said to be very lethal among officers of the same level. In addition, Wang Tianhui also punched him, which can be said to be both a slap in the face and a shortcoming.

But it makes sense for Wang Tianhui to be so impulsive. His 113th regiment was almost completely wiped out, with no soldiers, no weapons and equipment, and many relatives, friends, childhood friends, and buddies who came from Xinxiang together either died in the battle or ran away.

Then anyone facing this kind of result will definitely have an explosive mentality. In addition, Wang Tianhui grew up in a wealthy family and always wanted to save face. It was quite harsh for Ou Xiaobin to say in public that his commanding skills were not good.

"Damn it, you're afraid of fighting, I...!" Wang Tianhui was so angry that he couldn't let go. When he saw Ou Xiaobin looking at him with red eyes, he decided to take action.

When Wang Tianhui threw the first punch, no one expected it, but if there was no one to hold him back for the second punch, it would be unreasonable.

Xiaobai was the first to rush up and pushed Wang Tianhui: "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Your own people are beating your own people?! Calm down!"

"Say what you say, don't do anything." Daya also stopped him because Ou Xiaobin was his classmate and comrade-in-arms.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Wang Tianhui was still yelling.

Ou Xiaobin stood in the distance, looking at Wang Tianhui coldly, and stopped talking, let alone being stubborn with him.


While Wang Tianhui was fighting with everyone, Qin Yu, who didn't expect him to do anything, stepped in and kicked him on the butt.

Wang Tianhui turned his head suddenly.

"What are you doing?!" Qin Yu asked coldly.

When Wang Tianhui saw Qin Yu, he immediately stopped struggling. He only twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at him while panting violently.

"Are you crazy? On the battlefield, each unit has its own responsibilities. I heard everything you shouted on the intercom. Your regiment itself has to shoulder the task of covering. You didn't do it well, and the troops dispersed. , What kind of evil fire are you throwing at other people?!" Qin Yu asked loudly.

"It's true that I was responsible for covering the task. When it was time to withdraw, my men carried the artillery shells and attacked, and they fell one by one! Ou Xiaobin's regiment was so close, and they didn't provide any effective support. They ran faster than rabbits. Come on, is this what brother troops should do?" Wang Tianhui almost cried and shouted: "Our Wang family is different from the Qi family and the Xu family, Brother Yu! We are foreign soldiers, and we all left our hometown in Sichuan. They may not be able to go back home for several years, and now these people can’t even be buried in their ancestors’ graves after they die!”

When everyone present heard this, they all fell silent and were a little moved.

Qin Yu could feel Wang Tianhui's psychological emotions, but from his position, he also had to be fair and reasonable: "I tell you, Wang Tianhui, any soldier who is dragged to this battlefield is not jumping through the cracks of rocks. Those who came out also have families. I can understand your regiment's heavy losses and emotional fluctuations, but it's definitely not okay for you to hit people. You write me a review immediately, and you must apologize in public at the brigade headquarters meeting tomorrow."

Wang Tianhui clenched his fists and did not look at Ou Xiaobin at all. He just gritted his teeth and replied: "Brother Yu, I beg not to attend the meeting for a while."

"You must apologize during the regular meeting." Qin Yu knew that it would be unrealistic to force Wang Tianhui to speak softly to Ou Xiaobin at this time, because his psychology and emotions had already collapsed: "Take him down."

After that, Wang Tianhui left. Qin Yu walked up to Ou Xiaobin and patted his shoulder: "Are you okay?"

"Haha, it's okay, Brigadier." Ou Xiaobin nodded and replied.

"Understand him." Qin Yu sighed and said: "Two thousand people have been dispersed, and I don't know how many can come back. He knows most of the people who died here."

Ou Xiaobin nodded.

"Let's have a meeting!" Qin Yu patted his shoulder again, raised his head and shouted.

At the meeting, the cadres of the brigade and the military commanders of each regiment and battalion, dozens of people inside and outside, seemed very silent.

The battle damage was quickly counted, and the casualties of the four regiments, plus the number of prisoners, were as high as more than 2,500. Among them, Wang Tianhui's regiment suffered the worst. All the organization was destroyed, the entire regiment's equipment was lost, and the number of personnel was reduced by about 1,500. Some died in battle, some were captured, and some lost contact. Only a few people who ran away rushed back to the army.

At the same time as this large-scale attrition, the weapons and equipment of the four regiments also experienced great losses. Almost all the long-range firepower units of each regiment were eliminated, and only the mobile mechanical equipment was still intact.

In the conference room, the atmosphere was extremely depressed, and no one spoke.

Li Zhan felt that this was not going to work and morale was too low, so he was the first to speak: "I have a few words to say."

"Say!" Qin Yu replied.

"First of all, our combat effectiveness should not match Guo Yu's new army. Not to mention the huge gap in our numbers, but also in terms of weapons, equipment and personnel quality. So I don't understand why the Gu family We have to be sent to stop them." Li Zhan frowned and said: "And what I can't understand the most is that so far, the strength and counterattack efficiency of the Gu family have been very average, and they don't seem to have the ability to compete for the highest military power. strength. Take the shooting of Commander Gu as an example. He himself was already taking over some powers of the General Administration of the Military. So during such an important power handover period, why could he be so easily sniped? Didn't you hear any news beforehand? This in itself is a sign of weak ability. Secondly, after he was injured, there is no news until now. So are you in a critical state or recovering from an injury? You are Give me a word of truth! Otherwise, how can we people have confidence in our hearts?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of all the officers at the conference table lit up, because Li Zhan said everything they wanted to say.

At the New First Army headquarters, Guo Yu took the phone and said: "Don't worry, Secretary-General Zhang, the mixed brigade has been beaten outside the battlefield and will definitely not dare to come back. I will immediately ask the troops to turn around and approach Hucha. Haha, yes, I know something is going to move over there..."

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