District 9

Chapter 1527 Two battlefields

After the Dragon War started, the Gu Corps, the Lin Corps, the Tang Zhang faction's coalition forces, and the mixed brigade that came from Sichuan Mansion all went into battle. The total number of troops involved in this battle is as high as more than 200,000. This is a scale of military conflict that has never been seen in the Asia League region since the region was established.

Qufu area, inside the Gu Corps headquarters.

Gu Tai'an looked at the sand table and said with a very clear mind: "This battle will be divided into two major battlefields. In the Khocha area, after the reserve soldiers filled Gu Taixian's second group army, they immediately opened up the formation for me and fully engaged the enemy. Facing the enemy's Self-Defense Forces, the enemy's 27th Division, and the enemy's New First Army. On the north side of Yanbei, Qin Yu's mixed brigade advanced to the vicinity of Xinyang, waiting to join the Lin family troops coming from the ninth district. After the two sides met, I will attack from the rear behind the New First Army, on the outskirts of Khucha, and form a double-team with the Second Army to outflank them."

The generals listened quietly and wrote down notes quickly.

"The second battlefield begins around Yanbei." Gu Tai'an pointed to the position of Yanbei on the sand table and said: "Order, after the bombardment, Lin Yaozong's troops pressed across the entire line outside Yanbei City, blocking the enemy's 415th Division. The direct-affiliated division and several other directly-affiliated regiments give them no room to escape. There are more than 30,000 people here, so we can suffocate them to death. I will finish the big things first and then deal with them."

At this moment, Gu Tai'an's choice of words was very particular. He was talking about ordering Lin Yaozong's troops, not requesting them. This also revealed certain affiliations. In this period, being able to say something with such confidence is a testament to his courage. And this kind of courage is currently not possessed by anyone in the Gu Corps.

"What about our troops in Qufu?!" the chief of staff asked.

"Order Fatty Teng's divisions, the 1st Armored Division and the 2nd Mechanical Division directly under the headquarters, to capture the enemy's air finger points as quickly as possible." Gu Tai'an said concisely: "This bomber is always on our head. Wandering around is not okay. If they throw bombs, we will kill people. If we use air defense units to hit them, it will consume our own air defense power. This unit is too valuable and cannot be hit too hard, otherwise the subsequent formation will be a problem. Forget it. Now, let’s stop arguing with them and take off the empty finger for me first.”

"Okay, I'll give the order right away!" The chief of staff nodded.

After Gu Tai'an issued a series of orders, the military doctor accompanying the team immediately stepped forward and said: "Commander, it's time for you to get an injection and change the dressing."

Gu Tai'an thought for a moment and replied briefly: "Bring your medicine box over and give me an injection and change the medicine here."

The military doctor immediately understood: "Okay."

Ten minutes later.

Gu Taian was sitting in the headquarters, changing the wound medicine and gauze in front of the generals. Everyone took a sneak peek at the wound on his ribs. Although it looked shocking, it was obviously nothing serious.

Old Man Gu is so stubborn that he insists on murdering people. He knew that there were many rumors outside that he was commanding while holding his breath, but in fact he was seriously injured. The more outsiders said this, the more he changed dressings and gave injections in front of everyone, telling the outside world that I was very strong and could go up to the sixth floor in one breath without blushing or breathing.

Inside the Xinyanglin Corps headquarters.

Lin Yaozong sat on the office chair and said with a smile: "Commander Gu's order has come down?!"

"Yes, the wording... is not a request, but an order." The chief of staff sighed: "He will confirm his power now."

"It's expected. He is different from Tang and Zhang. The battle between the two sides is negotiated. Anyone with the title of general has the right to speak, but Lao Gu has to confirm his leadership position before fighting. Everyone has to Listen to him, this is his style." Lin Yaozong stood up and said: "There are hundreds of thousands of troops participating in the war, and their authority must be confirmed, otherwise the fighting will become more chaotic. Inform the subordinate troops to implement the orders of the Gu Department Headquarters, and our troops will Keep an eye on the defenders of Yanbei."

"Attack?" asked the chief of staff.

"You haven't understood yet. Lao Gu's order is for us to block the gate and not to attack. He is trying to sell us a favor." Lin Yaozong replied with his hands behind his back: "The siege battle cost us a lot, he is embarrassed to let us Come, so the main force has to do this work themselves."


"Just block the door," Lin Yaozong made an immediate decision: "Buy time for the Gu Corps."

"Okay." The chief of staff nodded.

Three hours later.

Khutcha region.

The first wave of reserve troops has been deployed to various combat units. These people did not report directly to the military headquarters, nor did they assemble at a fixed location. Instead, the Second Group Army had already divided them into combat units while they were still on their way. As soon as they entered the battlefield, they were immediately divided.

On the forward front, more than 20,000 people from Gu's Second Group Army have already set up garrison areas. After the first wave of reserve troops were brought back, half of the remaining 20,000 active troops immediately returned because they had completed Accepted his own task of receiving troops.

In just three hours, the strength of the Second Army surged to about 50,000, and this was just the beginning.

In the headquarters of the Second Army, Gu Taixian took a look at the number of people reported by each combat unit, and immediately said: "Damn it, the code numbers are almost done, inform the frontline troops to keep an eye on Tan Zhongshu's 27th Division, and die. Do these two-and-a-half-year-olds. The new reserve soldiers from the rear will support me from a distance and get a feel for it first."

After the order was passed to the frontline troops, a main division suddenly came out of the defense area, concentrated all its firepower and troops, and frantically attacked Tan Zhongshu's 27th Division.

Less than twenty minutes into the battle between the two sides, all the armored regiments and mechanical regiments of Gu's Second Army rushed forward. Half of the troops here are newly added reserves. They are on the flank battlefield, attacking Tan Zhongshu's 27th Division mainly by harassing and flanking.

During the battle, a division commander commanded by the Gu Corps at the front was very thief. He ordered several transport planes to drop leaflets in the sky, which read: Eat Gu's food, don't beat Gu's family, and return to the team with a gun, let bygones be bygones.

This move is quite effective in targeting mental critical strikes. Because there are many officers in the 27th Division who care about the good things of the Gu family, and now that the disadvantages of the Gu family have been completely reversed, some people naturally get excited, and many officers actually sneak away with the soldiers.

The one who suffered the most was Tan Zhongshu. He had clearly felt that Gu Taixian's first stab was definitely going to come towards him.

As soon as I return to Beijing, I will kill the judge first! ! !

Early in the morning, around four o'clock.

Uncle Lin Xiao landed near Xinyang in a special operations brigade helicopter and entered Qin Yu's headquarters.

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