District 9

Chapter 1532: Follow Big Brother for Revenge

Forward front, on the hillside.

Qin Yu put down the telescope and cursed: "Watching others fight makes your blood boil; watching us fight, all that's left is blood."

"Their equipment is also good," Xiaobai said weakly, "and there are many people."

"Damn it, you have the ability to command armored troops, I'll give you the equipment even though I'm selling iron." Qin Yu asked in a vulgar tone: "Do you have the ability?"

Xiaobai said nothing.

"After this battle, you all carry your little schoolbag for me." After Qin Yu said this, he waved his hands and shouted: "Go back, order the troops to move forward, focus on the enemy's second division, and take revenge!"

after an hour.

Seven regiments and one battalion of the mixed brigade began to attack Yang Liandong's second division. But to be honest, they were having a bit of a fool's errand this time, because Lin Cheng's more than 20,000 troops had already muddied the battlefield. When the First Division was retreating, many combat units were trying to effectively avoid the road blockade. The shelling all ran to the convoy route of Yang Liandong's Second Division. The two troops were mixed together, looking very chaotic.

This situation directly gave Qin Yu an opportunity. Taking advantage of the fierce attack by the artillery regiment of Lincheng troops, he directly ordered seven regiments to cut into the battlefield from the side like a mad dog and began to bite the rear of the enemy's second division.

At the same time, Li Shihong also imitated the combat method of Lincheng troops. The artillery battalion did not enter the battlefield at all, but predicted the enemy's retreat route from the outside and fired desperately.

The battlefield became chaotic. Wang Henan's Xinyi Regiment, Xiaobai's 114th Regiment, and Ou Xiaobin's 115th Regiment joined forces and focused on attacking madly from the inside, preparing to find Yang Liandong's division headquarters.

Inside the mixed brigade headquarters, Qin Yu took the phone and said, "When will you enter the battlefield?"

"You don't need to worry about me. Special operations units have no effect on large-scale operations. We enter the battlefield suddenly and have no practical effect." Lin Xiao frowned and said: "You just need to muddy the battlefield and do the rest. I'll do it."

"Okay, okay!" Qin Yu nodded.

"that's all."

The two ended the call. Lin Xiao stood in the brigade command room and kept giving instructions: "Give up the reconnaissance of the 1st Division and the 1st enemy agent brigade. Just let me keep an eye on the activities of the 2nd Division and find the best communication band." Long, call the area with the highest concentration, and quickly identify the location of the command center."

"Brigadier, don't we want to fight the Special 1st Brigade?" the captain asked with a smile, "Don't we want to fight?"

"I set up a special reconnaissance team at my uncle's place to counter their special operations. Their first special brigade was unable to produce any results, so they must have withdrawn." Lin Xiao waved his hand: "I guess we won't encounter it this time, so we will. Find Yang Liandong, Qin Yu said he has value."

"Yes!" The captain nodded.

Look outside.

In the command car of the Second Division of the New First Army, Yang Liandong took the phone and shouted: "Fuck, use your brain, our New First Army headquarters doesn't want to fight, otherwise would it be necessary for more than 30,000 people to retreat? No Is it possible to set up a formation to stop them?! Commander, you don’t want to waste your troops on the Lin family, do you understand? Yes, just withdraw to the direction of the Self-Defense Forces, that’s it!”

On the side of the road, another military vehicle rushed up. A subordinate commander shouted at Yang Liandong: "The three regiments of the mixed brigade hugged each other and pushed forward desperately, ignoring our rear covering troops. Division commander, these 80% It’s for you.”

"Damn it, this mixed brigade is standing next to the Lin Corps, and it's a fucking spirit!" Yang Liandong was also a rough man, and he yelled: "He has relatives, ignore him. Inform the follow-up troops not to fight with them. If you are entangled, quickly withdraw from the battlefield."

"Commander, do you want to break it up into pieces and leave first?!" the regiment leader reminded: "Qin Yu has held back all his energy and pushed the troops forward, but I always feel a little unsteady."

Yang Liandong pondered for a long time: "Okay, I won't compete with him. I will notify the various departments in the headquarters to disperse. Let's gather in the Self-Defense Forces area. Pay attention to the concealment of communications and don't let them target us."


After the two communicated, the regiment commander's car slowed down and began to convey orders to the superiors. Officer Huang, who was sitting in Yang Liandong's car, shouted persuasion: "Commander Yang, it's better not to divide the troops now... ...If Qin Yu’s troops come up, we have no ability to resist...!"

"Can you command?" Yang Liandong looked at the other party irritably: "You can command, you come? You give orders?!"

Chief Huang was choked and speechless. He was actually quite disappointed. He came to the Second Division this time to instigate a unit of the mixed brigade, but as soon as the work here started, the situation in Hucha was reversed by Gu Tai'an, and the Lin family also publicly expressed their support. In this way... the fool will no longer be instigated by him to rebel, so his role will be gone. But now the war was raging outside, and there were enemy reconnaissance planes and enemy air defense units everywhere. He didn't dare to run, and was completely suffocated to death at the second division headquarters.

Special Operations Brigade Headquarters.

The information officer stood up, pointed at the big screen and said: "The frequency of the communication band here is very high, and the transmission direction is all the subordinate combat units of the Second Division. I followed it for a long time, and I can basically conclude that it should be the enemy's Second Division. command department.”

Lin Xiao scanned the big screen for two seconds, frowned and said, "There are too many troops around here, and the parachuting target is too big, so it will be ineffective."

"Wing suit?" the captain said next to him.

Half an hour later.

Four transport planes took off and reached an altitude of 10,000 meters before arriving at the battlefield along the ridgeline.

Lin Xiao was wearing wingsuit flying equipment and a special combat uniform. He pointed at the computer screen and said: "It's all about landing at this point. We need to pull up the parachute at a low altitude to avoid the target being too large and alerting the enemy."

"Understood!" The fifty-man special operations team stood on both sides and nodded.


The cabin door opens.


Lin Xiao was the first to jump down, swooping down from the blue sky.

Inside the Self-Defense Forces headquarters.

The army commander cursed loudly: "This Guo Yu is nothing but good at making money! There are more than 30,000 people, and you are stuck in the defense zone. Lin Cheng may not be able to break in even if he fights for three days. Why is he running? Is he afraid of war? !”

The chief of staff pondered for a long time and whispered: "Guo Yu's intention is obvious. He is conserving his own strength. He wants the two main divisions to withdraw and let Lin Cheng's troops catch up and fire at us."

"That's what I'm scolding him for!" the military commander pointed at the ground and yelled, "I've said it ten thousand times, these losers are useless and not worth cultivating!"

at the same time.

Guo Yu received a call in the headquarters: "Hello?"

"Commander Guo Yu, my general wants to talk to you. Are you interested?" the other party asked.

"You should find Secretary-General Zhang first!" Guo Yu replied calmly.

"I will also find him, but I still have to respect your wishes." The other party replied with a smile.

Chongdu direction.

Three major families and two major companies were also holding emergency meetings. The atmosphere in the conference room was depressing and quarrels continued.

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