District 9

Chapter 1540 Sichuan Mansion

In the detention camp, Chief Huang looked at Ma Laoer nervously, with some astonishment in his eyes.

"Sir Huang, haha," Ma Laoer stepped forward, looked at him with his hands behind his back and said, "Do you still know me?"

The people who carried out the shooting at Moore House in Yi City all had the experience of being imprisoned on No. 57. After Chief Huang returned to District 8, he specially prepared information for each person and reported it to the police. Therefore, those soldiers who died and were captured , he is familiar with each one.

"It's a narrow road for enemies, haha." Ma Laoer reached out and patted Chief Huang's cheek, then knelt down in front of him: "I have a brother who died on No. 57, did you know?"

"Brother, brother, I was...!" Chief Huang's face turned pale, and he stuttered and wanted to explain.

At the headquarters of the Gu Corps, Qin Yu followed Gu Tai'an's guards into the building in a hurry and arrived at the door of the third-floor conference room.

"Report to the commander!" After the guard entered the room, he saluted and shouted: "Brigadier Qin is here."

Gu Tai'an turned his head when he heard the sound, waved his hand to Qin Yu to wait for a moment, and then continued to speak to the generals and officers: "Order the forward troops to garrison in an orderly manner at the preset locations in Yanbei City; order all regiment-level units to Take over various administrative departments according to the plan, be quieter and neater, don’t show off your power, don’t shoot casually, and pay attention to the mood of the people.”

Everyone listened quietly and kept recording.

After about five minutes, the short meeting ended in a hurry, and most of the officers began to pack their belongings and prepare to leave.

Qin Yu walked into the room and saluted Gu Tai'an: "Hello, Commander!"

Gu Tai'an smiled and patted Qin Yu's arm, nodded and said, "I don't know why, but I haven't seen you in the past few days. You seem to be angry."

"The Commander has trained you well...!"

"Haha, I'm so flattering." Gu Tai'an smiled: "This guy has to work on his own to get more opportunities. Come on, come with me and have some tea."

"Okay!" Upon hearing this, Qin Yu immediately followed Gu Tai'an into the inner lounge.

inside the room.

After the guards poured the tea, they closed the door and left. Only the chief of staff of the Gu Corps headquarters, Qin Yu, and Gu Tai'an were left in the room.

"How is the interception effect of your mixed brigade and Lin Cheng's troops?" Gu Tai'an asked after taking a sip of tea.

"It worked. Our three regiments captured five or six thousand prisoners alone." Qin Yu frowned and replied: "But it is not realistic to intercept them all. There are too many enemy troops fleeing towards the river. Especially the division directly under the General Political Department. Their garrison area is very close to Tonghe, and we and the Lin Corps had already pressed forward across the entire line, preparing to attack the New First Army, so this step up and retreat will deviate from the division directly under it. Location, they have a lot of troops to break through.”

Gu Tai'an paused: "Nearly 50,000 troops want to escape, but there is really nothing anyone can do."

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded.

After Gu Tai'an learned about the situation on the second battlefield, he stopped talking about it and suddenly said to Qin Yu: "You may not be able to keep up with Yan Bei's reward system."

Qin Yu was stunned and didn't understand what Gu Tai'an meant for a moment.

"When you came out this time, did you have a license to stay in Sichuan?" Gu Tai'an asked again: "Are there any troops that can be mobilized?"

"I have mobilized all the soldiers from the mixed brigade." Qin Yu replied truthfully: "But there are still some troops that can be mobilized, namely the Marion armed men. There are about two thousand of them in the distant mountains."

"That's not enough." Gu Tai'an slowly shook his head.

"Commander, what's wrong?" Qin Yu asked tentatively.

"On the northwest line, Pu Xiazi is fighting against us. It's called a regional armed conflict. But if the fifth district openly declares its intention to open fire, it's called a military war between regions." Gu Tai'an looked serious and said with a burning gaze: "This face is torn apart. If it is broken, both sides will have no scruples. Not only do we and District 5 know this, but other people also know this."

When Qin Yu heard this, he instantly understood what Gu Tai'an meant, and his face became a little ugly.

"The heavy capital may be unstable." Gu Tai'an pointed out the question.

Chongdu, in the conference room of Fengxiang Company.

Zheng Xinghui looked at everyone in a low voice and said, "Now is not the time for hesitation. You have to make a decision quickly."

People from the three major families and the two major companies sat on both sides of the conference room, all in silence with serious faces.

Lin Youxiang of the Lin family pondered for a long time, frowned and asked Zheng Xinghui, "What did they say?"

"Declared to accept the reorganization of the Nine Districts and the First War Zone, and the central capital will be handed over to us for autonomy." Zheng Xinghui replied succinctly: "It is to copy Qin Yu's rights and interests in Yuanshan, Nanmu, and Taoli Life Village. To put it bluntly, the territory must be handed over. To the First War Zone, but we will take care of matters ourselves."

Lin Youxiang didn't say anything when he heard this.

"That's what you say, but we have no fucking use value, and that's the end result of being dealt with in minutes." He Taiyong said very straightforwardly: "From a political standpoint, after all, we have cooperated with the fifth district for such a long time. There have also been frictions with the three major districts... It’s a bit too late to stand back now.”

"Yes, now that we are joining District 9, who knows how they want to treat us?!" A middle-aged man nodded in agreement: "Currently, you are allowed to continue to manage Chongdu because Qin Yu is still in Sichuan Mansion. They The First World War Zone and the Second World War Zone are at odds, so we are left to contain them. To put it bluntly, they are using us as guns. One day the Sichuan government is really all in one, and then we all have to be dealt with. "

Zheng Xinghui stood up: "I don't want to take this step, but the problem is that the fifth district took the initiative to give up on us! They openly opened fire on the Gu Corps on the northwest line, and this has already caused a split... And now the situation in the eighth district It is already clear that it will only be a matter of time before Gu Tai'an takes this step. Once he does, he will direct his troops to the northwest, and Qin Yu's mixed brigade will return to Sichuan Mansion. Then our capital will be an isolated city with no help from all sides. "

Everyone naturally understood what Zheng Xinghui meant, and they all whispered with ugly faces.

"The people from the Shen family have come to talk now because they have figured out our situation." Zheng Xinghui continued: "We have fought so many battles with the Huncheng Brigade, and so many people have died. The conflict is irreconcilable, so now we have no choice but to stand. Opposite him, we have no choice."

"I agree to side with the Shen family in District 9." A young man raised his hand and said: "There is really no choice now, and there is no time to hesitate. Otherwise, when Qin Yu's mixed brigade comes back, the situation will be irreversible."

Inside the Gu Corps headquarters.

Qin Yu looked at Gu Tai'an and asked tentatively: "Commander, have you heard something?"

"No." Gu Tai'an shook his head and replied: "I guessed it, but it must be right. You have to find a way to sneak back, you can't come in the open."

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