District 9

Chapter 1563 Financial resources are rolling in

Xiaobai ransacked his house in Chongdu and was busy all day and night.

On the second day, at around seven o'clock in the evening, Xiaobai took a list and went to Qin Yu's office.

"Close the door, sit down and talk." Qin Yu was very excited and waved his hand towards Xiaobai.

"Hehe." Xiaobai smiled, reached out and pushed the door open, walked to the desk and sat down: "The money should not be leaked, right?"

Qin Yu nodded, pointed at the list in Xiaobai's hand and said, "Read it."


Xiaobai coughed, spread out a list of more than ten pages, sat on a chair and read: "The total cash in the vault is 110 million, the cash stored in private residences is 55 million, and the gold bars are 110. Four trucks of valuables. Three major families and two major companies’ core members’ private properties, a total of 260 properties in Chongdu area alone, and corporate properties in Chongdu area only, a 21-story building of Fengxiang Company, Xin’an The company has a 19-story building, ten factory workshops, 85 directly affiliated stores, and ten storage warehouses over 1,000 square meters...!"

After Qin Yu listened quietly, he frowned and asked, "No more?!"

"Absolutely. There are a lot of small ones that I didn't read, but they are all recorded on the list." Xiaobai bared his teeth and replied.

"Have you asked someone from Zhu's company for an evaluation? How much would one of these things be worth?" Qin Yu asked.

"They helped with the assessment. Including the cash, it's probably about 350 million." Xiaobai looked at Qin Yu and whispered: "But that's not included yet. The people we interviewed slowly vomited out. After all, there will be almost 400 million?"

Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette: "It's still not clean."

"I think this is a lot." Xiaobai was a little shocked: "It's already 400 million, so how can we count it clean?!"

"Three major families and two major companies have been running the entire Sichuan government for two fucking generations. Is this all they have in total?" Qin Yu frowned and said, "Let's not talk about anything else. Zhang Liang can get it in Songjiang now." Pay two to three thousand in cash, plus one yuan for five of them, and this is the total? What nonsense?"

Xiaobai thought about it carefully: "That's right!"

Qin Yu blinked, reached out and took the list and glanced at it: "It's still not clean, but you can't do the rest of the work. In this case, you go ask Li Zhan and Qi Lin to come over."

"Okay!" Xiaobai stood up.

Ten minutes later.

Li Zhan and Qi Lin walked into the office and chatted with Qin Yu.

"This is the property list of their core members." Qin Yu pointed to the three pages on the table and said: "You two convene a meeting with officers above the company level to divide all the houses for free according to the area of ​​the property and the corresponding level. Next The people who have been fighting with us for so long should have a place to settle down! You two are responsible for coordinating this matter, but you must tell the people below that this person is not allowed to use the back door. Who should get what kind of house? Whatever you take, if you dare to work on it, I will shoot him."

"Haha, okay!" Qi Lin smiled, glanced at the list and said, "Damn, there are many luxury houses here. Those above the battalion level can get at least about 200 square meters."

"First give it to the officers in the army. After they have finished dividing it, they will give it to the people in the Autonomous Association." Qin Yu added: "The best houses, villas, and high-end apartments will be reserved for now. When the core members are gathered, Let’s break up again.”

"Yeah." Qi Lin nodded.

Li Zhan looked at Qin Yu, pondered for a while and said, "There is one more question."

"Say it!" Qin Yu nodded.

"There are too many wealthy compounds related to the three major families and the two major companies. I made a rough estimate. There are at least several thousand people, old and young, men and women." Li Zhan said in a low voice: "You have several thousand people." We’ve arrested them all, where can we put them? There’s no room for them in a self-supporting prison.”

"We're not very close, and we don't have much money. We don't need to punish them too harshly, just scare them." Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "I only punish those hardcore losers, and let them pay me a fine based on their financial strength! Damn it, these people have contributed a lot when the Self-Defense Forces are fighting in the distant mountains, so we need to deal with them severely."

"Have you finished cleaning up? How to deal with it?"

"Let the Autonomous Association deal with them. The locals know the locals better." Qin Yu took a puff of cigarette and said: "But you have to say hello. It's okay to avenge private grievances appropriately, but don't punish them too harshly. If you just take the heavy weight, it will make people upset. It’s not good to be panicked.”

"Yeah." Li Zhan nodded.

"From the cash that was copied, I took out 20 million to buy grain and supplies in Nanhu and asked Brother Xiao to deliver it." Qin Yu stood up and said, "Then give it to the Autonomous Association and distribute it to the people."

"Okay!" Qi Lin responded.

"There's definitely something wrong with this little money." Qin Yu put out his cigarette butt and said, "Call Zheng Xinghui over! I'll talk to him."

An hour and a half later, Zheng Xinghui was taken from the Self-reliance Prison to Qin Yu's office.

In the room, Qin Yu was sitting in front of the computer, handling official business without saying a word, while Zheng Xinghui was held down by two soldiers, with his hands behind his back handcuffed to the heating pipe, squatting awkwardly by the window, looking at Tragic.

In this way, Qin Yu ignored him and only fiddled with the computer. After Zheng Xinghui squatted for more than half an hour, his upper body was so compressed that his lower body had no intuition. He couldn't help but asked: "Commander Qin, I am I'm a prisoner, is there any point in suppressing me?"

Qin Yu turned to look at him and replied calmly: "It feels uncomfortable to squat."

Zheng Xinghui said nothing.

"Do you agree to spend money to buy your life?" Qin Yu picked up the cigarette case and said expressionlessly.

Zheng Xinghui was stunned for three seconds, then asked with a smile: "Haha, how much do I have to spend, can you spare my life?"

"It's not you I'm talking about, it's you, the Zheng family." Qin Yu replied bluntly.

Zheng Xinghui was speechless.

"Let me tell you clearly. Even if Zhongdu is broken, I don't care about you. Now that Zhongdu is gone, I don't think of you as anyone." Qin Yu said calmly: "Half a year ago, I had eaten Zhongdu. Our strength has not touched you because we exist with each other and can complement each other. But now that the Eighth District is stable, I will also be stable. Even if the Ninth District does not want to recruit you, it will be a matter of time before the city is destroyed."

Zheng Xinghui looked at Qin Yu and said nothing.

"Actually, it doesn't matter to me whether I kill you or not. Even if you run away, you won't be a threat to me." Qin Yu said lightly: "But you have to give an explanation to Yuanshan, and you have to give an explanation to the dead people. !”

When Zheng Xinghui heard this, he was completely desperate. In Qin Yu's eyes, they were no longer opponents, so there was no need for negotiation.

"Purchase money to buy your life." Qin Yu said calmly: "I can assure you that except for those of you who are in charge, I will not touch the people at home and below."

After saying that, Qin Yu raised his head and shouted: "Mengzi, find a private room for Mr. Zheng and let him quiet down!"

at the same time.

Lao Li, Lao Mao, Coco, Zhu Wei and others rushed over from Nanhu.

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