District 9

Chapter 1597: Desperate

In Fengbei District, Ninth District, in a small barbecue restaurant, Sha Yong was sitting in a small box, eating barbecue leisurely, and said to Guan Qi in a casual manner: "When Shen Yin and I first joined the army, the upper-level officers said to us We are stricter than anyone else. We don’t have holidays, so we often sneak out and have a meal here..."

Guan Qi was not interested in hearing what he said, and only replied with a serious face: "Why on earth did you ask me to go to Nanhu?"

Sha Yong glanced at Guan Qi: "Why do you look a little nervous?"

"I have no appetite."

"...!" Sha Yong paused for a while, picked up a tissue and wiped the corner of his mouth and replied: "Someone wants to clean up Qin Yu's team in Nanhu, but the people there don't know much about these gangsters. You He comes from Qin Yu’s side and knows them well, so I want you to help.”

"Who to deal with?" Guan Qi asked in a daze.

"The man named Qiu Wu has been arrested. The people in Nanhu want to sentence him to death and touch Ye Zixiao by the way, but they encountered resistance when handling the case." Sha Yong intervened and replied: "You went, maybe you have some idea about this matter. It’s helpful.”

When Guan Qi heard this, he felt very conflicted: "I am from the Songjiang Department and I don't know anything about Nanhu. How can I help?"

"Haha, isn't that right?" Sha Yong replied with a smile: "Tiancheng Group is very united. Songjiang and Nanhu have close contacts because of Xiang'er's matter. How could you not understand Ye Zixiao and the others? ?”

"In the past, Ma Laoer and Liu Zishu were responsible for Xiang'er's affairs. I really don't know about this. I've never seen a lot of people in charge of things in Nanhu." Guan Qi frowned and replied, "I really can't help. What are you doing?"

Sha Yong looked at Guan Qi, reached for the drink, and said nothing.

Next to him, a man in sportswear who had been silent all this time suddenly asked in a low voice: "Do you know how much effort they have put into trying to get you from the party and government, and how many resources they have given up?"

Guan Qi looked at him when he heard the sound, and said with a slightly excited voice: "I have repaid you! Kim Tae-soo is so important, I brought him out from the distant mountains, isn't that enough?"

"Kim Tae-soo was not brought back to District 9, which means that everything before is meaningless." The man in sportswear said in a cold voice: "The upper management only looks at the results and not the process. You don't know that, right? ?”

Guan Qi gritted his teeth and looked at him, speechless.

"I'll give you money, give you a happy family, and I'll give you a position in the future." The man in sportswear said calmly: "Then what can you give us? What is your value? Just a word of ignorance and that's it? You're too naive Alright?!"

"Hey, that's too much." Sha Yong immediately scolded the man.

The man in sportswear glanced at Sha Yong and continued to say to Guan Qi: "You know why the higher-ups want to replace you. You are valuable, and everyone respects you as a guest; if you are worthless, then what is the use of the higher-ups wanting you?!"

In fact, Guan Qi's situation has been very embarrassing recently. Because the initial plan here was to only let him provide information on kidnapping Kim Tae-soo, and then continue to lurk himself, which would be of great use in the future.

But in the process of kidnapping Kim Tae-soo, many twists and turns occurred. In the end, if Guan Qi did not move, Ruan Xiong and others who were responsible for the robbery would be wiped out. Therefore, Sha Yong had no choice but to let him Exposed in advance.

In this way, Guan Qi has no further role in Qin Yu's side. But the fatal thing is that the plan to kidnap Kim Tae-soo failed in the end. He was completely exposed without playing any role. And this must be unbalanced for the military and political departments who spent a lot of resources on him.

Therefore, the upper management's attitude towards Guan Qi has been very cold recently. The ghost they are not willing to spend a lot of money to "buy" from the party and government is a useless line.

Guan Qi himself knew that this day would come sooner or later, but he just couldn't resist confronting Qin Yu and others. Maybe it's because he hasn't forgotten some of the previous friendships, or maybe... he enjoys his current happy life.

Sha Yong was silent for a while and continued: "You go there and only provide information and methods, and someone will take care of the rest. If you gain a lot this time, I will arrange a job for you in the logistics department of the First War Zone when you come back. position, and promise not to continue to harass you on these matters in the future, so that you can live a good life."

Guan Qi clenched his fists and turned to look out the window: "I still have some relatives in Xinxiang. If I go to Nanhu and Qin Yu finds out, they will be in danger..."

"We will find a way to pick up your relatives." Sha Yong interrupted and replied: "Including your wife and children, they will be protected, don't worry about this."

"You said, if I gain a lot this time, I won't get involved in these bad things again, right?" Guan Qi asked in a hoarse voice.

"You should also know that you can't give us any help in the military, because you have never been in Qin Yu's army. The only thing that can provide us with convenience is on the ground." Sha Yong said Looking at Guan Qi bluntly, he said: "If Nanhu is effective, there will be no space for you even if you want to work in the future."

Guan Qi paused and asked bluntly: "When should I leave?"

"Let's go tonight." Sha Yong smiled and pointed at the barbecue: "Eat something. I'll give it to you after you finish."

At this moment, Guan Qi was very helpless and lonely. He had no choice. Because he doesn't go, Sha Yong will find ten thousand ways to torture his wife and children, including himself.

Two hours later, Guan Qi was sent away at the airport. Sha Yong sat in the car and said softly to the man in sportswear: "This kid is reluctant to meet Qin Yu again. Send his wife and children to the military compound." Come on, give him some motivation, otherwise I'm afraid he won't do his best."

"Okay." The man in sportswear nodded.

The other end.

Young Master Sang stood in the boathouse and dialed Brother Xiao: "Hey, brother, I've almost finished handling it here."

"Take the people out of the area and go to Sichuan Mansion to stay for a while." Ye Zixiao said without any doubt, "I have made all the arrangements."

"Brother, do I need to go to Sichuan Mansion?" Mr. Sang replied with a smile: "The police officers who can catch me haven't been born yet. I'm just outside the district, and they can't do anything to me. This way Come on, don’t use Fourth Brother and the others for the following matters, let me take care of it all."

"No, you can't do this recklessly." Ye Zixiao refused directly: "If you make such a big noise in Nanhu, the military and the police will try their best to find you. You can't take risks."

Young Master Sang licked his lips: "Brother, I'm leaving this time. When will I come back?"

"It depends."

"Although these little brothers of mine don't have homes, they are used to living in Nanhu after all. If they leave suddenly, they have to explain themselves." Young Master Sang thought about it and said, "Let's go to Sichuan Mansion in two days."

Ye Zixiao thought about it: "No, I have arranged for someone to pick you up. You must leave according to the time."

"...Okay, I'll hurry them up." Young Master Sang nodded.

It's about two o'clock in the morning.

The top leaders of all district police superintendents in Nanhu rushed to the Police Headquarters for a meeting. A large-scale crackdown on the entire region and surrounding areas to be planned has officially begun.

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