District 9

Chapter 1608: Reaching a dead end

Inside the water plant, gunfire rang out fiercely.

The gun dealers on the periphery knew that their quality was average and did not move forward. They relied on their ability to fire weapons and their firearms were no worse than those of soldiers, so they used long-range firepower without any thought and pressed crazily towards the main entrance.

Xu Yan's company belongs to the garrison and is not in the field unit sequence, so their heavy firepower equipment is limited. In addition, this time we only came to arrest gun dealers, and we were in a hurry. We had been rushing to catch Lao Liucai, so it was even more impossible to bring small heavy artillery and large-mounted machine guns for garrison. The soldiers use light equipment, so they do not have a firepower advantage over the gun dealers.

The number of people is small, the terrain is narrow, there are no fortifications, and there is no advantage in firepower, so how the hell can we fight this battle?

More than a hundred people rushed to the main entrance and were completely held back.

Outside the waterworks, there was already a gun dealer who was leading the way and roaring.

"CNM, hand over your gun and surrender!"

"Hand in the gun and surrender!"


Shouting sounded from all directions, like tens of thousands of people shouting, and the momentum was astonishing.

This kind of shouting is not to show off, nor is it to delay time. The people on the ground are very smart. They know that soldiers are also human beings, and they will bleed after being stabbed. Especially the people in the garrison. They rarely perform ordinary field tasks, and the psychological quality of the soldiers is very average.

Sure enough, with the shouting, the soldiers in the courtyard couldn't figure out how many people were outside. They were all trembling in their hearts and gathered together, feeling highly tense.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several mortar shells were fired, and there were explosions next to the main building.


The soldiers instinctively spread out and dodge.

"Bang, bang!"

At the same time, five or six brand-new military pickup trucks rushed in from the gate of the hospital, all carrying unfired vehicle-mounted machine guns.

These are all "goods" that are ready to be shipped out. However, in recent days, the surrounding areas of District 7 have been too tight and the situation has become tense. The freight cannot be shipped out, so a small amount of inventory has been produced, which is now used in this place.

"Da da da……!"

The machine gun roared wildly, pressing the opponent's soldiers forward.

"Fuck, charge!"

As soon as the young man saw the military pickup truck entering the scene, he immediately rushed out of the bunker, holding a gun, and shot at the place where the largest number of soldiers were.

Next to the main building, Xu Yan yelled with sweat on his head: "You won't be able to handle it if you fight outside. Enter the main building, quickly!"

Next to them, Xu Cheng and Captain Liang ran together and rushed into the main building first while being protected.

The room was dark, and everyone was running in panic along the corridor. At the main entrance of the main building, Guan Qi glanced around and saw that the surrounding area was full of gun dealers. He had no chance to rush out alone, so he could only follow the large troops and sneak into the building.

In the corridor, Guan Qi did not follow Xu Cheng and others to escape. Instead, he took off his coat, mixed in with the crowd, and fled alone.

Xu Cheng's goal is too big. There is no good fruit to be gained by following him. If you want to survive, you have to run alone.

Two minutes later.

The soldiers guarding the entrance to the main building were dispersed. Young Master Sang rushed in lamely, waved his hand and asked, "Which firepower point is the strongest inside?"

"Second floor." Someone shouted: "There are many people on the second floor. The soldiers' marksmanship is very accurate. We can't fight them."

"damn it!"

The young man put the gun on the window sill, turned around and shouted, "Bring me two bulletproof vests."

Behind them, two horse boys took off their inferior body armor directly.

After the young man took it, he folded the body armor, wrapped his legs, tied them with other people's belts, then grabbed the gun and rushed to the stairwell without saying a word.

There was fierce gunfire at the corner of the second floor.

The young man shouted: "They have light machine guns, put two mines on them for me."


Ma Zai, who was squatting in the corner behind him, threw two thunderbolts upwards on his back.

About two seconds later.

"Boom, boom!"

There was a deafening explosion upstairs.

At the same time, Young Master Sang didn't hesitate at all, stepped on the steps, and rushed forward with a gun in his hand at an extremely fast speed.

"Da da da!"

Gunfire rang out fiercely.

The four soldiers upstairs got stuck and fired down.

The young man did not dodge or dodge, he only turned his upper body to the side and leaned his head against the wall to avoid the shooting. He kept walking and continued to bear the firepower as he pushed upward.

The two sides exchanged more than a dozen shots, and the other two fell to the ground. The young man was shot at least three or four times in the chest. Although he was protected by a bulletproof vest, Zid hit him with such force that his sternum was broken and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

The gun dealers below were very cautious about their lives. They didn't dare to charge like Mr. Sang, and they didn't know how to seize the opportunity. On the contrary, the Chen soldiers who followed came to their senses and immediately followed Mr. Sang forward, providing fire cover for him from below.

At the corner upstairs, after two of the four soldiers were killed, the firepower was instantly reduced by half.

"Cnm, if you haven't beaten me to death, then I will definitely beat you to death."

Young Master Sang roared, gritted his teeth, took two steps forward, and rushed forward.

"Fight up!"

The gun dealer downstairs got excited and rushed forward with the Chen soldiers.

Upstairs on the corner.

There was blood coming from the mouth and nose of the mourning young man. He put a gun on a soldier's head and shouted like a ghost: "Kneel down and raise your hands!"

The soldier had just seen with his own eyes how Mr. Sang rushed up. He was a little stunned by the beating, and retreated with his gun in hand.

"You still want to fight back, can you?!" Young Master Shang raised the gun with both hands and poked his head hard: "Kneel down!"

The soldier was so frightened by this voice that he trembled and instinctively threw away his gun.


The young man kicked the soldier over, and the gun dealer and Chen soldiers below rushed forward.

In the corridor, Xu Cheng, Xu Yan, Captain Liang, and a dozen soldiers were all retreating with guns in hand as they watched Young Master Sang and others.

The young man turned his head and spat out bloody phlegm, pointed at the soldiers and said, "A few of them are for the sake of others. It's not difficult for me to help you. Throw the guns away and get out."

The other party continued to retreat.


The gun dealers roared and rushed forward collectively.


At this moment, at least three or four soldiers collapsed emotionally and squatted on the spot with their guns raised.

"Kang Kang!"

The remaining veterans held guns and held fire in order to protect Xu Yan.

The two sides started a gun battle in the corridor.

About ten seconds later.

There were about ten people lying scattered in the corridor. Xu Cheng, Xu Yan, Captain Liang and others were completely suffocated to death at the window. There was no bullet in the gun, and everyone around them gave up resistance.

outside the area.

Two field regiments in the first theater blocked the area near the water plant. The garrison regiment that had just arrived to support Xu Yan was blocked directly outside.

In the main building of the water plant, gunshots were still ringing out, and gun dealers were arresting people everywhere.

Guan Qi ran to the second floor of the basement, and when he was about to find a place to hide, he accidentally ran into four gun dealers who were chasing down.

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