District 9

Chapter 1617: Fighting for a way out

In the Fengbei Military Region Hospital, Guan Qi was carried out of the ward by four people.

"Don't shout, it's useless to shout." The man in sportswear pinched Guan Qi's neck: "Cooperate well and I will be done. This way you won't suffer, and neither will your wife and children."

Guan Qi looked at the other party with his whole body trembling, and replied in a hoarse voice: "Okay, okay, I won't shout, you let me see Sha Yong."

"You are too naive. He is too lazy to look at you now." The man in sportswear replied calmly: "Brother, this is your fate, just accept it."

five minutes later.

Guan Qi was forcibly taken out of the hospital and put into a car.

The man in sportswear sat in the passenger seat and said: "Follow the route I told you, drive there overnight, finish it quickly, and everyone can go back and rest."

After hearing the sound, everyone got into the car and quickly left the military hospital. Guan Qi was sitting in the car wearing only a thin hospital gown, barefoot, and the broken wrist of his left arm was still wrapped in gauze. He looked very miserable.

The car drove rapidly in Fengbei city and rushed to the pass.

Guan Qi sat in the car and asked with a slightly trembling voice: "...Is the Nanhu thing collapsing and you want to hand me over to Qin Yu?!"

The man in sportswear sat in the passenger seat and replied calmly: "Look, you understand everything, so do you still need to get to the bottom of it?"

"You guys are so damn ungrateful. I worked hard for you in Nanhu! Are you just treating me like this?" Guan Qi roared with extreme anger.

Everyone in the car remained silent and ignored him.

At this moment, no one could understand the despair in Guan Qi's heart. He had no choice since he was released from prison. He was caught between several huge forces and could only be a pawn to be manipulated by others. Now The role of his chess piece has completely disappeared, and what he wins is the result of being discarded.

Guan Qi was very clear about what kind of consequences he would face when he returned to Nanhu. Ye Zixiao had no feelings for him, so the purpose of forcing someone to get someone this time was definitely to kill him.

Is there really no way out?

Is there really no room for Guan Qi in such a big world?

No, there must be a way!

At this time!

Guan Qi's inner mentality changed drastically again. He knew that there was no savior in his world, and he also knew that no one could help him! If he wants to live, he has to rely on himself, and he can't be a pawn at the mercy of anyone like before.

He needs a chance, a chance to survive temporarily!

Guan Qi sat in the car, bowed her head in silence for a long time, then suddenly looked up at the man in the passenger seat: "Call Sha Yong and tell him that I'm still useful! It's about Kim Tae-soo!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man in the co-pilot suddenly turned around: "You're not so naive that you think you can decide your fate by spreading false news, are you?"

"...I am aware of my situation." Guan Qi replied, clenching her right hand tightly.

The man in sportswear in the passenger seat thought for a while before taking out his cell phone and dialing Sha Yong's number.

late at night.

In a private club in Songjiang, Sha Yong held the phone and asked with a frown: "Is he scared, so he is talking nonsense!"

"I warned him. The consequences of lying to us will only be worse. It is meaningless." The other party replied softly: "I think he is quite stable. It doesn't look like he is telling lies."

"Jin Taishu?!" Sha Yong stood up slowly and analyzed softly: "Guan Qi once worked with Ma Laoer in the fifth district, so it is normal to know some information in this regard! However, Guan Qi has been missing for so long. Can Qin Yu be unprepared?"

"It's really hard to say." The other party shook his head.

Sha Yong took two steps back and forth in the room: "Okay, let him go for a day. I'll go back to Fengbei to talk to him tomorrow."

"Okay, then I won't take him back to the hospital, but just find a place to live? What do you think?"

"Watch him to death." Sha Yong reminded.

"Don't worry, if I lose it, I won't let him lose it."

"Okay, that's it!"

After that, the two ended the call. Sha Yong played with his phone, turned to look at Shen Yin and said, "That Guan Qi said he still had cards in his hand, it was about Kim Tae Soo."

Shen Yin took a sip of red wine, curled his lips and replied: "He has a damn card! He is someone who worked with Ma Laoer in the fifth district. He has been missing for such a long time. Can Qin Yu be defenseless? I I guess his cards are irrelevant news."

"I'd better meet with him tomorrow." Sha Yong thought for a moment and said, "There's no harm in giving it a try!"

"Yes." Shen Yin nodded: "Come on, drink some!"

"I can't drink anymore." Sha Yong bent down and sat down, sighing and saying: "We are not doing well with some recent actions against the Sichuan government. My old man doesn't like me... Damn it, I My right eyelid has been twitching for a month, and I always feel like I have to deal with it."

"Do your best and listen to fate." Shen Yin was also angry. He picked up the wine glass and said, "Here, drink!"

That night.

The person working under Sha Yong took Guan Qi to an apartment in the city. He was locked in the house and kept looking at the dark night outside, like a sculpture.

We can't let others take the lead...

A voice kept echoing in Guan Qi's heart.

Early the next morning.

Qin Yu walked down from the second floor a little tired and asked Cha Meng in the living room, "Have you finished practicing?"

When he is not on a business trip, Chameng gets up on time at 5:30 every morning, and then does morning exercises for an hour and a half before eating breakfast. For so many years, regardless of rain or shine, his self-discipline is abnormal.

"Ah, practice is over." Cha Meng nodded.

"Where's that little mourner?" Qin Yu asked smoothly.

"You haven't gotten up yet." Cha Meng said with a smile.

"It's almost eight o'clock, and you haven't gotten up yet?" Qin Yu said speechlessly, "This guard is a bit too good to be true."

"I told him to go to bed early last night. He kept playing with his mobile phone and probably fell asleep quite late." Cha Meng replied smoothly.

"He's a soldier, how can he have time to adapt?" Qin Yu walked to the door of Chameng's room, stretched out his hand to push the door open, and saw the young man inside sticking his butt out and snoring: "His Why haven’t you cut your hair yet?”

"Haha, he said he has stayed for several years and has feelings." Cha Meng replied with a smile.

"Go, get the clippers!"

Five minutes later, Qin Yu took the clipper, gently pressed the young man's head with his left hand, and holding the clipper with his right hand, he shoveled the young man's head into a sand monk in two strokes!

The young man woke up in a daze and shouted in surprise: "Sir, sir, what are you doing?!"

"I'll shave your head!" Qin Yu bent down and grabbed the young man and was about to shovel it.

Young Master Sang became anxious, pushed Qin Yu and said, "Sir, sir, I will cut it myself, please, please let me cut it myself!"


Qin Yu clasped the young man's wrist with his left hand, grabbed him back, and threw him directly on the bed. He held him down with one hand, and while shaving his hair, he cursed: "With your physique, I can hit you eight times, but you Are you going to be a guard for me?! Damn it, starting from tomorrow, you will get up at four o'clock in the morning to push the barbell for me! Practice hard with your Meng Auntie!"

In the living room, Lin Nianlei listened to the shouts from Cha Meng's room, and one of the two yelled: "Are you getting up so early in the morning to kill a pig?"

On the baby table, the boy muttered, screamed and murmured: "Mom, I want to eat Nana!"

The room was filled with laughter and laughter, and the whole family was enjoying themselves.

District Five.

The combination secretly arranged by Kim Tae-soo and operated by Lin Chengdong and Zhou Zheng in the front, after being dormant for a long time, also began to operate, preparing to make some moves against Yandao with strong purpose.

The combination of these three people is very strange. They are all middle-aged men whose families were destroyed because of Salt Island, so Xiao Qi privately calls them, "Middle-aged and elderly Avengers".

A new storm is brewing.

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