District 9

Chapter 1622 A very sad peak


After Sha Yong got off the car, he said to Gao Feng: "I have to go back home. You continue to talk to Guan Qi and ask him to contact the insider who can be instigated. If there is any news, call me immediately."

"Okay." Gao Feng nodded.

"You should pay more attention to this matter and it will be done. Xiaoyin and I will not treat you badly." Sha Yong bent down and looked at Gao Feng and said, "If you want to re-enter the system, it will be easy to handle."

"I understand, haha." Gao Feng replied with a smile.

"That's it." After saying that, Sha Yong turned and left.

In the car, Gao Feng loosened his collar in annoyance and cursed: "Damn it, why did this bad job fall on me?"

Gao Feng sat in the car and lit a cigarette in a very uncomfortable mood. He lowered his head and dialed his brother's number: "Hello? I'm going back now. You go downstairs and buy some new phone cards. I can use them."

"Brother Feng, we are not at home, we are in the hospital." The brother on the phone replied.

"Hospital? What did you go to the hospital for?" Gao Feng asked with a frown.

"Guan Qi's wrist is infected, he has a high fever, and he has been bleeding. We have no way to deal with it. We can only take him to the hospital." The brother on the phone said quickly: "We are at the police station hospital. It's the one next to the apartment."

"Fucking hell, who asked you to take him out of the apartment?" Gao Feng cursed angrily: "Why didn't you call me in advance?!"

"We called just now, but you couldn't get through the phone." The brother replied aggrievedly: "He has been bleeding from his wrist and can't stop it, and his fever is over 39 degrees. Then... we can't ignore it!"

"Then why did you go to the police station hospital?" As Gao Feng spoke, he had already taken off the handbrake and drove forward.

"We don't know where there is a hospital here. Guan Qi said that the police station hospital is close."

"If I don't answer the phone next time, even if he is burned to death, you can't take him out casually." Gao Feng glared and cursed: "This kid used to be a police officer and was in jail. He has a very smart mind. , you must keep an eye on him."

"Well, I understand."

"Wait for me." Gao Feng said and hung up the phone.

About half an hour later, in the outpatient department of the hospital, Gao Feng walked quickly to the door of the surgical operating room and asked the two brothers, "Where are the people?"

"He's in the operating room. He seems to be seriously injured." A horse boy stood up and said, "The doctor is taking care of it."

Gao Feng looked at the two of them with a gloomy face: "What does it mean to watch him to death? When he goes to the toilet, you both have to follow him. Within 24 hours, the person must be within the scope of your surveillance, do you understand?"

When the two of them saw that Gao Feng was in a bad mood, they didn't hold their tongues and just nodded.

The three of them sat on the bench and waited for nearly twenty minutes before the door of the operating room was pushed open and a doctor led a nurse out.

Gao Feng stood up and greeted him with a smile on his face: "Doctor, how is my friend?"

"My wrist is broken. Is that a small matter?" The police doctor adjusted his glasses and replied, "His wound is infected. Let's go through the hospitalization procedures."

"Doctor, can you not be hospitalized?" Gao Feng immediately replied: "He has very important things to do, and he can't stay in the hospital."

"Then it's up to you." The police doctor said calmly: "It's your own life. If you don't obey me, no one can do anything about it."

"Prescribe him some good anti-inflammatory drugs. We will infuse and change dressings at home." Gao Feng followed.

"Okay." The doctor nodded.

In the clinic, a nurse said to Guan Qi: "You have to be careful this time. Don't get dirty water on the gauze again. Otherwise, the infection will be serious and you will easily get sepsis..."

Guan Qi turned pale and nodded slowly: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, thank Dr. Lu."

"Yeah." Guan Qi nodded.

Fifteen minutes later.

Guan Qi and Gao Feng left the hospital together and entered the car.

"Go to the communications store in front and buy a stack of phone cards," Gao Feng stepped in and ordered Ma Zai: "Buy five more mobile phones."

"Okay." Ma Zai nodded.

In the back seat, Guan Qi's face turned pale and he was lying down without saying a word.

Gao Feng turned around, looked at him coldly and said, "Get the phone back, and you have to contact that person."

"I want to see my wife and children." Guan Qi replied calmly.

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me," Gao Feng said without any doubt, "Let's get down to business first."

"I will go back to District 5, not necessarily when..."


Before Guan Qi could finish what he said, Gao Feng smacked him with his eyes wide open: "I'll say it again, you're not qualified to negotiate terms with me, do you understand? Whatever I ask you to do, you will do it. Once I do, you will do it." I found something unusual about you, so I’ll ask someone to take your wife’s turn first.”

The right side of Guan Qi's face was red and swollen after being beaten. He squinted at Gao Feng and had blue veins popping up on his forehead.

"What are you looking at?" Gao Feng asked in a cold voice.


"Can you be obedient?" Gao Feng asked again.

"Haha, yes." Guan Qi smiled and nodded.

"Remember my words. If you are a little abnormal, I won't be able to make you regret it." Gao Feng pointed at Guan Qi's face, and after speaking word by word, he slowly turned around and ordered to Ma Zai: "Call Xiao Ren and the others and ask them to come back. They have work to do."

In the back seat, Guan Qi stared at Gao Feng's back coldly, slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Gao Feng was indeed upset, because whether he could get Yandao or not had nothing to do with him. That was a matter for the big shots to worry about, but going to work in the fifth district had nothing to do with him. This was too dangerous, so he hated Guan Qi in his heart, and even more hated himself for being arrogant.

Three hours later, inside the apartment.

Gao Feng sat on the chair, holding the new phone and said, "You tell me the number, and I'll dial it."

Guan Qi recalled it and read out a number.

After dialing the number on his mobile phone, Gao Feng did not dial it immediately. Instead, he asked Guan Qi: "Are you sure you can instigate this person? If not, the matter will be missed."

"I'm confident that this person has had contact with me before." Guan Qi replied calmly.

Gao Feng glanced at him and pressed the dial button.

About three seconds later, the voice of the electronic customer service came from the hands-free receiver: "Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

Gao Feng raised his head and looked at Guan Qi: "Why did you turn off your phone?"

"This phone was the one he used when he was in Songjiang," Guan Qi thought for a moment and replied, "Maybe it's not commonly used in District 5. In this way, you send him a text message and say that Brother Guan has something to do with you and call you back. .”

Gao Feng did as he was told, looked up at Guan Qi and said, "From now on, wherever I am, wherever you are, you can't leave my sight."

Guan Qi looked at him but didn't reply.

Chongdu direction.

Xiao Qi is ready and can lead the team to District 5 at any time.

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