District 9

Chapter 1644 Sky-high Equity Equity

"What price do you want?" Qin Yu crossed his legs, put his hands in his hands, and asked very calmly.

Song Youngjun turned to look at Kim Tae-soo: "How much do you think Yandao is worth?"

"That depends on how many chips you have in your hand." Kim Tae-soo replied softly.

"I have 7%." Song Yingjun replied simply and without any irritation.

Kim Tae-soo was stunned for a moment: "Are you taking me for a fool? You have at least ten percent in your hands."

"Haha, that happened a long time ago." Song Yingjun sneered and replied: "I did have 13% of the shares in my hand before, but I have already sold part of it. The fifth district wants to concentrate its shares and take back the shares Go, if we don’t run away quickly, it will be difficult to cash out in the future, so I took part first.”

"Who did you sell it to?" Kim Tae-soo asked.

"The people from the Pu family sold it for 6%." Song Yingjun chuckled and replied, "He gave me 600 million."

"Haha," Kim Tae-soo curled his lips when he heard this: "If you want to raise the price, you can't raise it like this. You said that Pu Xiazi is secretly acquiring Yandao shares. I believe this, but you want to say that he can give you six Yi, I think you are talking in your sleep."

"Believe it or not." Song Yingjun seemed too lazy to argue: "If you want to take my shares, give me at least one billion. As long as the money arrives, I will immediately ask the holding company to sign a transfer agreement with you."

Qin Yu twisted his eyebrows, looked at Song Yingjun, who had a strange talking style, and asked, "You are considered a high-level leader in the fifth district. You surprised me by agreeing to sell your shares so easily."

"Haha, are you talking to me about faith?" Song Yingjun smiled disdainfully: "I'm sorry, I'm an atheist."

Qin Yu was silent.

"If you can accept this price, I can sell the shares; if you can't accept it, you can also order me to be shot." Song Yingjun looked at Qin Yu and said, "I have died many times and I don't care anymore."

"Suppose Pu Xiazi really gives you 600 million, then the price of one percent of the shares is 100 million. Why do you care if I want 1 billion?" Qin Yu asked.

"Because the shares have appreciated in value." Song Yingjun sat up slowly, stared at Qin Yu and said, "Now that you are involved, it means that this thing in my hand is of great value."

Qin Yu thought for a long time, then slowly stood up and ordered: "Arrange a better independent ward for him. Let me consider the price you offer."

"No problem." Song Yingjun agreed readily.

ten minutes later.

Qin Yu took a car and returned to the division headquarters with Lao Jin.

"Song Yingjun promised so happily, is there something wrong with him?" Qin Yu asked worriedly.

"There may not necessarily be ghosts." Kim Tae-soo thought for a moment and said, "Many people's beliefs have actually collapsed in complex political struggles, such as mine."

Qin Yu was stunned for a moment.

"When I was young, I took an oath and fought for my ideals and the nation." Kim Tae-soo said mockingly: "But now, am I not fighting against the nation and those who have fought side by side? Five The district is also a multi-ethnic area. Korean, Japanese, and Indian forces are complicated and everyone is competing for it. Politicians want to satisfy their selfish desires for power, and businessmen also rely on connections to suck marrow and blood from the spine of the district. Many people no longer know who they are fighting for. The more mature a person is, the more selfish he becomes... Song Yingjun may have looked away. He feels that it is difficult for him to protect Yandao's shares. If he doesn’t get the price he wants, he will definitely have to find stability for the rest of his life.”

Qin Yu was silent.

"Actually, from a political perspective, I quite envy your three major districts." Kim Tae-soo added again.


"You are very strange. You like to fight within yourself, but you also have strong national cohesion." Jin Taizhu looked at Qin Yu and said seriously: "If Gu Taian's summit happened in the fifth district, it would never be possible in the fifth district." To end the civil war in such a short period of time, it is even less possible for other factions to accept the fact that the Gu faction is in power so quickly."

"This is a matter of nationality. For some forces in the Eighth District, the Gu Clan is just a hostile faction, not a foreign enemy of different races. The internal struggle is just to decide who should give the rights, not a national confrontation." Qin Yu He commented sharply: "The reason why the people and some factions in the Eighth District are willing to accept Gu Xie is because he is one of their own."

"When I'm alive, I may never see such a day in the five districts." Kim Tae-soo sighed: "Perhaps it will take a few hundred years for the five districts to complete such an integration, and see each other as their own people."

Qin Yu was silent for a while, then waved his hand and said, "It's too far to talk, let's talk about the present. Do you think Song Yingjun is not playing tricks?"

"My personal judgment is not. He has been very profit-oriented a long time ago." Kim Tae-soo responded truthfully.

"Then do you think it's possible for me to use the issue of his personal safety to lower the price?" Qin Yu asked.

"You can press a little, but not too much." Jin Taizhu looked at Qin Yu and said: "If I were Song Yingjun, then I would definitely not release the shares unless you gave me an ideal price."

"Then what if I let you die?" Qin Yu asked again.

"Seven percent of the shares is a lot. It can determine the outcome at a critical moment." Kim Tae-soo thought for a moment and said, "I don't think you dare to kill me easily. Otherwise, if you can't get the shares, it means that this 100% Seven is completely gone. Moreover, this kind of negotiation is a psychological game. If I agree to lower the price, then you will definitely want to get it cheaper, or even take it without spending money. This is the last card in my hand. , I will be a wealthy and idle person for the rest of my life; if not, then I would rather die than hand over the shares and leave this wealth to my family."

The two asked and answered questions, and they had roughly deduced Song Yingjun's psychological thoughts.

"Yes, the price of 7% of the shares is one billion, which is indeed far beyond my expectations." Qin Yu sighed and said: "With my personal financial strength, it is really difficult to pry Move this place.”

"If you ask the Gu department to pay for this, then they will have bought the shares with their own money. If Yandao actually gets it later, how will the future benefits be distributed?" Kim Tae-soo asked a very realistic question. .

Qin Yu was silent: "Let me think of a way."

late at night.

Qin Yu couldn't sleep all night because of the Yandao matter. After struggling for a long time, he still called Coco because the latter was much better than him in business operations.

After listening to Qin Yu's narration, Coco yawned and replied, "Why are you so stubborn?"

"What do you mean?" Qin Yu was a little confused.

"The equity just determines the ownership of Yandao. You don't have to pay for it! As long as Song Yingjun agrees to temporarily hand over his equity to you to exercise power, then you can control more than half of the shares. Yandao is on its way." Coco said calmly: "Since Song Yingjun is willing to pay, it will be easier to negotiate. You can talk to him and rent his equity at a price of 10 million per year, and wait until the Yandao thing comes to fruition. Now that you have money, it’s not too late to buy another one.”

When Qin Yu heard this, he immediately got excited: "You are so smart!"

In the room outside, Cha Meng had just returned from finishing his errands and asked Xiao Sang casually: "What is the teacher doing? Are you waiting for him tonight?"

"He doesn't need me to take care of him." Young Master Shang replied while playing with his cell phone: "He is talking on the phone with the goddess of the General Administration."

Cha Meng was furious when he heard the sound, and slapped him in the face: "Just step on the horse, you have so many weird words."

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