District 9

Chapter 1656 Escape in embarrassment

Outside Port Pule, after the helicopter crashed, the pressure on Xu Yang and others disappeared instantly, but the situation of Lao Wei became very dangerous.

On the street out of the port.

More than a dozen off-road vehicles rushed over with murderous intent. The vehicle-mounted machine guns opened fire after they met. Old Wei threw away the RPG launcher in his hand, waved his hand and shouted: "Avoid, avoid."


The opponent's two RPG shots came in the blink of an eye.


The two cars were like paper and exploded instantly. The driver in the car died tragically. The remaining people all ran around, pulled out their guns and threw them on the road. However, there were many people in the other car, and they were all lying across the port. The combatants of the nearby private armed forces did not lack courage at all, and they only charged forward sideways.

There are only eight people on Lao Wei's side, and two of them are drivers. Once the car disappears, it means losing the ability to maneuver. He is stuck at the entrance of the alley and shoots outwards. There is no absolute fire suppression, so the opponent almost loses control within a few seconds. , they all rushed forward.

not far away.

Xu Yang listened to the gunfire and said without any hesitation: "CNM, they probably don't have helicopters anymore. Fight back with me and bring Old Wei back!"

"Don't go, Old Wei must be confused!" Brother Cai pulled him and shouted: "The other side has already rushed to their feet!"

"Fuck, rush back!" Xu Yang shook off Brother Cai's arm and fought back with red eyes.

Out near the port.

More than 20 privately armed soldiers got out of the car, used the bulletproof off-road vehicle as a cover, and took small steps towards Old Wei's side.

"Da da da……!"

Lao Wei hid in the alley, fired to suppress him, and turned around and shouted: "Those from cnm, who are not married yet, can run away. Run from behind, quickly!"

Behind, two younger youths hesitated when they heard this.

"You are so stupid!" Old Wei turned around and yelled again: "You haven't married women yet. If you can run out, you can count them all. Hurry up!"


"I can't fucking leave!" Lao Wei yelled urgently: "What's the ink mark!"

The two young men heard the sound and ran to the other side of the road, but as soon as one of them left the bunker, his head was shot to pieces by a sniper on the other side's car.

Is the ground so easy to mess up? Is Lei Zi that easy to play? Behind the high rewards, you have to risk your life!


Only about 20 people from the Iwo Jima private armed forces got out of the car, while the rest followed the people from District 7 and charged in Xu Yang's direction.

On the peripheral road, Brother Cai grabbed Xu Yang again and shouted with red eyes: "Fuck, where is your brain? The people on the other side have already rushed out. Old Wei must be confused, can't you tell? We’ll all die if we go back, does that make sense?”

Xu Yang was stunned.

In the intercom, Old Wei's voice suddenly sounded: "Xu...Xu Yang, this time it's my turn to take the fucking back... If you are alive, my family still has someone to take care of you. If you are gone... what will they do?" Really? Leave me alone, I’m getting off!”

Xu Yang clenched his fists and slammed his head: "Run!"

Ten seconds later, the opponent's privately armed soldiers used their hands and rifles to blow up the bunker of Old Wei and others and charged in.

All eight people died. Even the young man who was not married and wanted to run to the outside was shot to death by the pursuers during the resistance.

Another two or three minutes.

The pursuit convoy drove into Daye and saw bullet casings all over the ground and the abandoned cars of Xu Yang and others. They had followed the snow shells and fled towards the no-man's land.

The leader of the private armed forces on Iwo Jima got out of the car and scanned around. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "They ran towards the no-man's land. We don't have enough manpower here. The island is sending helicopters to search!"

"Received!" the other party responded.

The deputy team leader of District 7 was sitting in the car and urged quickly: "Let's continue chasing!"

"Okay!" The leader of the private armed forces got in the car again and continued to pursue in the direction of no man's land.

Inside the heavy snow shell, Xiao Li had been injured when the helicopter attacked the convoy. He had a penetrating gunshot wound to his arm and was bleeding profusely.

After Xu Yang used the gauze in the canvas bag to help him treat the wound, he immediately said: "I'm going to call the response person right away, and then everyone will turn off all communication equipment and wait until they are out of this area to use it! Remember to separate the machine card."

Everyone nodded.

"Keep going!" Xu Yang waved.

In the crowd, Baoming followed the large troops, trembling with cold, and said in a hoarse voice: "You really can't run away. There are more than a thousand armed people on Iwo Jima. They will also send helicopters to search for them at dawn." , where are you hiding?"


Brother Cai went up and said, "Shut up, if you say one more thing, I will sew your mouth shut!"

Baoming immediately became honest and stopped saying anything.

About an hour later.

The injured Team Leader Lu caught up with the armed men from Iwo Jima and his colleagues from District 7 in a car.

On the outskirts of the no-man's land, people numbering sixty or seventy stood on the heavy snow shell, a little dumbfounded, because the footprints disappeared here.

Team Leader Lu cursed in disbelief; "Damn it, were there footprints over there just now? How come they were gone when they got here!"

The leader of the private armed forces thought for a moment and replied softly: "This is a no-man's land, with no roads, no resources, and no living area. The snow has been accumulated for so many years, and some of the upper snow shells have become frozen. The soil is as hard as the crust, so they chose hard places to walk on, so of course they left no footprints."

"This place is so big, how the hell are we going to chase it?" Team Leader Lu was furious.

"We can only wait for the helicopter to come over and fly to search." The leader of the private armed forces frowned and said: "We can't get in, and it's hard for them to get out. These people have abandoned their cars and have no supplies on them. They are likely to freeze. Die inside.”

"No, they should also have support personnel." The deputy team leader of District 7 said: "Qin Yu can mobilize Marion's armed forces."

At this point, everyone was silent.

"If the Marion armed men come to respond, they will most likely escape from here." The deputy team leader added again.

At this moment, Team Leader Lu suddenly said with scarlet eyes: "I know how to intercept the Marion armed men!"

"How to intercept?" the leader of the private armed forces asked.

"This place is very close to the defense area of ​​the Pu Clan Legion. Let the military intelligence personnel ventilate them and tell the Pu Clan all about Xu Yang's identity and his purpose of coming here." Team Leader Lu turned to look at the other party and said, "This way Pu Clan The department will naturally intercept Marion's armed forces and arrest Xu Yang!"

The leader of the private armed forces frowned when he heard this.

The deputy team leader thought for a moment and then persuaded softly: "There is nothing wrong with how we deal with the internal affairs of the three major districts, but if we want to expose the matter to the Pu Department and use outsiders to deal with them, will things change? ? What's more... when the fire starts here, the two ghosts in the fifth area will definitely run away, so whether we catch Xu Yang is actually not that important... catching him is nothing more than to contain Qin Yu. "

"What do you mean by using outsiders to mess with them?! Qin Yu is just a warlord who respects his troops, and he doesn't wear the same pants as us!" Team leader Lu cursed very vindictively; "I killed five investigators! I He must be so angry!! Not only will I make it difficult for Xu Yang to escape, I will also get the Marion Arms! Don't worry about it, I will find a way to ventilate Pu Xiazi's side."

Lao Lu is the team leader and the main person in charge, so he makes the decision and no one can say anything.

In this way, Lao Lu did a very disgusting thing. He used the ghosts buried in the Old Triangle area of ​​the Seventh District to secretly report Xu Yang's information and the purpose of coming to Port Pule to the Pu Department. .

An unknown location, on a transport plane in the sky.

Zhou Zheng hid next to the cargo box and whispered to Lin Chengdong: "We have guns and hijacked the plane? Fly directly to Sichuan Mansion? What do you think?"

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