District 9

Chapter 1889 A stormy week

After the No. 109 military base was leveled, Xiang Zehao did not immediately mobilize troops to evacuate. Instead, he sent four additional regiments of troops to the Xibo no-man's land: on the one hand, to rescue workers and cover their evacuation; on the other hand, he received the troops from District 9 Reporters from the state media accurately recorded what happened here and prepared to publish it to the public.

After the liberal parties in District 6 learned that Base 109 had been captured, they immediately withdrew the troops sent to respond, and claimed the next day that two regiments of their own troops were performing training missions in the no-man's land of Xibo. At that time, they were attacked by the Nine District Self-Defense Forces...

This shameless statement was collectively criticized by the official media in the three major regions. A war of words has begun, but it has little impact on the outcome. The Liberal Party said this mainly because they wanted to clean themselves up and did not want to be labeled as assisting in the construction of military bases. Because the attack on Jinmen Port is somewhat anti-human, whoever is labeled as such will be in trouble.

A day later, the troops from District 6 moved towards the Xibo No Man's Land, but they had no intention of opening fire. Their main purpose was to deter and demonstrate military sovereignty. Following closely, the military general headquarters of the ninth district began to negotiate with the other party, and began to argue over the fact that the Self-Defense Forces were the first to open fire.

Being able to negotiate means that neither party wants to escalate the incident, and many military and political forces in the Russian region do not want to open fire with the three major regions. Their internal political divisions are also very serious, and some of them are relatively close to the three major regions. Otherwise, the Liberal Party would not have allowed the Bashkir Mining Group controlled by itself to secretly help the fifth region. So if they want to cause trouble themselves, they won't be able to do so for the time being.

Let's not talk about the negotiations for the moment. After Xiang Zehao's Self-Defense Forces took care of the matter at Base 109, they began to withdraw from the Xibo No Man's Land in an orderly manner.

However, the destruction of Base 109 does not mean that the incident is completely over. On the contrary, it is just the beginning.

Within three days.

Sichuan's main combat brigade moved closer to the Old Triangle area and the vicinity of Sanfeng Mountain.

At the same time, under the mobilization of Gu Yan, the northwest advance troops of the Eighth District also gathered in large numbers on the border.

The military situation has become very clear. The Eighth District will join forces with the Sichuan government to prepare for a counterattack against the attack on Jinmen Port. They will join forces to deal with the Five Districts.

The seventh day of the Lunar New Year, Monday.

Lin Yaozong, commander of the Eighth World War II Zone, attended the military press conference.

At the meeting, Lin Yaozong looked solemn and spoke in a loud voice to more than a hundred regional media: "The data on civilian casualties, casualties of officers and soldiers, and economic losses after the attack on Tianjin Port have just been reported by our World War II Region The announcement by Chief of Staff Liu has been completed. Here, on behalf of the highest military headquarters of the Eighth Region, I would like to explain two points to you: First, the attack on Jinmen Port is a common disaster for the Chinese people. While we are sad, angry, and heartbroken, We will also use military means to safeguard the basic rights and interests of the people and the region, and vigorously fight back against the military and political forces that caused this incident. Second, a secretly built military base, as well as fifty bombers, and the Jinmen military port were attacked , cannot destroy the determination of the Eighth District, or even the entire Chinese nation, to defend their rights. Regarding the sovereignty issues of the northwest border, the old triangle area, and Salt Island, we will not compromise, let alone give in half a step. We will In the near future, we will use powerful military means to take the lead in taking over Salt Island by force. We will use aircraft, artillery, battleships, and tanks against all military forces that want to obstruct it and do not follow the rules of the joint political alliance and the arbitration of the Asian Arbitration Tribunal. Talk to them. This is the attitude of the highest military headquarters in the Eighth Region, and I believe it is also the attitude of all Chinese compatriots in the three major regions. That's it!"

After saying that, Lin Yaozong stood up.

In the venue, long guns and short cannons flashed continuously. The image of Lin Yaozong in military uniform with an upright waist will be circulated around the world in a few hours.

There's going to be a war, a big war!

This was something that the reporters present understood instantly.

It's about one o'clock in the afternoon.

In District 7, Mr. Zhao Baobao, a well-known free media person, posted a long post on the most popular self-media platform on the Internet, titled "The dead souls of compatriots in Tianjin Port are crying, Navy in District 7, please join the war!" 》.

Zhao Baobao was once the "proud son of heaven" who returned from studying abroad. He had a fate with Qin Yu in Songjiang, but later because of some things, he was forcibly sent away by his father and went to the EU area for further study.

But in recent years, the general directions of several EU regions have been opposed to those of the three major regions. Political and military relations are relatively sensitive, and Zhao Baobao is in the news media industry, so he does not get along well there, and even almost He was arrested and detained every time for making radical remarks.

After returning from his studies this time, Zhao Baobao took some like-minded people to Nanhu to do serious self-media news. He was also invited by Lin Hanhan to come to Sichuan Mansion. But he felt that the current news cannon in Sichuan was too small and could not satisfy his desire to speak at any time, so he finally chose to stay in Nanhu.

In this long post, Zhao Baobao denounced the serious military and political infighting in the Seventh District from a national perspective. He also called on knowledgeable people in the Seventh District to respond to the attack on the Jinmen Port. We violently criticized the military and political parties for their inaction and inaction.

In the long post, there were many posts about the tragic situation after the attack on Jinmen Port, the current situation of the victims, and the carloads of corpses that were pulled away...

In the concluding remarks, Zhao Baobao wrote very thiefly: I am not afraid of being caught, nor am I afraid of being shot. I just hope that this post can wake up those warships and cannons parked in the port of District 7, doing nothing...

Around 7:30 p.m.

In the General Administration Building of the Seventh District Military Headquarters, Zhou Xingli held a tablet computer, looked at Zhao Baobao's long post, and said with a slight frown: "These penholders are just afraid that the world will not be chaotic."

"The military intelligence department has locked his residence and can arrest him at any time." The adjutant reminded him softly.

Zhou Xingli looked at the adjutant as if he was mentally retarded, frowned and replied, "Go, quickly find a place where I can't see you."

The adjutant was stunned for a moment and immediately left in despair.

In District 7, on the street outside the Military and Government Building, a group of students from the Army University and other universities were gathering at various intersections on the road, shouting in unison.

"Join the war!"

"Join the war!"


The shouts came one after another, and soon alerted the security group in the headquarters.

Zhou Xingli stepped to the window sill, looked out with his hands behind his back, and after pondering for a long time, he said: "Call the General Staff. Don't rest tonight. Ask them to notify the First and Second World War Zones to hold a meeting here in two hours."

"Yes, Commander!"

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