District 9

Chapter 210 Li Fugui is specially assigned to investigate

After Wu Wensheng and others escaped from Songjiang, the mass arrests continued.

The gun selling industry is not something you can operate with just a few dollars and a few brave men. From purchase to shipment, every step requires official attention. To sell on the ground, you must have the acquiescence of the police system; to transport outside the area, you must take care of all kinds of monsters and monsters that come out of the checkpoint. So when Lao Wu fell, a large number of low-level police officers and army sergeants also suffered.

After Lao Mao reported the details of the case, the army's internal pickets and police inspectors also became busy. In just a few days, dozens of people were arrested. For a time, the entire gun selling industry in Songjiang became depressed, and all dealers, big and small, stopped.

More than ten days passed in a flash. On the one hand, Lao Mao had to continue to track down clues about Wu Wensheng and others, and on the other hand, he had to cooperate with various law enforcement agencies to handle the case, so he was extremely busy.

It’s noon this day.

After Lao Mao ate randomly in the cafeteria, he took the information in his hand and walked to Li Si's office, but he still didn't see Lao Li himself.

"He's not here?" Lao Mao looked at Deputy Director Dong with a speechless expression and asked, "Where are the others?"

"I went out to do something." Deputy Director Dong raised his head and asked, "What do you want?"

In these ten days, Lao Mao came to the office to see Li Si at least twenty times, but the two sides met no more than three times. And every time the two sides chatted for a few words in a hurry, Lao Li left in a hurry.

Lao Mao looked at Deputy Director Dong and said helplessly: "What has Lao Li been busy with recently? Why can't he be found every time?"

"What do you mean? If Lao Li has something to do in the future, I have to give you a report in advance?" Deputy Director Dong asked in a teasing tone.

"...Is it interesting for you to tease me every day?" Lao Mao put the information on the table and sat opposite Director Dong and asked: "I'm just wondering. Our underworld police chief almost won Wu Wensheng's case in one fell swoop. Now it's close to It's the end, and it's time to claim credit with the police station, but Lao Li hasn't been seen all day long, what on earth is he busy with?"

Deputy Director Dong picked up the tea cup slowly and responded calmly: "Several leaders have come from Fengbei, and Lao Li has been keeping us company these past few days. If you have anything to do, you don't have to ask him, just tell me."

"Hey, I'm really convinced. He's not busy with business today." After criticizing the superintendent, the shiny old cat reached out and pushed the documents on the table: "Over there, police inspector. I need to pick up a few people in the prison and temporarily detain them there. I can't make the decision on this matter. Do you think we can cooperate or not?"

"Why did you mention this person?" Deputy Director Dong asked with a frown.

"They arrested a few middle-level Jiangnan police chiefs. The evidence may not be enough, so they asked us to cooperate."

Deputy Director Dong was silent for a while, then nodded slightly and responded: "Okay, then you can send the person to them."

"Okay." The old cat nodded.


Lao Mao took the note approved by Deputy Director Dong and had just arrived at the third prison to pick up someone when the phone in his pocket rang.

"Hello, how are you?"

"Is it Sheriff Li Fugui?" the other party asked.

The old cat was stunned for a moment, and was a little uncomfortable with the other party calling his name directly and asked: "You...who are you?"

"This is the police station office. Deputy Director Wang wants you to come to the station quickly."

"Let me go?"

"Yes, I'll see you if I have something urgent." The other party nodded.

"Can't you wait a moment?"

"Deputy Deputy Wang asked you to come right away." The other party's tone left no room for doubt.

"Okay, I'll be there right away."

"that is it."

"Yeah." Lao Mao lowered his head and hung up the phone, scolding with a confused look in his eyes: "Lao Wang wants me to fuck you?!"

"Should you go to the police station?" Zhu Wei asked.

"Yes." Lao Mao unbuckled his seat belt and replied with a frown: "You go pick someone up, I'll go to the police station."

"Okay." Zhu Wei nodded.

after an hour.

Lao Mao drove to the police station alone, walked directly to the third floor, and went to the police station office.

"Li Fugui, right?" A middle-aged man in the office stood up and stretched out his hand.

"Yes." Old Cat nodded.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Deputy Director Wang's place." The middle-aged man greeted with a smile.

Old Mao followed behind and asked with a somewhat puzzled expression: "What does Deputy Director Wang want to see me for?"

"You'll know when you get there." The middle-aged man responded in a low voice: "He is in the small conference room."

"Yeah." The old cat nodded.

The two walked and chatted, and soon arrived at the small conference room on the fifth floor. When Lao Mao entered the room, he saw that there were about six or seven people sitting on both sides of the conference table. They were all at the level of director, police captain, and deputy captain.

"Li Fugui, right? Come on, come on, find a place to sit." The bald Deputy Director Wang greeted with a smile.

"Okay." After the old cat nodded, he sat carelessly in the middle of the conference table.

"Xiao Li," Deputy Director Wang turned his head and looked at the old cat with a smile on his face and said kindly, "You have something good going on?"

The old cat was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied with a smile: "What's so good, Director?"

"We have clues about Wu Wensheng." Deputy Director Wang said with a smile.

"Any clues about him?" Old Mao looked shocked: "Where are the clues?"

"Changji." A police captain on the left whispered back.

Inside a government office building in Jiangnan District.

Director Li held the phone with a gloomy face and asked, "Is the news confirmed?"

"Yes, Lao Mao has already gone to the police station." Deputy Director Dong nodded: "I guess the job of catching Wu Wensheng will be given to him."

"When did you know the news? Why didn't you inform me earlier?" Lao Li complained in his tone.

"I just learned about it." Deputy Director Dong looked helpless: "And it didn't take long for the news to reach the police station."

"Damn it, what did Lao Wang think? Since they got clues about Wu Wensheng, they can just let the police station's major case team go and catch him. Why did they have to call Lao Mao?" Li Si cursed with some dissatisfaction.

"I heard from people in the department that Lao Wang feels that Wu Wensheng's case has been the main investigation of our underworld police chief, and Lao Mao is the head of the task force, so he should handle this matter." Deputy Director Dong responded softly. He said: "And I asked specifically. It was Wen Yonggang who strongly recommended Laomao to Director Wang."

When Lao Li heard this, he replied with a gloomy face: "Damn it, going to Changji to arrest people is not a good job. I'll call the department and ask them to replace them."

"Lao Li, I think you'd better not make this call." Deputy Director Dong immediately stopped him: "You have a special relationship with Lao Mao. Many people know about it, so if you want to talk about it, then The impact is very bad, and Lao Wang may not be able to agree."

"This bastard Wen Yonggang started causing trouble for me again just a few days after he stopped." Lao Li cursed irritably.

"You should listen to me and don't argue with the police station about this matter, because the decision must have been made now." Deputy Director Dong advised again.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lao Li said, "Okay, let's do this first, I'll make a call."


After the two ended the call, Lao Li thought for a moment, then immediately lowered his head and dialed another number.

In the hospital, Qin Yu's cell phone rang. He lowered his head and glanced at the caller ID, then immediately picked up the call and said, "Hello? Uncle Li."

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