District 9

Chapter 2118 Cleaning up the traces

Under the moonlight, on the edge of Weng Village.

Shen Fei was afraid that the sound of gunshots would attract the attention of the people around him, so after he stood up, he immediately climbed up the wall and glanced into the courtyard of the small factory. After observing for a few seconds, he didn't see anything unusual.

There is a war in Wangzhuang, and there are cannons and gunshots everywhere. As long as the people in their right minds will definitely close their doors and windows and stay at home.

After Shen Fei jumped off the wall, he privately took off a corner of his shirt and strangled the wound on his left rib. Then he rushed onto the dirt road and turned to look around.

Things are urgent, but people should not be in a hurry. The more panicky they are, the more likely they are to make mistakes.

After Shen Fei calmly observed the surrounding situation, he turned around and returned to the base of the wall, dragging Shen Yin's body away.

A few hundred meters away on the left, there was a small brick factory without any lights to hide the bodies.

Outside the crime scene, there was an endless expanse of wilderness covered with white snow, but Shen Fei did not choose to drag the person there because people would leave a lot of footprints when walking in the snow. . Secondly, all eight corpses had external injuries and were bleeding all the time. The further they were dragged, the more marks they would leave along the way, and Shen Fei alone could not clean them up quickly.

While dragging the body towards the small brick factory, Shen Fei observed the surrounding situation and thought about what to do next.

Shen Yin's disappearance cannot be hidden for long. Sooner or later, he will be discovered, and the Weng Village where he was last located will also be exposed. Because the military intelligence department can easily locate the location of Shen Yin's last call based on the last call record on his mobile phone.

The body cannot be left here for too long, otherwise it will leak. The forensic department can easily determine the angle at which they were killed and shot based on the location of the shot on the body. They can also determine that an acquaintance committed the crime in a sneak attack...

In just a few minutes, Shen Fei had already figured out a lot of things in his mind.

To the left of the small brick factory, Shen Fei put down the body and walked inside in the dark.

This is a stopped and abandoned small brick factory. Half of the outer walls have collapsed. There are only some piled adobe bricks that have not been fired in the kiln. There is a frozen blister on the left side, which should be from when the brick factory was in operation. , a specially dug water supply pond.

Shen Fei quickly circled around the surrounding buildings, finally returned to the entry position, dragged Shen Yin's body and threw him in a dilapidated brick kiln.

This was repeated, and after eight passes, all eight bodies were thrown into the earthen kiln. Shen Fei picked up the linen cover covered with adobe and covered the eight people.

There was no way to deal with it this way, because he didn't have time to clean up all eight corpses now. He had to leave and go back first.

Shen Fei walked back the way he came, and used the snow on the roadside to clean up all the blood stains left on the road. Finally, he returned to the base of the wall, searched carefully, found all the bullet casings, and then left.

On the road.

Shen Fei's body was already sweating profusely. Although the opponent's bullet penetrated his left rib and did not damage his internal organs, the bleeding could not be stopped.

Shen Fei felt dizzy due to excessive blood loss. Coupled with the cold wind blowing outside, his whole face was as hot as a soldering iron.

Must go back!

Shen Fei gritted his teeth and persisted, fleeing all the way towards Wangzhuang.


At this moment, a freight train came along the railway, heading towards District 7.

Shen Fei was startled for a moment, then reached out and took out the seven mobile phones of his entourage, threw them on the carriage in the middle of the train, and then quickened his pace and left again.

Fengbei, District 9.

A military off-road vehicle stopped at the west gate. An officer got out of the vehicle. After saluting, he said to the garrison personnel: "We are leaving the city."

"Sorry, we have received orders from our superiors that no service personnel can leave the city casually now." The garrison officer frowned and replied: "If you want to leave, our superior unit must call before we can let you go."

The officer who got off the car, wearing the uniform of the Self-Defense Forces, thought for a moment and did not talk nonsense to the other party. He just lowered his head and took out his mobile phone and made two calls.

About two minutes later.

The garrison officer received a call from his superiors and verified the other party's ID before letting him go.

The SUV left quickly. The officer sitting in the co-pilot took his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Yes, send the things to the four detention camps now, hurry up!"

Self-Defense Forces Command.

Xiang Zehao held a huge military communication equipment and shouted urgently: "Don't be completely involved by the enemy forces along the highway. You must deploy a small force to support the military intelligence personnel trapped in Wangzhuang. They are now The situation is very dangerous. If these people are gone, this battle will be meaningless."

"Commander, I have sent people to infiltrate the Wangzhuang side. It will take less than twenty minutes at most to enter the battlefield."



After the words fell, the two ended the call.

In Fengbei City, in the war room of the military and political headquarters, a senior colonel from the air force unit saluted Shen Wanzhou and said: "The Eighth District is close to our No. 4 Air Force Base and has dispatched ten enemy fighter planes and is heading towards the main battlefield. "

"Gu Tai'an wants to scare me," Shen Wanzhou thought for a moment and said with firm eyes: "But this time I won't accept his trick. Order the No. 1 Air Force Base to put all fighter jets into standby state. As long as the Air Force in the Eighth District If they dare to open fire, shoot them down."

"Yes!" the colonel responded.

Shen Wanzhou frowned and looked at the huge electronic screen hanging on the wall, pointed at the blue dot and asked: "117th Division, how long will it take to reach the battlefield?"

"The main force at the frontier can arrive in half an hour at most." The chief of general staff replied: "Two regiments have arrived from Xiang Zehao's side, and their follow-up reinforcements are weak. As soon as our 117th Division arrives, these two regiments will It will definitely be eaten.”

"Inform the Sha Corps and the Lu Corps and ask them to prepare to stop the Allied forces from supporting Xiang Zehao near Changji." Shen Wanzhou said clearly: "Songjiang will not stop. I don't know whether Old Feng will come or not. I know, but Wu Tianyin and Lao Zhou will definitely not just watch, we must be prepared for a battle."


Everyone nodded.

After Shen Wanzhou issued several orders in succession, when he turned and walked towards the small conference room, he suddenly felt dizzy and a little flustered for no reason.

District 9, direction of Songjiang.

Wu Tianyin had already ordered the four regiments under his command to move forward from the direction of Erlonggang.

At the same time, Zheng Kai also received a call from Commander Zhou, who told him to support Xiang Zehao at all costs.

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