District 9

Chapter 2135 Meng Xi’s admonishment

In the evening, half past nine.

Meng Xi rushed to Chongdu by helicopter, and his old friend He Dachuan came to pick him up in person and rushed to the division headquarters with him.

On the road.

He Dachuan bared his teeth and said, "Is our Sichuan government going to make big moves?"

"Where did you see it?" Meng Xi asked with a smile.

"Is this still necessary? Commander-in-Chief Li has been frequently mobilizing garrison troops in the past few days, and the armaments from the rear are also being transferred to the front one by one." He Dachuan curled his lips and said: "I am also a Commander, can I still have this military sense?"

"Haha, you have grown up..." Meng Xi said with a pleased expression.

"What the hell, now that you've become so big, have you started talking to your brothers in the tone of a superior?" He Dachuan teased sarcastically.

"Haha!" Meng Xi smiled, turned to look at He Dachuan and said, "The superior can show you a way."

"What way?" He Dachuan asked humbly.

"If you are transferred to the front line, then do what you are best at." Meng Xi said in a low voice: "The Independent Regiment is a unit that is pulled up from behind, and its combat capabilities are definitely not as good as those of its brother units, so you must use your strengths and avoid weaknesses to fight against the enemy as much as possible. You can do some internal disintegration tricks, you are good at this."

He Dachuan thought about this carefully and nodded slowly: "That makes sense. I understand what you mean."


About half an hour later, the military vehicle drove into the division headquarters compound of the First Independent Division. Meng Xi, He Dachuan and others got out of the car together and walked quickly towards the main building.

At the door, Qi Yuhang looked at Meng Xi with his hands behind his back and squinted: "Oh, Chief Meng, you are really doing well now. Our teacher said that if you don't show up, there won't even be a meeting. Let me see, Now that Sichuan Mansion has left you, it’s impossible to have fun anymore.”

Meng Xi smiled: "I'm just doing errands. Whether the main military force of the Sichuan government is strong or not depends on you front-line commanders..."

"That's right!" He Dachuan immediately agreed: "No matter how good Old Meng is, aren't they still soldiers who left your hands?!"

Qi Yuhang no longer had any prejudice against the two of them, he just spoke coldly. He looked at Meng Xi, nodded and replied: "Let's go, many people have been waiting for a long time."

"Let's go!" Meng Xi made a gesture of invitation.

five minutes later.

In the conference room of the division headquarters of the Independent First Division, Qin Yu looked at everyone with a serious face and said concisely: "About the assassination case, I think everyone has heard the news, but they may not understand the details. So let Meng Xi briefly introduce the situation."

"Okay." After Meng Xi stood up, he gave an unscripted speech, using the most concise words to explain all the core contents of the assassination case to the officers in the Northeast Theater.

After everyone heard this, there was an uproar.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this old He to die in Shen Wanzhou's hands?"

"Haha, I said before that Shen Wanzhou has benefited the most after Lao He's death..."


Everyone was talking, Qin Yu reached out and knocked on the microphone: "Everyone, be quiet!"

When the guys heard the shouting, they immediately shut up.

"Now everyone knows the details of the He Chong assassination case." Qin Yu frowned and continued: "This morning, I also asked Meng Xi to send materials to He Chong privately. He should be in Changji now, thinking about how to deal with it. Shen Wanzhou is dead. So, there are two arguments for today's meeting: First, if the He clan takes the initiative to contact us in the future and focus on killing the Shensha Group together, how should we respond? Second, after the war begins, what should our Sichuan clan do? Conduct military deployment on the front line? What role should you play in the coalition forces? And how should you negotiate with the He Clan and Lu Clan to formulate rules...?"

"I have some opinions." Meng Xi was the first to stand up after Qin Yu finished speaking.

Qin Yu turned to look at him: "What do you think?"

"I personally do not recommend that our Sichuan faction join the war now." Meng Xi frowned and said, "I have several reasons."

Everyone looked at Meng Xi when they heard the sound.

"Speak!" Qin Yu replied.

"First, when we start a war, we have to burn money. On the surface, we are very strong now. We have the Self-Defense Forces, the World War II zone, and the Wu mercenary group as allies. The army is very powerful. We claim to have hundreds of thousands of people, but in fact, our military economy is very tight." Meng Xi said in a loud voice with clear logic: "In the Battle of Yandao, we destroyed a lot of stored armaments and ammunition. And it also gave a large amount of pensions and compensation to the sacrificed soldiers and officers. These two items alone have almost emptied the pockets of our military and finance departments. And now, the Zhou system of the ninth district and the World War II zone has also been They have not received the military funding from the Military and Political Headquarters, and Xiang Zehao's Self-Defense Forces have completely separated from the party and government. Who will bear their future expenses? There is also the Wu mercenary group. Commander Wu is here to help our Sichuan government. You can't let others pay for it out of their own pockets to help you fight the war, right? Therefore, the expenses of these troops will all fall on our Sichuan government if things go wrong in the end."

Everyone was silent, no one said a word.

"So, does our Sichuan government really have the ability to support so many troops? I hope everyone can understand that military expenditures during wartime and peacetime military expenditures are completely different things. I put it harshly, once The war has started, and if you can't provide the money, the coalition will disintegrate in minutes. It's impossible for the soldiers to fight for you without being able to support their families." Meng Xi continued with a solemn expression: "Second, the fifth district and The EU zone is constantly adding troops to the Old Triangle, as well as the southwest and northwest borders, in order to divert the main energy of the Gu system. That is to say, in the battle for the nine districts, our most ironclad ally, the Gu system, is almost There is no way to support us at this stage. So once the war reaches a stalemate, where should we go? Don't forget that there are Feng, Lu, and He factions in District 9, such military and political forces waiting for opportunities. , they will definitely not wear the same pants as us."

"Just tell me your suggestions." Qin Yu frowned and replied.

"My suggestion is: hand over all the evidence of the assassination case to He Chong, and then the Sichuan government withdraws from the Ninth District," Meng Xi said briefly: "Let them fiddle with the forces within the Ninth District. We just Just wait and see how things change.”

"What if the Sichuan government withdraws and they can't fight?" Li Zhan asked.

"It's impossible not to start a fight, because the matter of Jia He's arrest is already semi-public. If we use public opinion to stoke the fire again, even if He Chong can hold it back, Shen Wanzhou will not allow him to hide it under his nose. With a warlord who wants to avenge his father, it is only a matter of time before he opens fire." Meng Xi said very decisively.

"What about the Allied Forces?" Ruan Ming couldn't help but ask.

"Disband on the spot!" Meng Xi said without hesitation: "When our people return to Sichuan, the Wu Clan mercenary group and the Self-Defense Force can jointly station in Beifengkou. As for the Feng Clan, we can just ignore him. They It is 100% that they have underlying political stance. My personal judgment is that they will work with He Chong, Xue Huaili, and Lu Bosen to fight against the Shensha Group."

"What about the Zhou Clan in the World War II area?" Qin Yu asked.

When Meng Xi heard this, he paused for two or three seconds and then said: "If Commander Zhou is willing to step down as commander and hand over the troops to the unified command of Sichuan, then we can accept more than 70,000 people to come to Sichuan. But. If he doesn’t want to,...then we can only protect ourselves first, and we don’t have time to worry about whether other people’s kangs are warm or not.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked extremely shocked. No one expected that Meng Xi would speak so coldly and directly.

I don’t have time to care whether someone else’s kang is warm or not. What does this mean?

Obviously, Meng Xi just said it directly and let the World War II zone fend for itself.

District 7, Nanhu.

Shen Wanzhou's secretary has already entered the building of the General Political Headquarters of the Seventh District Military Department. He is waiting to be received by Zhou Xingli, the apparent commander-in-chief of the Seventh District.

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