District 9

Chapter 215 Revenge of half a million cash

After calling twice in a row, but no one from Taizhuang Superintendent responded, Lao Mao became suspicious. He held the walkie-talkie with a slightly solemn expression and shouted again.

"Brother, Superintendent of Taizhuang, can you hear me?"

"Hello? Can you hear me?!"


After calling several times in succession, Taizhuang Superintendent’s people did not respond, which made Zhu Wei anxious: “Old Cat, what’s going on? Why didn’t they reply?”

"Yes." Old Cat frowned and replied, "They are silent."

"Have you lost me?" Xiao Taig also asked.

"Wang Bing's car turned right just now. I was trailing behind and lost my sight. When I caught up with her, I couldn't see her car." After the old cat explained quickly, his eyes were a little uneasy. Said: "But Taizhuang is in charge of this. They should contact me first when they see the car?!"

"Didn't he just shout on the intercom that his signal was not good?" Zhu Wei responded quickly: "Could it be that the line was disconnected?"

Old Mao pondered for a long time, then lowered his head and took out his mobile phone and said, "The mobile phone has two bars of signal. Even if it is disconnected, they should also use the mobile phone to contact me. There is no way that they suddenly lost the message."

"What's going on?" Xiao Taig frowned and asked, "Did they miss it?"

When the old cat heard the sound, he looked towards both sides of the road. Rows of houses had their doors closed tightly. There was no light around him, and his ears could only hear the sound of car tires crunching against the snow.

The driver of the car was sweating on his forehead: "Captain, this is an alley, and there is no one in front of us to tell the time. It will be difficult for us to catch up with Wang Bing's car."

"Stop the car." Old Cat suddenly shouted.

The driver was stunned: "Stop?"

"Give up, stop following." The old cat had a very bad premonition in his heart: "Reverse the car, slow down."

"Okay." The driver nodded and reached out to turn on the low beam headlights.

"Don't turn on the light, just pour it slowly." The old cat immediately stopped him.

In the back seat, two other police officers looked outside the car window with nervous expressions. One of them frowned and cursed: "Even the living village can't be so quiet. Why doesn't it look popular at all? "

"Yeah," the guy next to him nodded: "It's so quiet here."

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise." The old cat waved his hand to signal the two of them to stop talking, and only comforted the driver: "Slow down, don't be nervous."

The roads in the Living Village were not narrow, but the driver did not dare to turn on the headlights, so he reversed very slowly. It took him two to three minutes to reverse the car.

"Let's go." Old Cat urged.

There was a rustling sound on the wall at the intersection ahead.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and accelerated towards the main road.

Lao Mao was actually more nervous than anyone else, but he couldn't show it to other police officers. He could only keep looking around to relieve his anxiety.

Thirty meters later.

The old cat turned his head and raised his eyes. When he looked to the right, he suddenly saw two figures on the wall not far away. The cat happened to be lying on the wall with his waist.

"Slow down." The old cat shouted suddenly.

The driver became nervous and turned around and asked: "What's wrong, captain?"


There was a low sound of gunfire, and a gunfire more than half a meter long was drawn from the wall on the right.

A row of shotgun pellets sprayed over, and the windshield shattered. The old cat only heard a pop, and the left side of his cheek instantly became hot.

"Trouble, there's an attack." The police officer in the back seat immediately drew his gun and shouted.

"Don't panic!" Old Cat also shouted while pulling his gun.

There was a muffled sound, and the off-road vehicle hit the wall on the left side uncontrollably. The front of the vehicle was dented, and the mechanical cover deformed and popped open.

Lao Mao shook his head and turned to look at the driver, only to see that the upper body of the driver and police officer was covered in blood, and there was an obvious fracture on the skull on the right side of his forehead.

"...The car...the car crashed, what...what do we do?" The police officer covered in blood raised his head, looked at the old cat stiffly, and murmured for a while, then his body twitched violently, and he became hard within a few seconds. .

"Kang Kang!"

Two more gunshots were heard, and a burst of white smoke billowed out of the right door. Laomao came to his senses, immediately lowered his head, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Zhu Wei, go to the direction where the gunshots were heard. We are under attack." "

"I heard it, and I'm rushing towards you." Zhu Wei roared in response.

"I'm very close to you, old cat, please hold on." Little Taig's voice also sounded.

In the car, Old Cat cocked the bolt of his gun, stared at his eyes and shouted: "Two o'clock on the right, on the wall, fight back."

When the two police officers heard the sound, they raised their arms and rushed towards the wall on the right, decisively holding fire.


The sound of gunfire pierced the night, and the police and criminals exchanged fire at close range.

On the wall, large-caliber sprayers were unreasonably blasting the extinguished off-road vehicle. The door panels produced by conventional assembly lines had become like paper under the destruction of countless projectiles and were riddled with holes. .

In order to avoid the bullets, the old cat had no choice but to climb onto the driver's seat and shoot at the wall through the broken windshield.

About seven or eight seconds later, one of the people on the other side was shot and fell directly on his back in the walled courtyard.

"Pay attention to the amount of ammunition, don't shoot blindly, shoot in bursts," Lao Mao stretched out his hand to push open the door of the car he was driving, and while sliding out, he shouted: "There are only two people on the wall."

As soon as he finished speaking, the police officer on the left side immediately responded: "I...I only have one spare ammunition left."

"Suppress with fire, buy time, and wait for Zhu Wei and the others to come." Old Mao lowered his head and took out the second spare ammunition.

On the wall.

A strong man lowered his head and pressed the gun into the gun, and said smoothly into the intercom headset: "We have injured one, and they have no ammunition left."

"Then fuck them."

A low voice sounded in the intercom channel.

Less than five seconds later, a burst of messy footsteps suddenly erupted in various alleys in the living area.

Before he could rush out of the car, Laomao raised his head from the driver's seat after hearing the sound. He glanced far away and saw seven or eight sturdy men in slovenly clothes, carrying machetes. , shovels and other murder weapons, swarmed over.

There was a muffled sound, and the man on the wall jumped to the ground with his gun in his hand, gritted his teeth and roared: "Work harder and disperse early. Stop the leader, and the big boss will throw 100,000 cash into Taizhuang."

"Fuck nm!"

Old Mao got out of the car with red eyes, raised his gun and shouted: "Don't expect the people from Taizhuang Superintendent to come back. The people from Changji Anping Superintendent are all involved in the persecution of us."

Not far away, a dozen people rushed up carrying the guy.

"Kang Kang!"

Lao Mao held a gun and started shooting: "Bring it out to the intercom."

North side of Life Village.

Wu Wensheng limped out of the car and scolded with a gloomy face: "Old Li from the underworld is trying his best to target me. I don't dare to touch him, but I still don't dare to punish your nephew?! Everyone, listen to me, I brought 500,000 yuan into Taizhuang. I don’t ask for anything else, but to leave with an open heart when I leave the ninth district. Anyone who wants money can work for me."

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