District 9

Chapter 2145 Ready to leave

Shen Fei was struggling emotionally. He really didn't know what to do next.

Commander Zhu of the Military Intelligence Department has been tracing the cause of Shen Yin's death and has found the right direction, which makes Shen Fei potentially exposed at any time.

If the matter leaks out, will Shen Wanzhou let him go?

No, he will never let himself go.

Shen Fei had always seen Shen Wanzhou's doting on his son Shen Yin, and if he killed him with his own hands, Shen Wanzhou would definitely make him pay with his life.

How can we protect ourselves?

Selling out the Shen system?

Yes, this is a way. As long as Shen Wanzhou falls quickly, becomes a war criminal and is caught, or simply dies on the battlefield, then Shen Fei will not have to suffer his revenge.

But the question is, who should Shen Fei turn to and betray Shen Wanzhou?

Will you seek refuge in Sichuan? This won't work. Shen Fei knows that he has too deep grudges with the Sichuan government. From the Lao Sanjiang incident, to the Yandao incident, to Coco's arrest in Jiujiang, he is involved in all these incidents. If one day everything is settled, then maybe even people like Jiang Xue won't let him go.

Are you taking refuge in He Chong?

This is even worse! Shen Fei was one of the culprits who directly participated in the murder of Commander He. Although the real mastermind of the matter was Shen Wanzhou, he played the role of a "sword" after all. If one day, Shen Wanzhou completely fell, Shen Fei himself would have no role. , then He Chong would definitely get rid of his "knife" with his own hands.

No one wants to see the person who killed his father hanging in front of his eyes all day long.

Inside the hospital.

Shen Fei was thinking hard and didn't know where to go next.

If you surrender to the enemy, you may be retaliated against.

If he doesn't surrender to the enemy, his murder of Shen Yin will be revealed sooner or later, and Shen Wanzhou will also have to deal with him by then.

At this moment, Shen Fei was like a victim who fell into a dry well. He looked up and saw that the wellhead was too high for him to climb up. He called for help, but there was no one around him who could help him. He was lonely, worried, and confused...

Sitting on the bench, Shen Fei stayed alone for a long time before slowly putting away his cell phone and giving up his plan to surrender to the enemy and betray Shen Wanzhou.

After going to the bathroom and washing his face, Shen Fei quickly left the hospital and drove back to his residence.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Shen Fei simply packed some luggage at home, wrapped up the cash and the seven or eight gold bars he had secretly stored during this period, then put on a fake beard and wig and came to the living room.

Shen Fei looked at everything in the room and had already made a decision in his heart. He wants to run, give up everything he has, leave his hometown, and go as far as possible.

Over the years, Shen Fei has been in important positions and has accumulated a lot of money. It would be good to leave and find a place to quietly be a wealthy and idle person.

However, Shen Fei looked at everything in the room and felt inexplicably guilty. He felt that he was sorry for his late father, who had high expectations for him before his death and hoped that he could achieve certain achievements in the political system of the ninth district, but now he can only leave as a loser.

It might be easier to give up.

Shen Fei persuaded himself in his heart, picked up his simple luggage, and left the home where he lived alone.

The war is approaching, and the entire Fengbei City is looking very depressed. Major industrial groups, commercial enterprises, and roadside shops are at least 80% closed at the moment. There were very few pedestrians on the road. The once bustling capital now only had the strong smell of fire and the deserted silence that filled the city.

Streets and intersections are filled with military pickup trucks and groups of soldiers patrolling with serious expressions and loaded with ammunition.

Shen Fei came to his car, threw his luggage in the back seat, turned around and looked around, then bent down and got into the car to start a fire.

Rushing all the way to Fengbei and South Pass, Shen Fei suddenly felt a little sad.

After so many years of hard work and struggle, in the end I took nothing away, only a bag in the back seat of the car.

In Fengbei City, at the military headquarters, a group of generals were sitting in the lounge, communicating in low voices.

"Damn it, each of the three families of Feng Helu has 50,000 troops, and if you add one dollar to that, there are 150,000. Wu Tianyin from Beifengkou brought more than 20,000 people, and the Self-Defense Army brought more than 20,000 people. Sichuan government at least We can also send more than 20,000 people, plus the 70,000 troops in the World War II area, we will face at least a frontal siege from the enemy's main force of 250,000 troops." A senior colonel-level officer said in a low voice: " At present, our Shensha Group has less than 140,000 people, and the party and government can hardly give us any military support. Let me tell you, how can we fight this war?"

"Didn't District 7 take action?" Another middle-aged fat man said: "They will give us some support, right?"

"What's the use of taking action?" The senior colonel curled his lips and replied: "They were blocked by the Chen Department before they even left home. At present, they will not have any impact on the war in the ninth district."

"Yes, our current situation is very worrying." The people next to us also echoed: "The total strength of the troops is too different. Even with the city defense advantage of the Fengbei capital, we can still hold it."

"That's right. If the coalition forces only encircle but not fight, they will be forced to fight against you, and we will collapse sooner or later. How can Fengbeicheng's resources support 140,000 troops and so many people?"


In the war room, the generals of Shensha Department were relatively pessimistic about the prospect of war.

The ninth district is different from the eighth district. There are many military and political factions here, and the internal power is extremely dispersed and complex. Each force has its own calculations and ambitions, so they are secretly using their own resources to develop military power crazily.

Moreover, District 9 has not fought any wars in these years. They have almost no war expenditures in terms of military expenditures and armaments, so each faction only needs to use the money they have saved to secretly expand the size of their troops.

But the Eighth District was different. They fought a civil war first, and then were distracted by the northwest and southwest battlefields. They had to fight countless border defense battles and offensive battles alone.

This kind of consumption is very terrifying. If the Eighth District had not already had a strong foundation, then just supporting the Lao Triangle War and the Salt Island War would be enough to drain the Eighth District's financial savings, and there may even be a war economic crisis. .

Therefore, after Gu Tai'an unified the Eighth District, he cut off troops with low combat effectiveness several times. For example, Lao Gu felt that the troops recruited from Tang Zhang had low combat effectiveness and lacked bloodiness. By cutting them off, a lot of military expenses could be saved and used in the right place.

This is also the reason why the total strength of the eighth district is less than that of the ninth district. Firstly, the war consumption in the Eighth District was too intense, and they had to worry about internal stability while taking the lead in defending the country in the southwest and northwest; secondly, the Ninth District had been developing in a dull manner and had never fought any tough battles, and the military and political forces of all parties , all have their own territory and economic channels, so they can steadily expand their base and army.

Although the total strength of the Eighth District is smaller, the combat effectiveness of the troops is not comparable to that of the warlords in the Nineth District. Fatty Teng had let Kuang Yan off before, saying that he could defeat at least two sand divisions with one division. Although this is a bit pretentious, it also makes sense.

The best training ground is the battlefield. Soldiers who have experienced life and death are completely different from soldiers who have been raised in captivity.

This is also the reason why the generals of the Shensha Group were relatively pessimistic about the prospect of the war before the war started. They have never even fought a war in which the enemy and our forces are equal in strength, let alone a defensive war in which the strength of our troops is nearly twice as different...

In the lounge, while everyone was interacting with each other, Qin Wenxu walked in from the outside and shouted: "The commander is here, the meeting will begin immediately."

Everyone stood up immediately after hearing the sound, straightened their clothes, and rushed to the large conference room.

On the rostrum, Shen Wanzhou looked at everyone with a smile and said in a relaxed tone: "The opponent's military strength is so much better than ours. Don't you have a little confidence? Haha...!"

In Fengbei City.

When Shen Fei was driving towards Nanguan Pass, he suddenly heard two fierce gunshots coming from the alley next to him.

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