District 9

Chapter 2215 Unknown position, unknown hero

It's about two o'clock in the morning.

The forward troops of Sichuan's 1st Field Brigade, the Ruan Ming Brigade and Qi Yuming Brigade from the Northeast Theater, and the Xun Chengwei Brigade who took the light rail train to Songjiang and then to Beifengkou, fully joined forces at Beifengkou.

There are about 25,000 Sichuan troops currently assembled here. Except for the Qi Lin troops who have withdrawn from the southwest and have not yet arrived, the rest of the troops have already been in the rear camp and have completed their assembly.

After the Sichuan Army arrived, the Self-Defense Forces and Wu forces, which had been holding on for more than thirty hours, began to fully retreat from the most advanced defensive positions in the Daqiushan Mountains.

Qin Yu gave an order, and more than 20,000 Sichuan troops rushed to the forefront of the battlefield.

After the large forces departed, a two-hundred-person action team dispatched by Lin Xiao's special warfare brigade and a one-hundred-person commando team led by He Dachuan and Ai Hao mixed in with the Sichuan army and rushed to Daqiu Mountain.

It's about six o'clock in the morning.

In the center of the Daqiu Mountain Range, an officer from the Ruan Ming Brigade said to Lin Xiao: "Sir, we will separate from here. The coordinate point you want to go to is on the northwest side, so you have to go through here."

Lin Xiao, wearing a snow combat uniform, reached out and patted the other party on the shoulder: "Sorry to trouble you, brother!"

"It's okay." The officer grinned: "I wish you a safe journey and complete the mission safely."

The two sides exchanged military salutes. Lin Xiao bent down, waved his hands and shouted: "Continue to move to the northwest."

The three hundred troops set off again, all wearing white snow combat uniforms, holding sophisticated military equipment, and quickly advanced toward the northwest.

Along the way, He Dachuan drank some high-concentration white wine, and he was as alert as a leopard, scanning the surroundings. He observed that many dead trees in the mountains had been leveled by artillery shells, and one could often see a large vacuum area and craters more than one meter deep and several meters wide.

The further they walked, the soldiers' expressions became more solemn.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao hid behind a rock and waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

This is already the outer edge of Daqiu Mountain, and we may encounter the combat troops of the Sixth District at any time.

After the troops stopped moving forward, He Dachuan approached him and said, "What's going on, Brigadier Lin?"

"There seems to be someone down there." Lin Xiao replied softly: "The trees are blocking my view, so I can't see clearly. I'll ask the second team to go down and take a look."

"No, I'll go." He Dachuan immediately sat on the ground, reached out and took off his thick non-slip combat boots.

Lin Xiao's eyes were dumbfounded: "Why are you taking off your shoes?"

"The sound is low, and the feeling is stronger when your feet are directly on the ground, so it is not easy to crush the thunder." He Dachuan replied smoothly.

Lin Xiao blinked, never expecting that such an inconspicuous character could have such vigilance and experience.

"Don't move, I'll go down." He Dachuan, barefooted like an animal, bent down and moved slowly down the pathless mountain road.

"Soldiers in the Sichuan government are all really talented." Lin Xiao's deputy muttered in a low voice: "It's safe to work with a comrade like this."

"Don't make any noise." Lin Xiao motioned for everyone to be silent.

In about ten minutes, He Dachuan returned the same way and said with a livid face: "...There is someone, but...it's a dead person."

Lin Xiao and others heard the sound and walked along the path He Dachuan had walked, and quickly rushed to the location below. They saw more than 20 corpses lying in a trench less than 50 meters long, all covered with a white mist of frost. , obviously frozen.

In the trenches, the dead people were all wearing the military uniforms of the Wu troops. Many of the corpses were incomplete, with broken limbs and arms, blood, and ammunition scattered in the pit. The scene was extremely tragic.

Lin Xiao jumped in and found that the communication equipment in the trench had been damaged by artillery shells. Next to his left foot, there was a young soldier about 20 years old. He was shot twice in the chest. His expression was extremely painful when he died, with his eyes staring. , full of unwillingness...

Obviously, this group of soldiers was completely destroyed after being targeted by enemy artillery shells. After they were shelled, some of them did not die on the spot, but froze to death in the position after losing their communication equipment.

Lin Xiao looked at the group of people in front of him, his eyes sore inexplicably. Strictly speaking, they are not soldiers, not even the military armed forces of the three major regions. They are just the disciples of Beifengkou or Erlonggang. They joined the war to protect their homeland and their relatives and compatriots living in Beifengkou...

The body has not been found yet because the Sichuan Army, the Self-Defense Forces, and the Wu Faction are in the defensive stage, and the follow-up troops should not have found this place yet.

Lin Xiao took off his hat and saluted the dead soldiers in the pit.

Outside the pit, the Chinese compatriots were grieving in their hearts and slowly took off their hats and saluted.

How tragic the battle at Beifengkou was cannot be reflected in data or battle reports. Too many people died on the unknown front. The Wu mercenary group and the Self-Defense Force also used the worst armaments and military literacy to strike the most powerful blow for our nation.

Lin Xiao and others did not have time to help these compatriots bury themselves in peace, so they could only use communication equipment to notify the follow-up troops to come and deal with it.

More than 300 people were on the road again, and according to the agreed time, they crossed the battle zone from the side of Daqiu Mountain and entered the enemy's hinterland.

In the field, Lin Xiao hid in the snow pit, holding an intercom and said: "No action during the day, everyone stays where they are and waits for dark."

It's about four o'clock in the afternoon.

The fleet from District 7 has arrived at the outer edge of the coast of Lukou. At this moment, He Chong received the news and fully reacted.

"Damn it! Why did Lin Cheng's and Liu Weiren's troops reduce their offensive intensity in the past two days? It turns out they are waiting for us to fight in the nest!" He Chong glared and cursed: "This bastard Feng Ji , he’s also a wallflower, he’s already ready to run away.”

"There is no way, he still compromised for his father." Xue Huaili frowned and replied: "Don't mess up your position. There is news from the EU Region 1 that the Wu faction and the Self-Defense Forces suffered heavy losses on the Daqiu Mountain battlefield. They have I hope to penetrate the north wind outlet."

"I really want to turn around and kill Feng Xi now!" He Chong said viciously.

"It makes no sense to say this now, and it makes even less sense for us to do that." Xue Huaili advised.

Inside the Feng Clan headquarters, Feng Ji took the phone and said, "Yes, ignore He Clan's reaction and order all our troops to move to the coast of Lukou."


At the same time, Songjiang.

Meng Xi lowered his head and glanced at his watch, then whispered to Ma Laoer: "Get ready to take the people from the Feng family to set off."


District Eight.

Lin Yaozong, who was based in Yanbei, stood in the war room of the general headquarters and said: "The Feng faction is going to run away, we are going to enter the scene immediately."


As soon as he finished speaking, an instructor from the Eighth Army University, regardless of the guards' obstruction, broke into the war room and shouted: "Report to Commander Lin, our Army University has transferred 3,000 students and requested to participate in the war!"

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