District 9

Chapter 224: Election for Chief Member

It was February 12, 17th year of the new century, two days before Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year, and more than two months had passed since Wu Wensheng's death.

In the past two months, several good things have happened within the group headed by Li Si.

Less than two weeks after Li Si resigned, Qin Yu was transferred back to the first team and officially served as the captain of the first team. His title was also changed from the second-level police officer to the second-level sergeant, which was equivalent to jumping up a level. This somewhat enviable operation was also Lao Li's helpless move. Because after he left, Deputy Director Dong's acting period would not be too long, and the underworld would send a new leader sooner or later, so he had to put Qin Yu in a key position no matter what, even if he was gossiped about.

The captain of the superintendent's team is still at the level of sergeant, but this position has a profound meaning. Because everyone who can be a captain of a team will be promoted to superintendent if there is an opportunity as long as he stays for a period of time. Therefore, although its administrative level is still behind the head of the Logistics Department, it has considerable discretion, real power, and a broad path for promotion. It is equivalent to the "prince" within the superintendent.

After Qin Yu was promoted, Lao Mao was also appointed as the captain of the third team. But outsiders are very puzzled by Lao Li's operation. They feel that he does not mention his relatives, but puts Qin Yu in the most critical position, which is indeed a bit hard to understand. But everyone in the circle knows that Lao Mao's IQ and charisma are not necessarily worse than Qin Yu's, but unfortunately his personality is not suitable for being in the forefront of the limelight. Otherwise, before Qin Yu came, he would have been on the police for a long time. Shinai took off.

After two major adjustments within the superintendent, the pattern has basically been formed. Lao Li's main core team is all in the first, second and third teams, and the logistics department and financial department are also direct descendants of Lao Li. Therefore, although Wen Yonggang still controls Team 4, 5, and 6, because he was defeated in Wu Wensheng's matter, his right to speak within the superintendent can only be reduced again and again. However, Lao Wen quickly accepted this result. Not only did he not make trouble with the police station, but he became much more honest. During meetings, he would always chat with Qin Yu cordially, looking very generous.

In addition to Qin Yu and Lao Mao being promoted within the superintendent's ranks, Lao Li's team's business on the road has also seen favorable conditions.

The medicine line was restored a month and a half ago, with Ma Laoer in charge of sales and Qi Lin in charge of transportation.

After Uncle Ma's death, some of the core members who had followed him in the past chose to go it alone, and the business also stopped for a few months, resulting in a shrinking market share. But fortunately, business has started up again and is gradually getting back on track, which is always a good thing.

In addition, after Ma Laoer came back, in addition to being responsible for managing drug sales, he also took on another important task, which was to help Lao Li win votes from the people in Jiangnan District.

Let’s briefly introduce this voting process.

First of all, although ordinary district councilors are elected by vote, the Municipal Legislative Council does not participate. As long as the people vote for you, the district council can directly go through the review process. As long as the person you choose has no bad deeds and the leader doesn't bother you, you can basically get into the parliament. But the election of the chief councilor is more troublesome. The candidate must not only get the first place in the popular vote, but also must get more than 50% of the votes of the members and legislators of the Legislative Council. Therefore, there are many under-the-table transactions that are inconvenient for Lao Li to personally operate.

It's inconvenient for Lao Li, and it's even more inconvenient for Qin Yu and Lao Mao. Because both of them were public officials, they certainly couldn't help their former boss with elections, so the job fell smoothly to Ma Laoer.

He has no public position, has never been in any institutional department, and even the previous case has not been completely resolved, so he can give gifts and money to whomever he wants without any scruples.

This time, there are a total of four candidates running for the chief council member of Gangnam District. One is an old man who once served as the village chief of a certain living village, one is the boss of an industrial company in Jiangnan District, another is named Sun Zongbin, and the rest is Lao Li.

Village elders and industrial bosses basically accompany the list. Their backgrounds are average and their mass base is relatively poor. The reason why they participate in the election is to show their face and facilitate their personal career development in the future. So the one who can really compete with Lao Li is Sun Zongbin, because the person standing behind him is the Bai family.

Lao Li knew Sun Zongbin's background in his heart, and he also felt that he was not a great threat to him. Because Wu Wensheng was supported by the Bai family in the first place, and now he is selling guns and has been involved in corruption. Therefore, even if the Legislative Council does not consider the impact, the image of the Bai family in the eyes of some people has plummeted. But the threat is not great, but since you want to participate in the election, you have to be completely sure. Therefore, Qin Yu's death order to Ma Lao Er was that Lao Li must come to power with an overwhelming vote. Firstly, it is to earn some face for the people behind Lao Li; secondly, it is also to show all walks of life that Lao Li's election as chief councilor is what everyone expects.

After Ma Laoer received this death order, he basically lived in Jiangnan. Because he needs to organize people every day to drive floats to parades in the streets to show Lao Li's "great achievements". He also has to distribute leaflets to the people, and spend a lot of money to buy some grain, oil, cotton clothes and other items, and deliver them to the streets. To those who have the right to vote.

Of course, the cash spent on this election was not paid by Ma Laoer personally, because he could not afford it at all. Food and cotton-padded clothes are really too expensive these days. You can afford to give them to hundreds of households, but if there are thousands of households, tens of thousands of households are piled together, then Ma Lao Er will be cut off and sold by Lao Er. I can't raise the money. Therefore, all the expenses spent on canvassing votes this time were "sponsored" by Lao Li's personal background and the company.

In addition to competition over funds and background, the campaign also involves Chi Guoguo's ugly physical fights, which are real physical fights, the kind where a man's head hits a dog's head.

That night, a physical fight broke out on the street again because Ma Laoer's float was smashed.

At around six o'clock in the evening, in an apartment building in Jiangnan District, Ma Laoer stood at the door of a household, smiled and said to the woman inside: "Sister-in-law, please tell Brother He that it is not convenient for me to go to his unit. This time It’s very presumptuous to come over and ask for a visit.”

"Xiao Ma, you are too polite, this thing is too valuable." The woman replied with a smile.

"It's not valuable." Ma Laoer patted the wild ginseng box and said with a pun: "It's what's inside that's more valuable."

"I'm so sorry. Come on, come in and sit down."

"No, no, my feet are covered with snow. Just tell Brother He that I was here later." Ma Laoer replied with a smile.

"You really don't want to sit down anymore?"

"No, you are busy, sister-in-law. It's almost the Chinese New Year, and I have a lot of people to leave."

"Okay, go back and give Lao Li a message. The district council is public, but we are friends."

"Thank you, sister-in-law. I will tell you when I get back."

"Walk slowly, pony."

"Hey, hey." Ma Laoer nodded repeatedly and left.

A few minutes later.

Ma Laoer went downstairs and was about to get in the car to check the remaining "gifts" when the phone in his pocket rang.


"Second brother, our float has collided with Sun Zongbin's." Liu Zishu's voice rang out: "I wasn't there, and we don't have many people."

"Suffered a loss?"

"The float was smashed and Lao Li's photo was cremated." Liu Zishu replied in a low voice.

"Damn it, I don't want to talk to them. Are they finished yet?" Ma Laoer frowned and replied, "Gather some people and gather in the warehouse."

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