District 9

Chapter 2322 Old Friends Reunion

Following Qin Yu's instructions, Ma Laoer began to constantly harass Yegor mentally, and used a very enthusiastic attitude to ease the current awkward relationship between the two parties.

Although Yegor often pretends to be pretentious and puts on airs, he also knows when enough is enough. Under Ma Laoer's continuous invitations, he coyly agreed to come to Sichuan Mansion again.

On the other side, the arson case and the sale of official positions are also continuing to advance. Wu Di and Lao Mao have spent a lot of energy on this matter and have been exhausted mentally and physically in recent days.

At noon that day, when Lao Mao was about to take time to go home and hand in homework to Zheng Ya, he received a call from Zhang Liang, an old man from Songjiang.

"Hello?" Lao Mao took a sip of coffee and answered the phone.

"Boss, are you free today?" Zhang Liang asked with a smile.

In recent times, Zhang Liang has made appointments with Lao Mao at least four or five times, but the latter was either working in the Eighth District or coming back to review cases. He had no private time almost every day, so the two of them did not make an appointment.

The old cat was a little embarrassed, looked down at his watch and replied: "Okay, let's do it today!"

"Okay, let's have something light. I'll have someone pick you up. We'll meet at Hill Manor." Zhang Liang agreed.

"No, no, you don't have to ask someone to pick me up. I'll go there by myself when I'm done, probably around six or seven o'clock." The old cat replied.


"that's all."

After saying that, the two ended the call. Lao Mao immediately stood up, picked up his clothes and coat, and prepared to go home and do something during his lunch break.

There have been a lot of things going on lately, Lao Mao and Zheng Ya's marriage has been pushed back and forth, but the two of them have already gotten a hint from their elders to get on the bus first and then buy the tickets, so they plan to create a little person first. Especially Lao Li, he was very worried about Lao Mao's physical condition. This guy is in his thirties, and he used to love to play. The old man is afraid that his silver gun has become useless. If it is of low quality, the longer he delays, the harder it will be to have a child.

Let’s not talk about what happened during the day. It was not until about eight o’clock in the evening that Lao Mao took a private small car from the Police Headquarters and rushed to Hill Manor outside the capital city and met Zhang Liang and others.

Among the old people who came here from Songjiang, Zhang Liang was second only to Brother Xiao. He has seniority and has good relations with senior officials of the Sichuan government who came from Songjiang. In addition, he is a very smart person. After moving his family to Sichuan, he has never touched the above-ground cross-border business. Therefore, he is currently developing very well in Sichuan. He has two group companies and is truly worth it. A great boss.

After everyone sat down, Zhang Liang lit a cigarette for Lao Mao, sighed and said, "Oh, boss, if I make an appointment with you now, it will be harder than landing on the moon."

"I really have something to do." Old Mao took a puff of cigarette and replied softly: "It's not that you don't know how serious the arson case and the official selling case were recently."

"How is the case being handled?" Zhang Liang asked casually.

"It has to be polished bit by bit, and I'm working on it." The old cat turned to look at Zhang Liang, and said with a smile: "You have something to do with me, right?"

"Hehe," Zhang Liang grinned: "There is really something wrong."


"It's like this. I heard that Wu Di's daughter-in-law, Ye Lin, went to the fourth district to acquire minerals on behalf of our Sichuan government?" Zhang Liang said in a low voice: "Brother, I also want to get involved in this matter. Look at you. Can you say hello and ask Ye Lin to set aside a little extra share quota for me?"

"Is that all?" asked the old cat.

"That's it." Zhang Liang nodded: "I know that this mining development is a big project, and our group will definitely not be ranked. But if I can get involved, wouldn't this be considered a cross-regional investment? Well? The group's style will be higher.'

"Why don't you tell Wu Di yourself?"

"Aren't you my eldest brother? Why don't I say hello to you first if I have something to do?!" Zhang Liang looked at the old cat tenderly: "Whose little brother am I, then I still can't figure out my position? "

"Haha, fuck." The old cat smiled: "Okay, I'll tell Wu Di for you later. It shouldn't be a big problem, but you have to follow the normal procedures!"

What is a relationship?

In just two words, Zhang Liang sat on the mining project table.

Of course, his ability to sit at this table is inseparable from his financial strength and group strength.

"Thank you, brother!" When Zhang Liang heard this, he immediately turned around and shouted: "Quickly, give my brother two hard dishes, and you have to wear a bikini."

When the old cat heard this, he immediately waved his hand: "Don't talk about this, I... can't eat hard food now."

"What happened? Transformed?"

"I have to do a full-body checkup when I get home. If I'm found out, I'll be in big trouble." The old cat replied with a sigh.

When Zhang Liang heard this, he asked humorously: "Why, my sister-in-law asked you to hand in your homework, and you have to weigh it with a scale, right?"

"...!" Old Mao picked up the small wine glass, turned to look at Zhang Liang and said: "Brother, I am really not as good as you now. The soul belongs to Mr. Qin, the body belongs to my wife, and the future belongs to the child. At present, Only a belly of emptiness and loneliness belongs to you."

Zhang Liang slapped his thigh when he heard the sound: "You are so talented, what a poem! Everyone stand up and give me a toast to everyone in the office."

"Here's to Director Li, for the good poem!"

People in Zhang Liang's company stood up and toasted one after another, and Lao Mao drank happily with these familiar old friends and was in a happy mood.

Outside Chongdu City, it’s night, around ten o’clock.

Fu Zhen's eyes were deep and he sat at the window with a slight melancholy, looking at the crystal snowflakes on the glass, as silent as a poet.

After Meng Xi washed his stinky feet and wiped them, he sat on the bed opposite and asked, "What are you doing?"

Fu Zhen didn't reply to him, he was as cold and lonely as an invincible swordsman.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Meng Xi shouted.

"Tell me a few words." Fu Zhen ruined his charming temperament with one sentence and cursed with extremely poor quality: "I'm so busy with my time!"

Fu Zhen came here and only went to the experimental field two days ago to experience the work of a technician. From then on, he refused the farming job and refused to go to the greenhouse. It was such a hard time there, not only was it dirty, but it was also very tiring. The most important thing was that the experimental fields not only required research on seed seedlings, but also fertilizers. To put it simply, it is the study of shit and other things, both human and animal. These things need to be mixed with mass-produced agricultural fertilizers, and Meng Xi specially arranged this job for Fu Zhen.

What can Fu Zhen do?

You must not do that!

Therefore, Fu Zhen was determined not to work during this period, and Meng Xi did not force him or even tell him. If Fu Zhen doesn't want to do it, then leave him alone and let him stay alone in the dormitory, but he must not sneak away.

Not to mention that Fu Zhen is a manic man, even if he were a normal person, he would still be crazy if he spent time like this with the five spines and six beasts every day!

"You need to calm down and feel the atmosphere of life here." After wiping his feet, Meng Xi lay on the bed and said leisurely: "Not everyone can stop working and still have enough to eat. You should be happy and satisfied. …I personally suggest you do your job well, be a little tired every day, and go to bed at night. Hey, this is satisfaction.”

"Stop talking to me, I'm going to sleep." Fu Zhen took off his clothes and slept directly on the other bed.

About five or six minutes later, Meng Xi started snoring.

Fu Zhen opened his eyes, glanced at the lights in the outer bedroom and turned them off. He then pulled out his simple luggage from under the bed and prepared to run away...

He really couldn't stay here any longer and had to run, the faster the better!

Fu Zhen turned around and looked around, then quietly left Meng Xi's room.

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