District 9

Chapter 2329 A fight between a hundred people

Regarding this land dispute, Tianfu Group has actually been tolerant enough, and when it encountered difficulties several times, it chose to go through the official and follow the procedures. But I didn't expect that the more they retreated, the more violent the crowd became, even to the point of taking action.

As the old saying goes, this rabbit will bite people when it is anxious, let alone people like Tie Fei and others who started from scratch.

To put it bluntly, in the past, they used to bully others, but now in order to implement the group's transformation policy, they have become extremely low-key, but TM's patience has not resulted in "peace".

So, when Tie Fei and the others entered the scene and saw that his own brother and his brothers were all beaten like bloody gourds, they immediately became anxious and rushed into the crowd with the angle iron in their right hands.

Tip is very good at street fights, otherwise he wouldn't be known as Zhang Liang's top dog. He was tall and had rich fighting experience. After rushing into the crowd, he seemed to be in a deserted place and knocked down three or four people in a row with an angle iron.

However, it is difficult for a good tiger to defeat a pack of wolves. There are only more than 20 people on the tip side, while there are 60 or 70 people on the public side at the beginning, and the more people fight, the more people there are. Not long after the two sides started fighting, another group of helpers rushed in from outside, both men and women, carrying kitchen knives, iron rods and the like and joined the battle group.

The tip was beaten frequently, and he was blocked next to the building materials and beaten with shovels and iron rods. But he knew how to fight. He kept leaning on the pile of building materials to keep himself from falling, and at the same time reached out to grab his brother. However, he yanked twice but failed to pull him up. His brother was completely shocked.

"Damn it, rush out, rush out first, call the police first!" In the crowd, Tip's brother shouted loudly when he saw that he couldn't fight.


Just as Xiao Fei was dragging his younger brother lying on the ground and rushing out, a kitchen knife came over and chopped open his cotton-padded jacket, revealing a shocking knife edge on his back.


Xiao Fei staggered forward and hit a pile of building materials. At this moment, he felt a cool breeze blowing on his back. As a Leizi who had been on the ground for many years, he was all too familiar with this feeling.

The opponent was slashing him with a dead hand, so there was no need to think that his back must have been chopped open.

If the war reaches this point, whoever holds back will be a fool.

The tip was so anxious that he really didn't hold back this time. He didn't care whether the people on the other side were civilians. He took the triangle and turned around to say hello to the opponent's head.

There is absolutely no skill in street fighting. Hundreds of people are mixed together, with shovels, iron sticks, kitchen knives and other things flying around. In this kind of scene, even if Superman comes, he will be fucked to the head. It is not possible at all. Maybe he could avoid the murderous weapon rushing towards him.

Therefore, in this kind of fight, the battle is about who doesn't want his life, who dares to fight, and who has the courage.

Tiao Fei dragged his brother to the slope-like building materials, then turned around, shouldered two sticks, and rushed down.


Tie Fei tried his best to avoid the murderous weapon that was being summoned by the other party. He grabbed a strong man with his left hand, rounded his arm, hit him on the head twice, and hit him twice.

The angle iron is in the shape of \u003c. This thing is usually used to wrap the corners of walls, tables and chairs. The quality is excellent, and because of its special shape, it is also extremely lethal. As long as you hit the head or body with enough force, you will definitely get a big wound.

In just two blows, the man who had been jumping up to tip was knocked down on the spot.


Holding the triangle in his hand, Tip went straight to the person nearest him with red eyes and greeted: "A real fight, a real touch, can you do it?!"

"beat him!"

The leading strong man pointed at the tip and roared.

The people of Shu are not good at it. There is a reason why the Sichuan army is so powerful. Although the people were beaten, they were not used to it. Several people rushed up, swinging their weapons, and knocked down Tip in an instant.

"Bang bang!"



A group of people stood in a circle, grabbing the guy in their hands with both hands, and smashing it at the tips below without thinking.

At this moment, Xiao Fei felt like he was going to die. He was deaf in both ears, his eyes were black, his whole body shook with the falling murder weapon, and his mind went blank.

The blood flowing from his body had dyed his clothes red and melted the snow on the ground. Tie Fei protected his head without letting go of the angle iron.

"You bitch!" the leading strong man cursed fiercely, took a solid iron rod, pulled his neck and shouted: "Get up, get up."

The crowd dispersed, and the strong man grasped the iron rod as thick as a man's arm with both hands, stared at his eyes and shouted: "You bitch, I'm going to fuck your legs, I have to break them for you!"

Below, Tie Fei ducked sideways, and the stick instantly hit his waist. At this moment, he felt as if his spine was broken.

Everyone has a desire to survive. After Tie Fei was beaten this time, his head became much clearer. He didn't know whether it was his body's instinctive reaction or whether he had locked onto the strong man subconsciously. In short, after being hit, he put his hands on the ground and rushed up.

This means being young and taking the beating. Otherwise, if someone older comes over, he will definitely be beaten to death or in shock.

After Tip rushed up, he waved the angle iron in his right hand to disperse the crowd.


The leading strong man hit Tip on the back with a stick. The latter shouldered the blow and instinctively turned back and picked up the angle iron.

There was just a snap sound, and the angle iron hit the strong man's right eye. The angle iron head was pulled out and the man's eyeball was instantly scratched open.


The strong man roared, instinctively threw away the iron rod and covered his eyes.

Tie Fei was so stunned that he didn't even notice that the angle iron had scratched the opponent's eyes. He just staggered forward and rushed forward, grabbed the opponent's neck and collar, and swung the angle iron at the opponent's head one after another.


"Bang bang!"


After hitting him seven or eight times in a row, Tie Fei heard someone nearby shouting: "Stop hitting, stop hitting, the head is open, the head is open."

When Tip came back to his senses and looked at the other person, he saw that the other person's skull had been deformed, and his face and chest were covered in blood.


At this moment, Superintendent Tao Li rushed to the scene after receiving the report.

Twenty minutes later.


Zhang Liang walked out of the box and answered the phone: "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Something happened over there at Taoli, something big happened...!" The voice of the person in charge of the real estate company rang on the phone.

Two hours later, Meng Xi, who returned to Chongqing to attend Lao Mao's wedding, stood at the door of the reception hotel, holding a phone in his hand and asked He Dachuan: "Please help me find out if something happened over there at Tao Li." Already?"

He Dachuan drank hard and said, "I haven't heard of it. What happened?"

He Dachuan had no access to local conflicts, so he was completely unaware of them.

"Please help me find out." Meng Xi lowered his head and said.

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