District 9

Chapter 239 No Passion

Webcast station, in the legal column office area.

After Zhao Bao waved to everyone reservedly, he began an unscripted speech that lasted for half an hour. From the Iraq War before the Era to the riots caused by the establishment of the Nine Districts after the Era, several reporters on the front line died trying to capture He recounted all the incidents on the material road in detail to everyone. And his speech style is mainly stream of consciousness, saying whatever he says, regardless of whether you really understand it, but it will definitely give you a feeling of being very high-end and classy.

After the speech, the lunch break was over, and dozens of legal column staff members all left cursing in low voices.

In the office area, next to Lin Nianlei's desk, Zhao Bao lowered his head and said, "You can come to my office later."

"What?" Lin Nianlei raised her head and asked.

"There's something wrong." Zhao Bao was very serious about the temperament that a leader should have. He just said this lightly and turned around to leave.

Twenty minutes later.

Lin Nianlei ate something before opening the door and entering the editor-in-chief's office.

"Sit wherever you like, Leilei." Zhao Bao greeted with a smile.

"Haha, I thought you didn't even recognize me when I was outside just now." Lin Nianlei responded with a sneer.

"No way, there are too many people outside. If I show that I am too familiar with you, it will have a bad influence." Zhao Baoying came over and explained.

"Are you still afraid of bad influence?" Lin Nianlei was very surprised: "At the New Year's Eve party, your father just introduced you as his son, and you became the editor-in-chief on the fifth day of the new year. Ha, father and son are in the same department, it's really... ...rare!"

"I have the ability. I don't need to avoid suspicion at all." Zhao Bao's biggest advantage is his confidence. Otherwise, how many people have you seen who can control a pink suit?

"Well, I know you are capable, but what do you want from me?"

"Leilei, actually I have always wanted to find an opportunity to explain to you what happened that night..."

"Can you stop talking?" Lin Nianlei rolled her eyes: "My mind is filled with the four words that the old cat said to me."

"Which four?"

"It's so exciting."

"...!" Zhao Bao gritted his teeth when he heard the sound: "This is a rumor, please listen to me and I will explain it to you..."

"I don't want to hear it." Lin Nianlei interrupted: "Editor-in-Chief, it's best for us to only talk about work matters during work. Otherwise, if you are not afraid of gossip, I will be."

Zhao Baobao blinked and looked at Lin Nianlei, and could only respond helplessly: "Okay, let's talk about business. Come on, sit down."

"Okay." Lin Nianlei heard the sound and sat on the sofa.

Zhao Bao returned to his desk, reached for his briefcase, pulled out a large pile of information and said: "On the third and fourth days of the new year, I went through all the work priorities for the year after, but I am completely There’s no passion here!”

"What passion?" Lin Nianlei asked with a frown.

Zhao Bao put the information on the table, flipping through it, and said: "One station, the focus of March, is to interview serious criminals in the third prison, and do two issues of law popularization columns. The second station, in cooperation with the Kaiyuan District Superintendent, follows and shoots the destruction A gang that sells supplies. On Channel 3, the production team of the current legal reporting column has been laid off, from 15 to 10..."

"Why are you reading these things? What do you mean?" Lin Nianlei interrupted and asked.

"Passion, where is the passion?!" Zhao Bao threw a pile of materials on the table and commented: "These things are all rubbish."

"you mean……?"

Zhao Bao stood up when he heard the sound, clasped his fingers and said: "Interviewing serious criminals, tell me, what's the point of this job? If you want to film criminals repenting, setting examples, and creating sensational brainwashing columns, then you should be an officer of the police station's propaganda department Yes, what do you want our front-line legal columns to do? There are also tracking and filming to arrest material trafficking gangs... Isn't this a show that hides the truth from others? The police superintendent has already understood the trafficking gangs thoroughly, and is waiting to be arrested. Let's go over and film them. What's the point? Oh, just to establish the tall image of Superintendent Kaiyuan? The notes also indicate that the shooting should be based on the idea of ​​overcoming obstacles and finally solving the case with difficulty. Isn't this nonsense? You can even think of asking reporters to follow the shooting. , are you in such danger?"

Lin Nianlei looked at Zhao Bao blankly, speechless.

"Also, Xunxun was doing very well in legal reporting at that time, so why did it suddenly lay off employees? What do you mean? If we don't focus on current affairs news in society, we just have these columns based on scripts, then we are no longer an entertainment program? Zhao Bao was very angry and said like a big wolf dog with red eyes: "I don't do this rubbish. I want to do something passionate, catch real-time cases, and dig deep into cases worth reporting."

Lin Nianlei used to think that Zhao Bao was a rich young man who was willing to pretend to be a bitch and talk condescendingly, but he was not a bad person. Unexpectedly, after he yelled in the office, Lin Nianlei suddenly felt that he was someone with some ideas.

"The duty of the judicial system is to maintain the normal operation of society, and do you know what the duty of our reporters is?" Zhao Bao turned back to Lin Nianlei and asked.

"What is it?" Lin Nianlei asked following his words.

"They are the ones who discover what is wrong with this society." Zhao Bao responded briefly: "So, we should not engage in those performances and simply serve as a filming studio for the propaganda department to mass-produce some meaningless educational films. .”

"I agree with your statement." Lin Nianlei nodded seriously.

"I am definitely not good at this plan." Zhao Bao responded decisively: "I want to find something new, something that can stimulate me."

"For example, the private bathroom in the Happy Palace?" Lin Nianlei asked.

Zhao Bao was stunned.

"Hahaha!" Lin Nianlei laughed: "I'm just joking with you. But if you can really lead us to do some interesting news, I will definitely be on your side."

"Leilei, actually you will find that I am really good if you get to know me for a while..."

"I'm going out first. If you have a new plan, you can come to me to discuss it." Lin Nianlei said this, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, come back and get to know me better!" Zhao Bao shouted.

A week later.

Ma Laoer invested 30,000 yuan to register a company called Tiancheng Trading in Songjiang. The name was given by Lao Mao, and its meaning is also very simple, which means that God-given things will come true.

After the company was registered, the office location was chosen to be on Tuzh Street, but the opening was relatively low-key. Qin Yu and Lao Mao were not present. Only Ma Laoer invited some familiar people to come over and make the scene lively. However, everyone in the industry knows that this company has a judicial background, and the backers behind the scenes are actually Li Si, Qin Yu and the others.

Three days after opening.

Ma Laoer made another move. He contacted the friends Uncle Ma had made on Tuzh Street a few years ago, and held a banquet at the Happy Palace to officially announce the return of the Ma family. And this is where a new starting point and struggle begins.

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