District 9

Chapter 244 One car, one box of lives

Noon the next day.

Yuan Ke rushed back to Black Street from Jiangnan and invited Pei Deyong to have lunch in person.

During the dinner, Yuan Ke did not take the initiative to bring up the matter of drug line cooperation, because he knew very well that if Lao Pei had to negotiate well, he would definitely not take the initiative to contact him today.

Pei Deyong stretched his arms for a while and felt that the heat was almost gone, so he took the initiative to ask Yuan Ke: "Hey, Xiao Ke, last time you told me about the medicine, I discussed it with the people in the company, and they felt that it Work can be fun.”

"That's great." Yuan Ke immediately followed the words and responded: "I have already said that if you can work with me, we will have no rivals in the underworld."

"That's what's going on." Pei Deyong pouted his mouth and said very clearly: "Xiao Ke, your brother doesn't go too crazy with his words, but in my three-quarters of an acre of land, as long as I If you want to do any business, no one else can get involved, do you believe it?"

"I believe this." Yuan Ke replied, holding Pei Deyong in his arms, because he was also eager to expand the medicine line. Firstly, it was to consolidate his relationship with the Bai family, and secondly, it was a reassurance for Fengbei Longxing Medicine.

"But our relationship is a relationship, and business is a business." Pei Deyong wiped his mouth and asked Yuan Ke with a smile: "If I want to do this in partnership with you, how will the account be settled?"

Yuan Ke's original psychological bottom line was that even if he and Pei Deyong were divided 28-20, the opponent was 8-8, and he was 2-8, that would still be acceptable.


Because Yuan Ke's thinking is rather special, he thinks that as long as Pei Deyong can be tied to him, it will shrink Qin Yu's living space to the greatest extent. First of all, in terms of territory, the two companies combined will definitely have an advantage; secondly, once Pei Deyong gets involved, he will inevitably compete with Ma Laoer. In this way, Yuan Ke himself does not need to invest too much energy in the underworld. Because there is Pei Deyong in front of him, he only needs to stabilize his plate on the Black Street side, and then go all out to develop the Jiangnan side, and that will be fine.

In this way, Yuan Ke can not only effectively control Ma Laoer's development, but also win critical time for himself to expand his industry in Jiangnan District. So he didn't consider at all what kind of person Pei Deyong was and whether he had a bottom line in doing things. Because he can give up even Wu Wensheng at the critical moment, so why would he care about Pei Deyong, a person who only has some influence on the ground in the area?

Therefore, even if the bill is divided into 28 cents and Yuan Ke still needs to pay some money in advance, he still thinks it is worth it. But after Pei Deyong took the initiative to contact him today, Yuan Ke's thoughts changed slightly. Because he knew that Pei Deyong took the initiative to come to the door, it must be because he had not reached an agreement with Ma Laoer.

Haha, if you don’t lower the price now, when will you lower the price?

Yuan Ke looked at Pei Deyong, considered it carefully for a while and then said: "Brother Pei, we have never cooperated before, I don't know how far this can go, and I need to advance the payment, so I can give you six ingredients at most. Account."

When Pei Deyong heard this, he felt a little regretful. He felt that he was a little abrupt in asking Yuan Ke today.

"You don't have to worry about the payment, receiving and delivering goods, you just need to sell." Yuan Ke said softly: "Every month, I will find an accountant to settle the dividends based on the volume of goods."

Pei Deyong thought about it for a long time, then replied with a very thief smile: "Xiao Ke, let me be honest, we have never done this business of medicinal thread before, so I don't know the way inside. So do you think this will work... ...You get me a batch of goods first, and I will try to put them out. I will only charge you 30% of the errand money for this batch of goods, and you will take all the remaining 70% of the profit. When this batch of goods is finished, I will Let’s see if this medicinal line is suitable for us.”

"Haha." Yuan Ke smiled, gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother, you are so smart at what you do."

"Oh, I really haven't done it before, I want to give it a try." Pei Deyong responded with a smile.

"Okay, then it's settled." Yuan Ke raised his glass: "In the next two days, I will have someone deliver a batch of goods to you."

"Okay, come on, cheers." Pei Deyong nodded with satisfaction and raised his glass.

An hour later, the meal ended.

Yuan Ke got into the car smelling of alcohol, yawned and said, "Go back to Jiangnan."

"Pei Deyong insists on trying a batch of goods first. What kind of trick does he want to play?" Xiao Jiu didn't go up just now, so he took the initiative to ask.

"What tricks can there be?" Yuan Ke intervened and responded: "He just wants to use my hand to raise the price with Ma Lao Er. First, he will only sell the goods this time, just to tell Ma Lao Er that I will I have already expressed my position, and the price will definitely be higher than yours, so if you don’t raise the price, then I will fight with Yuan Ke.”

"Ah, that's what he means." Xiao Jiu was stunned, and immediately turned around and asked: "Then why don't you just give him 60%, and just say 80%? This will kill the matter directly, and it won't be updated. Are you sure?"

"No, I think Liu Cheng has already nailed the matter." Yuan Ke smiled: "First of all, Pei Deyong is not an uncool person, but why did he suddenly ask me out today? It must be Mr. Ma last night I didn't bother him and gave him a price close to the land, so he was anxious. Secondly, I can see that Lao Pei is in a key position in this struggle for interests, so wouldn't Qin Yu be able to see it? Wouldn't Li Si be able to see it? ? But why did Ma Laoer give him such a low price? Think about it?"

Xiao Jiu thought for a while: "You mean, the other side doesn't want to get involved with Lao Pei?"

"Qin Yu and Lao Li are both people in the system." Yuan Ke said sharply: "But Lao Pei's reputation is too bad and there is no limit to what he can do, so it is difficult for them to play together. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Xiao Jiu nodded.

"Just wait, Lao Pei will have to fight with his opponent sooner or later." Yuan Ke said with a smile: "60%? We got a bargain, haha!"

Two days later, outside Songjiang District.

The joint defense team under the garrison dispatched three vehicles and arrived at a crossroads.

In the snow, most of the tires of the box truck that had been parked here for about sixty or seventy hours were frozen, and the windshield, roof and other places were covered with a thick layer of snow.

Two soldiers used crowbars to open the cab door and immediately smelled a disgusting stench.

"Something is rotten." The soldier said with a pale face, covering his nose and walking away.

The sergeant raised his head and glanced at the truck, then immediately waved his hand and shouted: "Come on, open the box."

Ten minutes later.

The cargo box was pulled open by four soldiers, and an extremely stench came in front of them, making the soldiers run away for several meters.

The sergeant stood in the snow and looked into the car with shocked eyes.

There were seven or eight boys in the box, ranging from 14 to 18 years old. They were all chained and lying on the pallet. They were either staring outside or looking out, or huddled together. …

The corpses were all frozen stiff, which is why the stench was not completely spread to the road. Their faces were ferocious and frightening. They were all underage, skinny and in ragged clothes. Some of the children's corpses even made the motion of stepping on the box door...

"It's a trafficker's car again." The sergeant sighed with helplessness on his face.

Seven or eight living lives left this world in such an aggrieved manner.

Within the city.

Zhao Bao has been in close contact with Lisa in the past few days, and he is exhausted from inspiration. The new quarterly focus has not been made yet.

In the afternoon, he had nothing to do, and suddenly thought that a classmate he had met in Fengbei was also here, so he took out his mobile phone and made an appointment to meet him.

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