District 9

Chapter 2445 Jiangzhou Chaos

The Chen Clan's garrison in Jiangzhou also numbered about 60,000 people. The predecessor of this corps was the Chen Clan's Southwest Advance Army, which has always been commanded by Chen Jun.

The civil war broke out in the Houjiu District. In order to prevent the intervention of the Zhou Clan, the Chen Clan used Jiangzhou as the base point to ensure that the Sichuan border was not harassed. Therefore, the Southwest Advance Army also updated its designation at that time and changed it to the Jiangzhou Garrison Corps. Chen Jun served as the first commander-in-chief.

The radiation range of the Jiangzhou Garrison Corps is about 500 kilometers. Its troops are not only deployed in the main urban area of ​​​​Jiangzhou, but are stationed in a fan shape along various highways and important military areas. Externally, troops can be sent out to the southwest, northwest, northeast and other places; internally, they can also threaten Jiujiang, Luhuai and other places in the Zhou system, so the military value of this place is still very high.

At this moment, the Feng Clan Corps retreated across the board and returned from the outer lines of Jiangzhou to the Lu District. In addition, the Chen Clan's main garrison troops did not gather and encircle Jiangzhou in advance. Therefore, once the Sichuan Army decided to start a fight, it was obvious that the Chen Clan's side Underprepared.

Why the lack of preparation? There are two very important reasons.

First, Chen Xi did not expect that Feng Ji's 50,000 to 60,000-strong regiment fought for nearly two days, but did not take a step forward under Xun Chengwei's persistence. They were a bit confused as to why a degraded general like Xun Chengwei would rather waste his own troops than defend with his life at such a sensitive time point.

What's more, they never expected that in the chaos inside Sichuan Mansion, people like Pu Xiazi and Wu Tianyin could be asked to help under such circumstances.

Wu Tianyin mobilized his main force in Beifengkou to aid Sichuan, and more than 20,000 people were mobilized at one time. In order to help the Sichuan government, he put the Beifengkou area into a certain danger.

There is also Pu Xiazi. He faces military threats from the fifth district every day in the old triangle area. To put it bluntly, he himself is a bit difficult to protect, but at this moment he is willing to send troops to help Qi Lin defend the defense area and allow all the Sichuan Army’s southwest theater troops to return and station. Jiangzhou battlefield.

More importantly, Pu Xiazi and Wu Tianyin's series of decisions, troop deployments, and agreements were all completed in just two days, which shows that they decided to support Sichuan without any hesitation.

Isn't this scary?

Qin Yu is gone, but allies are still in place at critical moments.

Second, the Jiangzhou Garrison Corps does not have a commander-in-chief at the moment, because since the last time Fatty Teng's troops were blocked and Chen Jun returned to Nanhu to communicate with the superiors, he lost contact and there has been no news for many days.

The generals below all knew why Chen Jun lost contact, but they were helpless and did not dare to express any opinions.

But at this moment, the Sichuan army is attacking Jiangzhou with all its strength, but the commander-in-chief is not there. How should the troops on horseback be directed?

Based on the above reasons, Xun Chengwei, an honest man who had been stable all his life, suddenly proposed a radical strategy and achieved miraculous results.

In the outer areas of Jiangzhou, Feng Ji's regiment is evacuating on a large scale. Although they did not cause any trouble on paper to Chen's troops, they occupied a large amount of Chen's garrison space along the withdrawal route. Their troops cannot be deployed together with Feng Ji Corps, and this important factor gives the Sichuan Army a great opportunity.

Wu Tianyin's troops, Qi Lin's Southwest Theater Troops, and Xun Chengwei's four regiments only held the withdrawal route of Feng Ji's regiment, and attacked fiercely all the way forward, beating the opponent's head and running away. As for Chen's garrison troops, they dare not enter the combat zone at this moment, because once the three parties get involved, they will have no advantage at all in terms of strength and will be hanged on the battlefield in minutes.

Two hours after the war started, almost all of the Chen defense area on the Jiangzhou border was lost. Feng Ji could not help them defend their lost ground. They could only run with their butts stuck out.

The right to fire on the outside lines was lost, and Chen's Jiangzhou Corps was also in chaos. Everyone had big differences on how to defend themselves.

Within the headquarters.

One of Chen Jun's military commanders fired directly at Chen Feng: "Damn it, there's a war on the front line, but our commander-in-chief is not here, how can we fight this battle?! Even if you tell me this, you will laugh out loud!"

"Don't shout or get excited." Chen Feng replied irritably: "I didn't tell you, the higher-ups will send a new commander over soon."

"What new commander will you transfer? Does the person you transfer know about the situation in Jiangzhou? Does he know the combat capabilities of his subordinate units? Does he know the combat habits of regimental and battalion-level commanders?" Another army commander also asked He was anxious: "The gun has been fired. A commander is here now. Isn't this outrageous?!"

Chen Feng was so angry that he put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Don't you have a deputy commander in your Jiangzhou Corps? Don't you have a chief of staff? Let them take over the command first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Jun's chief of staff stepped into the room, pointed at Chen Feng and shouted: "Don't just talk nonsense here, report to the superiors immediately and ask them, does Jiangzhou want to leave? Do you want Chen Feng to be killed immediately?" Put him back, Commander, otherwise we can't fight this battle."

There are at least two commanders and seven or eight generals in a corps. In terms of seniority and rank, which one is not higher than Chen Feng? Who can he suppress in this environment?

Chen Feng also knew in his heart that these people from the Jiangzhou Corps just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get Chen Jun back, so continuing to grind would not do any good to the situation in Jiangzhou. He could only report it to the police as soon as possible. .

In Nanhu, in the Chen Department's headquarters, a large group of generals were anxiously expressing their opinions.

"I have said before that if there are any issues, we all sit down and negotiate. After all, the purpose is common, but you absolutely cannot control the dignity of the commander-in-chief of the Jiangzhou Corps. In this situation, you...what can you do? How about processing it?”

"Don't talk about those useless things now, Jiangzhou can't make any mistakes."

"I really can't figure it out. What kind of ecstasy did the people from the Sichuan government feed Wu Tianyin and Pu Xiazi? How can they be made to ignore their own interests and stand up for Qin Yu's wife?"

"Actually, this matter is not difficult to guess at all. Whether the three major districts establish a system will not affect Pu Xiazi at all, but if there is a problem in the Sichuan government, their interests will be directly damaged. And Wu Tianyin is even more of a Sanxian, He has always resisted joining the system, so he doesn't care who becomes the emperor or who gets what rights. Anyway, he will always have certain independent rights in Beifengkou. After all, he doesn't have many people in the army, and cutting the vassal can't cut his head off. superior."


Everyone was talking a lot and had different attitudes.

At this moment, Chen Zhongren, who had been sitting in the main seat without speaking, suddenly stepped in and ordered: "Let Xiaojun return to Jiangzhou and command the troops to hold on, immediately!"

The chief of general staff pondered for a while and then immediately replied: "I'll go and tell you."

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