District 9

Chapter 2449: Rough guys, real men

The Feng Clan Corps attacked Sichuan, and the Chen Clan chose to give way in Jiangzhou. These two actions gave the Alliance high hopes for the Jiangzhou battlefield. They don't care whether the Feng clan can break into the hinterland of Sichuan, but as long as this war can last for a period of time, until the old governor's condition worsens and dies, and when Qin Yu completely loses control of Sichuan, then they will win.

This direction is also what the Feng Clan and the Chen Clan want to see. They also need time and wish the old governor would leave early, so everyone is willing to work together to cause chaos in Jiangzhou.

But what the Alliance didn't expect was that this war lasted less than a damn week. The Sichuan government's quick defense directly forced the Feng clique to withdraw its troops and caused the Chen clique to lose Jiangzhou.

The Sichuan Army united with the Wu Clan and dispatched a total of more than 80,000 people. This posture was obviously meant to kill Baochuan Prefecture. The Chen clique and the Zhou clique still have their own plans, and they don’t trust each other. It is impossible for them to join forces and fight a decisive battle with the Wu clique and the Sichuan army. Therefore, the end of this battle means that near Jiangzhou, in a short time There can be no more war in the country.

Based on the above reasons, the Alliance was forced to find a way to delay the situation in the Eighth District. On the one hand, it would expand the impact of the Fatty Teng incident, and on the other hand, it would continue to investigate Qin Yu's whereabouts.

While the battle in Jiangzhou was heating up, the Alliance was not idle either. They had made many plans in response to the Fatty Teng incident, preparing to escalate public opinion again.

The purpose of doing this is to distract the Governor's Office from the wave of public opinion and dilute the impact of the Wang Zhou incident. To put it simply, the Alliance is still prepared to put the fight under the table, and is not prepared to let the big bosses directly fight hand-to-hand.

After a few days of calm, the wave of public opinion in the Eighth District resumed.

The overseas public opinion attack team controlled by Hongjing Company spent a lot of money to find a group of former bandits and bandits in Sichuan Province and conducted face-to-face interviews.

These people said in interviews that while Fatty Teng was stationed in Sichuan and Shaanxi, he used bandit suppression as an excuse to mobilize troops to attack innocent people and civil forces many times. For those forces or individuals who did not pay tribute or give gifts, they were directly captured and massacred by troops, resulting in hundreds of murders.

In the interview, these people claimed to be good citizens and ordinary businessmen. They had all suffered blackmail and persecution from Fatty Teng. They also showed scars on their bodies in the video and said that their family members had been killed. They It was a lucky escape.

Because these people showed their faces to be interviewed and claimed that their identities were real and well-documented, a wave instantly set off on the network platform within the Eighth District.

Fatty Teng's reputation fell to the bottom overnight, because the public sympathized with the weak. Although they could not confirm how much of those people's words were true or false, they were more willing to believe that what these weak people said was true. I want to believe that they are exposing the ugly face of the warlords.

The curses came so overwhelmingly that the public opinion control department in the Eighth District could not suppress them at all. They control those who set the pace, but they cannot block the Youyou public who are active on the online platform.

For this reason, the Chief of Administrative Affairs of the Eighth District personally called Gu Tai'an and told him tactfully that if this matter was not controlled, the turmoil might become bigger and bigger.

Two days later.

In the building of the Eighth District Governor's Office, Gu Tai'an was sitting in the ward, using his notebook to read the news of the past few days, his brows furrowed and his face serious.

"Governor, this matter is difficult to solve, easy to solve, or easy to solve." The Chief of General Staff whispered to Gu Tai'an: "As long as Fatty Teng himself is willing to stand up and accept investigation, the boiling point of public opinion will be lowered immediately. Although he will..."

When Gu Tai'an heard this, he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Fat Teng has lost all the love of his comrades for decades because of my words. He came back with a knife and prepared to kill people. Why should I let him stand up on his own? "

The chief of general staff was speechless when he heard this.

"Tell Gu Yan to investigate with all your strength to find out who is causing the trouble!" Gu Taian raised his eyebrows and said, "They want to use Fatty Teng to distract themselves and relieve themselves of pressure, so I can't fulfill their wishes. We must protect Fatty Teng."

After thinking about it for a long time, the chief of general staff immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it right away."

On the other side, Gu Yan, who was responsible for handling Fatty Teng's incident, received a joint report letter from more than thirty generals in two war zones at the Governor's Office. They stood on a united front and asked the superiors to thoroughly investigate Fatty Teng, establish a correct image for the Eighth District military, and let the people trust the army again.

This reason is so high-end and stylish that no one can find any fault with it. And this also proves that the old governor's previous preference for Fatty Teng has now become his shortcoming.

Everyone is jealous. The old governor was in good health and when he was scolding Fang Qiu, you, Fatty Teng, were very beautiful and dazzling. But now that the old governor is dying, who can you rely on? Can you still get so many resources?

This is human nature. Even if some neutral people did not attack Fatty Teng, they were secretly watching the fun and laughing at his jokes. This is not to mention those people who have long disliked Fatty Teng. They have immediately followed the large army and are adding insult to injury.

Not all of these people were members of the Alliance, so it was hard for Gu Yan to tell who had problems.

Just when the Governor's Office and Gu Yan were under strong pressure from public opinion, Fatty Teng read the report at Wang Zhou's military headquarters with a smile and curled his lips and said: "Damn it, if they didn't tell me, I didn't even know I was like this. nausea."

"Old Teng, this is not a trivial matter. How can you still treat it as a joke?" the chief of staff said urgently: "Old Governor, now...?"

"Fuck!" Fatty Teng interrupted and cursed: "I'm not even afraid of dying in battle, so why are I afraid of a group of talkative women dictating what I do? What the hell is this?! My old Teng's merits and demerits are all for me. I’ll leave it to future generations to judge, they say I’m a scumbag, so that’s me?”

"That's not what I'm talking about..."

"Oh, let's not discuss it anymore." Fatty Teng stood up and looked at the chief of staff: "I'm going to return to District 8 now."

The chief of staff was startled when he heard this, and immediately persuaded: "Old Teng, you can't be confused...!"

"I know what to do." Fatty Teng frowned and replied: "Don't worry, they only attacked me and did not mention you. You will not be implicated in this matter in the future. I only have one request, and I'm leaving. After that, you have to make clear arrangements for the army."

The chief of staff looked at Fatty Teng and asked after a long silence: "What the hell, is it worth it? The old governor will definitely protect you!"

"...From the time of the incident to now, the pressure from the top has been so great that the governor's office has not even called me. Even the people around the old governor, no one dared to come over and persuade me to come forward. Who gave this order?" ?" Fatty Teng said loudly: "For this reason alone, it will be worthwhile for me to follow the Governor for the rest of my life!"

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon that day.

Fatty Teng drove to Yanbei and stayed at the gate of the Governor's Office for more than ten minutes, smoking two cigarettes quietly before leaving again.

At around five o'clock in the evening, Fatty Teng walked into Lin Yaozong's office alone and said succinctly: "I took the initiative to request the organization to investigate me, and I am willing to cooperate with the organization to hold a press conference."

Lin Yaozong was stunned: "You...!"

"They want to force me, force the old governor to compromise... Then I will just commit suicide." Fatty Teng intervened and replied.

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