District 9

Chapter 2467 The fight starts at three points

In Yanbei, on the military-civilian road, the convoy of the garrison headquarters was rushing to the outer battlefield of the governor's office.

He Yu was sitting in the car, holding a huge military phone, and was reporting to the World War II Zone Headquarters: "In twenty minutes at most, just twenty minutes, I will definitely break through the Governor's Office compound."

"Why is it so slow? You have more than 20,000 people!" the headquarters asked urgently.

"Chief of Staff Liu, I have my own difficulties! Half of the 20,000 people in the garrison headquarters are stationed at the city gate. Otherwise, if there is any change in Teng Fatty's division and we don't have enough troops, let them break down the city gate. Yan The situation in the north is completely out of control. The two guard regiments run by the governor are defending with all their lives. The soldiers will not leave the front line until they die. Every step we take will cost us blood."

The chief of staff of the headquarters actually understood He Yu's difficulties. He thought about it again and said, "Hurry up and fight. I'll let Huo Zhenghua's troops continue to move forward and keep an eye on Fatty Teng's division."


After saying that, the two ended the call, and the chief of staff of the headquarters contacted Huo Zhenghua directly: "General Huo, please keep your two regiments moving forward and seal off Fatty Teng's division's attack angle and route."

"I said I would go in and fight, but you have to not believe me. The strength of a garrison headquarters has been fighting for so long, but they still haven't taken down the governor's office." Huo Zhenghua roared angrily: "My son is dead, what are you doing to prevent me? ?!”

"Trust must be accumulated slowly. Please mobilize your troops." Chief of Staff Liu answered very succinctly.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you say." Huo Zhenghua hung up the phone and frowned and ordered to his subordinates: "Continue to move the two regiments forward."

"They are really cautious!" the military staff member replied in a low voice.

"Let him be cautious. In short, we must not lose our position until the last moment." Huo Zhenghua sighed and said: "I believe that the Governor can make a comeback in Yanbei City. If it doesn't work, we will fight with Lao Teng's troops. Hit it in one piece."


In the city, on the military-civilian road, He Yu's motorcade was continuing to rush. He was also sitting in the car, constantly asking the governor about the situation on the battlefield.


Suddenly, an RPG shell hit the windshield of the armored vehicle that was opening the road. There was an explosion and the convoy came to an emergency stop.

"What's the sound?" He Yu raised his head and asked.

"There is an enemy attack!"

"Don't panic, gather the vehicles and build a defense zone on the spot." He Yu roared expressionlessly: "We are in charge of city defense. We know what is going on inside Yanbei. They will definitely not have many people."

After the explosion, the convoy spread quickly, and the vehicles in front and behind stopped sideways in the middle of the road, blocking the entrance and exit. Vehicles were parked in the center, and more than 30 guards immediately surrounded the cars of He Yu and others.

In the stairwell of a building, Fu Zhen held a gun and shouted excitedly: "Damn it, stop the commander, this is to make a fortune and get promoted! Everyone, pay attention, our mission is to stop the enemy." Go ahead and hold them back for ten minutes, each group will focus on harassment, let’s get started!”

"Da da da……!"

The order was given, and gunshots rang out around the streets.

After Fu Zhen was transferred to Jinmen Port, Meng Xi transferred 50 more soldiers to him from Sichuan Mansion, so he now has 90 people on his side, divided into three teams of 30 people each.

Zhengyangmen battlefield.

After answering Jiang Xue's call, Gu Yan immediately yelled: "Young horsemen, Lao Jiang has already determined the position. We won't delay any longer. We will go all out to eat the enemy troops below the tower!"

Gu Yan, there are more than 500 people around Meng Xi at the moment. The attack pace just slowed down. On the one hand, it was because the rear was attacked by a battalion of the Security Command. On the other hand, it was also mainly to let Gu Zheng see hope and follow. His own father asked for help.

At this moment, the tactical goal has been achieved, and the troops no longer need to pretend to attack. More than 500 people poured out, ignoring the opponent's defensive formation and the reinforcements from the rear, and instantly launched a general attack.

"Hold, hold, our reinforcements will be here soon!" Gu Zheng roared hysterically.

"We can't hold on anymore. They don't care about the people behind them. They just want to eat us." The leader of the special police waved his hands and shouted: "Come here, send Chief Gu to the city wall first and let him climb over..." "


As soon as he finished speaking, the sniper who had already locked onto this side shot the SWAT captain to death.

The battlefield was chaotic, and Meng Xi was the first to rush in. The large troops fought hand-to-hand with the Gu family's defenders at close range, with guns drawing blood and knives stabbing vital parts.

Gu Zheng was blocked at the wooden door downstairs, with no way to escape.

Meng Xi was covered in blood. He had no protective gear around his ankles and shoulders. Several of the wounds were filled with shrapnel that had penetrated his hands. He looked very miserable, but the micro-expression on his face was ferocious. And vicious.

Forty or fifty people pressed forward together. The enemy troops below the city gate all looked at each other with frightened expressions and trembled with their guns.

"Kang Kang!"

Meng Xi shot the two men down, pulled their necks and shouted: "Kneel down and surrender!"


Echoing shouts came from the rear, and the large troops completely surrounded the city gate tower.

In an air defense department in Yanbei Center, Gu Shouchen was extremely shocked when he learned that He Yu's motorcade had been intercepted. He couldn't figure out where the hell the other party's attackers came from?

"Chief, He Yu was stopped, our side...?" The secretary walked over quickly and wanted to ask Gu Shouchen in a low voice whether he wanted to withdraw from the air defense department.


There was a sound of footsteps, and the head of the air defense department, led by the Security Command, walked in quickly and shouted: "Something is wrong. The investigation department just reported that there are more than a thousand people around us..."

Gu Shouchen was stunned when he heard the sound: "They still have more than a thousand people?"

"Yes, I don't know which unit it is from." The other party shook his head.

Outside the air defense department, Qin Yu covered his face and ordered to Jiang Xue: "He Yu has been temporarily detained. The people from the two units next to them have all supported Zhengyang Tower. There are not many troops here. Inform the central battalion to initiate a decisive battle. The attack is over."

The Central Battalion was a force that Gu Tai'an raised on the side when he was preparing to implement a system plan after the civil war in the Nine Districts. Its nature was equivalent to the ancient Imperial Guard Army.

On the surface, this unit has no designation, no subordinate unit, and its usual locations are all in Hucha. The training and training locations were all provided by the Grain King Lao Zhu, and military expenses were also provided by him.

Gu Tai'an is a lonely emperor, and there are many things in the emperor's heart that it is impossible to tell others. History has proven countless times that the most ruthless emperor's family, the closer the people are, the more likely they will stab you at critical moments. Therefore, this unit, even Qin Yu and Gu Yan, were completely unaware of it before.

On the outskirts of Yanbei, the military situation was complicated. Lin Yaozong sat alone in Xinyang and was responsible for fending off all external enemies. But inside Yanbei, Gu Tai'an used two guard regiments, a central battalion, and a Fatty Teng division that could move at any time to pry all the pressure. The military direction of the 20,000 people in the garrison headquarters was determined.

Without the ability to control the overall situation, how can we talk about unification?

The emperor is old, and he is also an emperor!

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