District 9

Chapter 2477 Li Bokang’s Blueprint

Yanbei, Military Intelligence Branch.

After Gu Yan answered the call, Qin Yu suddenly had an idea and whispered: "Brothers, he didn't make this call. I was still hesitant, but he did, which strengthened some of my thoughts. , but the plan needs to be adjusted.”

When Gu Yan heard this, he replied with a helpless expression: "Old Hei, what he said may not be true. At this time, anyone's words can be twisted into water. Do you understand?"

"You'll know if it's true once you try it and check it out." Qin Yu looked at him and replied, "You should listen to my plan first."

"Okay, you say it." Meng Xi was the first to join in, wanting to hear the commander-in-chief's thoughts.

"This way..." Qin Yu looked at everyone and explained part of the key plan in his heart to the three of them.

Early the next morning.

In Luhuai District Seven, after a night's rest, Li Bokang went to the headquarters to meet with Zhou Xingli again. At this time, Chief of Staff Yan, Feng Ji, and Sha Zhongxing were all present.

"Come on, Lao Li, sit down." Zhou Xingli greeted.

Li Bokang glanced at everyone and bent down to sit on the edge of the conference table.

"Gu Taian is gone, we are discussing the follow-up plan." Zhou Xingli lit a cigarette, looked at Li Bokang with a smile and asked: "Old Li, do you have any ideas?"

Li Bokang knew that he was transferred back from the Fourth District just to get involved in this matter, so it was definitely impossible not to take a stand. He thought about it for a long time, frowned and replied, "I have some ideas."

"Then tell me, and let's analyze it together." Zhou Xingli nodded.

"I personally suggest giving up the Lu District." Li Bokang said nonchalantly.

"What?" Feng Ji, who was drinking tea, raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "How can we start talking about giving up the Lu District?"

"That's what I think about it." Li Bokang looked at the crowd and explained his reasons with a slight frown: "Lao Gu was not dead, but there was already civil strife in the eight districts. His relatives, Gu Shouchen, and the commander of Yanbei Security Command, Yu, were directly involved in the mutiny, which shows that the Alliance had already wanted to take this opportunity to seize power, but they were too hasty, so they failed. But they leaked a lot of cards. In this battle, for the Gu system That said, it was actually a miserable victory.”

Everyone said nothing and waited quietly.

"After Lao Gu's death, there has been a vacuum in the governor's power. Lin Yaozong has not announced his appointment, and the leader of the Tongmenghui is actually revealed, and he is Gu Taixian. The current balance of power between the two parties is that the Tongmenghui joins forces with the Chen clique, and Gu In other words, the Lin faction has formed an offensive and defensive alliance with District 9 and Sichuan." Li Bokang continued in a low voice: "Of the two forces, Lin Yaozong definitely wants to resolve the dispute in a short time. He cannot tolerate Gu Taixian and Chen's procrastination. Continue, because once a stalemate is formed, we will face a long-term split, and if we cannot take back our rights, there will be two governments in the Eighth District. Therefore, I personally infer that Lin Yaozong, the Sichuan government, and Gu Yan will organize A big war can solve the problem of internal unrest once and for all, or induce Gu Taixian to take the initiative."

"What does this have to do with our Lu District?" Feng Ji asked.

"Of course it has something to do with it. In addition to the Wu Clan and Qi Lin's southwest theater, there are currently about 80,000 people entrenched in Jiangzhou and the border of Lu District. If a war breaks out, the other side will definitely make trouble with Lu District in order to prevent us from entering. Because only by containing us can they finish their work within the Eighth District." Li Bokang said in a serious tone: "And I personally feel that this battle is meaningless to us. They are fighting indiscriminately. We can just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. There is no need to risk our lives and fight against 80,000 of them. Moreover, if a war breaks out, with Chen Xi’s current attitude, they will definitely be on Gu Taixian’s side. In this way First, as long as we abandon the Lu District, the pressure of the 80,000 people will be directly put on the Chen clique. There will be military conflicts between them, and our retreat to the vicinity of Luhuai will be equivalent to pushing the Chen clique to the front. side."

"According to what you say, then we don't need to give up the Lu District. Wouldn't it be better if we just don't fight with the 80,000 people from the Wu Clan and Qi Lin?" Chief of Staff Yan asked.

"If you don't abandon Lu District and hoard troops here, the other side will have to prevent our sneak attacks at all times." Li Bokang said sharply: "The longer we stay in Lu District, the less confident they will be. Then instead of defending, it is better to attack. Once they attack directly, we will help relieve a lot of pressure on the Chen system from the side, which is completely unnecessary. As long as we withdraw, then when the war starts, these 80,000 The person must have beaten Chen Xi.”

"I don't agree." Feng Ji said without hesitation: "If we fight on the opposite side, we will give up our territory. This is completely unnecessary."

"Yes, I think what you said is very contradictory." Chief of Staff Yan also commented: "The suggestion to expand the territory and regain the Lu District was made by you, and the commander-in-chief also adopted your idea. Our Ministry of Finance It doesn't make sense that you've spent so much money and done so much local work and now you're getting results and you're giving up."

"The situation at that time was different from now." Li Bokang said very sharply: "You didn't carry out massacres in Lu District at that time! We have established contact with the people through local influential people, but now it is Lu District. Because of their own military mistakes, the district killed a large family that could represent the people, resulting in hundreds of people being killed. This is definitely a stain on our system. If you do this, who will dare to be killed in the future? Recruitment, which big family dares to work with you? The most important thing is that the battle on the Jiangzhou border should not have been fought. It was started too early. Your battle failed to produce results, and it also attracted the Wu clan and the Qi clan. With more than 80,000 people in Linbu, you are equivalent to being blocked in the Lu District. If you move a company, you may cause a reaction from the other party."

"Haha, Minister Li, your words are too targeted, aren't you? Are you saying that the commander-in-chief's decision to attack the Jiangzhou border was wrong?" People around Chief of Staff Yan started to make trouble directly.

Li Bokang looked directly at Zhou Xingli and said succinctly: "Give up the Lu District and put the pressure directly on the Chen Clan. When the war starts, if the Chen Clan cannot hold on for a day, we will immediately send troops to help them survive and continue to maintain A three-legged state. But if they persist, they will definitely consume a lot in the battle. At that time, the initiative in District 7 will be in our hands. We can concentrate our forces and take Nanhu."

Zhou Xingli was deep in thought, Chief of Staff Yan looked livid and said nothing, and Feng Ji had a look of disapproval.

These people all have their own plans. For example, Feng Ji currently has all his troops stationed in the Lu District. If he gives up here, it means that the territory he just controlled will be gone...

"I've finished my suggestions. Let the commander-in-chief decide how to proceed." After Li Bokang finished speaking, he stopped saying anything.

Military intelligence branch.

Daya met Qin Yu secretly, sat on the sofa and asked, "Brother, did you ask me to come here for any orders?"

Qin Yu picked up the tablet from the table, brought up the map and zoomed in. Then he traced his finger across the center of the map and asked excitedly: "Little brother, if there is a fight and you pass through here, is it possible in a very short time?" Divide the battlefield within time?”

Little brother Da Ya blinked: "You have spoken, even if it is not possible, I have to find a way to make it possible! But there is one thing we must agree on in advance."


"...Can you...don't just keep getting into plane crashes? We, the people, can't accept it anymore. You faked your own death, and the two people who sold Yin Ming coins to the Sichuan government went public..."

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