District 9

Chapter 2494 Bombardment of Nanhu

Chen Jun actually knew very well that anyone who could become the leader of the armed forces would have a very strong will. They would not change their minds because of a letter, even if the letter was written by their own son.

After the Battle of Jiangzhou, the various reactions from the upper echelons have proven time and again that the alliance between the Chen Clan and the Tongmenghui was not caused by a small group of people, but that the leaders of the Chen Clan had acquiesced in this matter.

Chen Zhongren is younger than Governor Gu, has a strong body, and has been in charge of the military and political power of the Chen family for many years. If he doesn't nod with such force, who among the following would dare to cause trouble?

Do Chen Zhongqi, Chen Feng and others have the ability to incite nearly 200,000 troops of the Chen Department?

The answer is definitely not.

Since then, Chen Jun has been in an extremely contradictory state. He is the person who is closest to the Chuan government and Qin Yu. He understands better than anyone how big a deal Qin Yu currently controls. For example, Chen Zhongren and Chen Zhongqi may not understand the relationship between Wu Tianyin and Qin Yu, but Chen Jun knows how strong the alliance between them is.

Therefore, on the one hand, Chen Jun felt that the warlord forces advocating separatism would not achieve anything; on the other hand, because of family ties, personal feelings and other factors, he was constantly pulled by the cruel reality.

Now that things have reached this point, there is no room for maneuver, so Chen Jun's letter is just a final warning and declaration.

Nanhu, Chen Department Headquarters.

Chen Zhongren sat alone in the office, his eyes red as he read his son's letter, and he was speechless for a long time. He could also guess what Chen Jun was thinking, but he still hoped that he could change his mind at the critical moment. But as soon as the letter arrived, all his thoughts were in vain.

In fact, for Chen Zhongren, his situation is also extremely difficult. From a public perspective, most of the generals of the Chen clan absolutely did not agree to reduce the vassal status.


Because in the minds of the generals of the Chen family, they have always had a cooperative relationship with the Gu family and the Sichuan government. This nature is equivalent to three good brothers who jointly contributed money to open a company. In the end, the company became big and its value increased. The company was about to go public, but at this moment the largest shareholder told Chen Xi that he wanted to give up his equity and transform from a shareholder to a professional manager.

From an objective point of view, this condition is probably unacceptable to most people.

So did Gu Xi and Sichuan Mansion go too far? In fact, it is not the case, because in the one-system plan formulated by Gu Tai'an, the Gu department itself will also be deprived of power, and a large number of generals will be deprived of their rights. Therefore, it is equivalent to the major shareholders themselves giving up their equity, so that the company can develop healthily and be worthy of the vast majority of ordinary shareholders after the company is listed.

This power reduction is not simply a job adjustment, but an attempt to break the influence of factions. Take the Chen Clan as an example. They have been operating in District 7 for many years and are considered one of the largest political systems within the coalition. If they just adjust a few positions painlessly, the so-called integration of one system will be just a joke. . Because the factions have not moved, the Chen faction can jump out and withdraw from the alliance at any time as long as they are dissatisfied one day.

Therefore, after the system is launched, the Chen family will not be able to get many rights, at least they must not affect the overall situation. As a result, the generals of the Chen family stopped working. They felt that the country was conquered by themselves. Although they were in Yandao and Lao Sanjiang did not contribute much, this did not affect their continued rule of the Seventh District.

Therefore, when this group of people rebelled, they were rebelling under the auspices of Chen Zhongren.

On a personal level, Chen Zhongren also felt a little dissatisfied. He was as famous as Gu Tai'an before, and he felt that he was more important than Lin Yaozong, and this injustice... was also the source of this tragedy.

Now that the war has started, since Chen Xi has expressed his stance, there is no reason to retreat, otherwise it will only be shattered into pieces.

In the headquarters, after being silent for a long time, Chen Zhongren slowly closed his computer and said in a trembling voice: "...Order all combat troops in Nanhu City to prepare for a firefight with...Chen Jun's department."

When Chen Zhongren said this, his heart was bleeding, but even though he was the leader of the Chen faction, he was unable to change anything at this moment.

Chen Jun is already in his forties and already has his own political opinions and ideals. And unlike Xiang Zehao, he is always rational and always knows what he is doing.

As soon as Chen Zhongren's order was issued, the sound of cannons rang outside Nanhu City.

Chen Junbu began to attack. They were well prepared, and the moment the large force was launched, they smashed the four regiments arranged by Chen Zhongqi around their station.

As soon as the troops arrived at the city, all divisions and regiments quickly launched into the siege, and for a while, war broke out in Nanhu.

Many of the garrison soldiers in the city were confused when they saw that their own troops were attacking the city. They couldn't understand why the eldest prince wanted to attack his main city.

Within the headquarters.

Chen Jun took the phone and said to a brigade commander in charge of defense in the city: "The old man is confused. I hope you won't be confused. Open the city gate and things will slow down, otherwise all of our own soldiers will die!"

"Commander Chen, I am the general who defends the city. The door cannot be opened until the person dies." The other party also replied in pain: "I don't know why you did this, but I will never get out of the defensive zone. I also Please calm down, the person in charge in the city is your father!"

Chen Jun gritted his teeth: "Then... let's each rely on our abilities. See you on the battlefield!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Jun was helpless and ordered his troops to attack the city as quickly as possible, forcing the Chen troops who were already preparing to enter the eighth district battlefield to return to defense.

Two minutes later, Chen Jun received a call from Chen Zhongqi in the headquarters. The latter asked in a cold voice: "Do you know what you are doing? You are attacking your main city! Do you have a bottom line? Do you have humanity? !”

"If I were inhumane, the day I came back from...the European Union...it would be a fight to the death between you and me! Uncle, there are many things I won't say, but I know." Chen Jun almost roared back: " If it weren’t for the sake of family ties, if it weren’t for the fact that the Chen family cannot be divided, I would have teamed up with the Sichuan government to kill you!"

Chen Zhongqi was stunned.

"Now that things have come to this, I won't advise you to turn back. I just want to tell you that when our troops break through the Nanhu City Gate, you'd better choose to commit suicide to thank the world." Chen Jun hung up the phone directly.

Outside Nanhu City, the sound of the Charge rang out. Chen Junbu had no choice but to throw all the artillery shells and military supplies stored in advance at the wall of the special zone.

At the same time, Gu Taixian was sitting in Qufu, holding the phone and shouting: "What did Chen Zhongren do? Can't he even control his son?!"

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