District 9

Chapter 2510 Let’s go!

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, in the headquarters of the Qin Gu Corps on the border, Meng Xi frowned at Qin Yu and said, "Do you plan to say hello to Qian Chen this time? If they can acquiesce when we pass, then The success of our program will be much greater."

After Qin Yu thought carefully for a while, he waved his hand: "There is no need to inform them in advance. Although the relationship between Qianjin Chan and Free Chan is antagonistic, they are of the same race and clan after all. You ask them to get out of the way and secretly support us in our counterattack and massacre." The troops of our own nation... This kind of psychological price is too high. If the news leaks out, our soldiers will die in vain."

Meng Xi nodded slowly when he heard this.

"We make our own plans and do it ourselves." Qin Yu added again: "The military intelligence personnel in the eighth district have already understood the news, and the ninth district is already making preparations."

"Okay." Meng Xi immediately replied after hearing this: "Then I will continue to follow up and try to get them to give us some support in terms of political stance and public opinion in the Sixth District."

"Yes, it is an alliance, so now they must show their attitude." Qin Yu pointed to the ground and replied loudly: "At least in terms of military threats, they have to stand on our side and contain some of the energy of Free Chan. .”

"I understand." Meng Xi replied.

After the two discussed, Meng Xi left the command camp, and Qin Yu immediately held a video conference with Daya, Lin Cheng, Huo Zhenghua, and the generals of Gu's northwest advance army in the war room.

"At ten o'clock tonight, Lin Cheng's Department and Huo Zhenghua's Department will attack Gu Taixian's Northeastern Front together. The purpose is to push the large army forward thirty miles and force Gu Taixian's headquarters to send more troops here." Qin Yu spoke concisely. He said: "We cannot count the losses in this battle. If Gu Taixian cannot feel the pressure, it means that our plan has failed."

"If Gu Taixian's headquarters reinforces the Northeastern Front, it will be blocked by Wang Henan's troops." Lin Cheng said in a low voice: "Then Wang Henan's troops should open a certain gap to attract additional troops into our circle?"

"No need." Qin Yu shook his head: "We just need to mobilize some of Gu Taixian's headquarters troops."

"I understand." Lin Cheng nodded.

"Wang Henan!" Qin Yu shouted in the video.

"Arrived!" Da Ya responded immediately.

"You should know who commands the headquarters garrison on the southwest side of Gu Taixian's department, right?" Qin Yu asked.

"Clear," Da Ya replied without hesitation: "We are an old acquaintance!"

"Your tactical target is here. When the decisive battle begins, attack this brigade as soon as possible. If you can capture the opponent's commander alive, it will have a great impact on the battle situation."

"Yes!" Da Ya responded.

In the video, Gu Yan listened to Qin Yu's words, twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said in a hoarse voice: "If someone catches you, let me deal with it."

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded immediately.

Inside the air force base in Fengbei, District 9.

One hundred and ten Air Force pilots from the Eighth District led by Han Jingzhong have now joined the eighty-six Air Force pilots from the Nine District.

The one hundred and ninety-six air force soldiers, after the combat meeting, went to the large conference room of the main building of the air force base to wait.

Time passed by, and the air force base in Fengbei was loading artillery shells into the H-25 and J-26 fighters non-stop.

A large number of ground service soldiers used 17-meter-long tractors to transport various equipment out of the warehouse.

The entire air force base is currently protected by an anti-reconnaissance team composed of more than a thousand people. Satellite signal interference, regional martial law, helicopter patrols, and a series of preventive anti-reconnaissance methods have all been brought to the table.

If military reconnaissance methods outside the area can scan here, then on their electronic display map, this base should look like a black hole at this moment.

Wait, after a long wait.

Han Jingzhong, who had just finished a meeting with his superiors, walked into the large conference room of the main building with an air force colonel from the ninth district.


Han Jingzhong shouted.

The waiting air force soldiers immediately left their resting posts and stood up to line up.

Han Jingzhong took out a thick stack of white paper and bundles of brand new black carbon pens from his bag, swallowed his saliva and said, "Come in line to get them. You have to finish writing within ten minutes."

After a long silence in the room, everyone lined up to receive pens and paper as instructed. After Han Jingzhong handed out the things, he found a quiet place and started writing.

The paper is formatted, and there are only two words on the header.

A suicide note!

Han Jingzhong's handwriting is beautiful and smooth: "To my beloved wife and beloved children: Jingzhong's body has been pledged to the country. When you read this letter, my fighter planes and I may have become as bright as the sun." The explosion hit the enemy's airspace. It was probably the last dive and the last tactical action I made in my Air Force career..."

The room was quiet, and one hundred and ninety-six people were writing silently. Those were the words they left to their dearest people in the world, and they also represented a kind of determination.

It's about six o'clock in the evening.

The air force soldiers entered the scheduled runway in an orderly manner and boarded the plane in batches.

Han Jingzhong was in the third row. Before he got on the plane, he shouted to a comrade: "Blessings!"

The other party replied: "We must win!"

Fighter planes soared into the sky, flying across the sky, heading straight to the north.

In the observation room, Governor Zhou and all the senior generals of the Air Force stood at attention.

The air force commander raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Salute!!"

More than a hundred people raised their arms, saluted, and looked to the sky.

Around ten o'clock in the evening.

Lin Cheng's Department and Huo Zhenghua's Department suddenly attacked the defense area deployed by Gu Taixian in the northeast of Qufu at all costs.

After the war, there were more than 30,000 people in Lincheng's department and more than 20,000 people in Huo Zhenghua's department. They went crazy, using infantry and tank coordination tactics to forcefully fill the opponent's defense area with people.

The two sides started a fierce battle. After Gu Taixian's troops used air raid tactics several times to delay the enemy's offensive rhythm to no avail, part of the defense zone had been pushed through.

In Qufu, in the World War II Zone Headquarters, Gu Taixian frowned and looked at the battle map and said, "Something's wrong. Why did they suddenly fight so hard without caring about the battle losses?"

"Is it because of the problem at Beifengkou that they are eager to get results in District 8?"

"But fighting like this... the coalition forces have suffered such heavy losses, where is their stamina?" Gu Taixian was a little puzzled, and said with a frown: "... At present, there is no movement over the border. What is Qin Yu's gourd selling? What kind of medicine is it?"

some where.

A general was sitting in the command vehicle, holding a phone and saying: "Don't move yet, wait."

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