District 9

Chapter 2567: Still young after all!

inside the ventilation duct.

Fu Zhen shrank and rolled back, almost lying in Brother Xiao's ear and said: "It's welded, very strong."

"Is there any other passage through which we can go?" Brother Xiao asked.

"...They are not careless. How can there be any reason to only weld one?" Fu Zhen shook his head and replied: "They must be all welded to death. It may be because there have been more wars recently, and the main ship has strengthened its safety awareness. Especially the dock The cabin can be directly connected to the sea, so it is more rigorous."

"We must control the dock, otherwise all plans will be ruined. How can we handle a main ship with just a few of us?!" Brother Xiao replied in a low voice: "I don't want to go to some shitty Summer Island."

While the two were communicating, there was a sudden loud buzzing sound in the pipe, and the speed of the airflow increased dramatically. The people wearing heavy combat uniforms felt that their bodies were being pushed forward by the airflow.

"Pass the word, fix it, fix it!" Fu Zhen immediately told Brother Xiao.

Everyone's cheeks were deformed by the airflow, and their bodies slid. In order to prevent them from making any noise, they all held the connection points of the pipes with their hands to stabilize their bodies.

Relying on natural circulation alone, the internal air flow is slow, so someone in the cabin turned on the ventilation mode, the air flow speed became faster, and the entire passage was filled with buzzing sounds. This environment made everyone miserable. They were all wearing heavy combat uniforms, and they would sweat even if they moved their bodies, let alone expending energy to stabilize their bodies. Moreover, the noise also made their eardrums extremely painful and their brains dizzy.

In this environment, Fu Zhen suddenly took off his full-coverage helmet and took off half of his one-piece combat uniform, revealing his extremely muscular upper body.

"What are you doing?" Brother Xiao asked.

"More than a dozen people are blocked in the pipe, and the ventilation is not ideal. If something goes wrong, they will need to repair it. We don't have much time to hide here." Fu Zhen took off his T-shirt and explained in a low voice: "We have to do it quickly. Solve the iron bars!”

"How to solve it?" Brother Xiao asked.

"Did you pee?" Fu Zhen asked.


"Forget it, I'll do it." Fu Zhen unzipped his pants and sat on his side directly in front of Brother Xiao's face to rinse his T-shirt with hot urine.

Brother Xiao was shocked: "Why did you go and pee on your clothes?"

"If you get it wet, it won't make any noise when it's tight. Brother, why don't you have any common sense?"

"Do you have common sense?" Brother Xiao replied speechlessly: "There is a hose in the amphibious combat uniform, don't you know?"

"...!" Fu Zhen was stunned: "Fuck, I...I haven't worn it for a long time, I forgot."

"Forget it, just use urine to make it warmer." Brother Xiao replied.

Fu Zhen had been a little angry lately, and his urine was yellow and smelly, but he couldn't care less at the moment. He twisted the T-shirt into a twist with both hands and tied it directly to the two iron bars on the outermost edge of the square iron railing.

A scene that shocked Brother Xiao appeared. Fu Zhen crossed his hands and grasped the T-shirt, and began to twist it counterclockwise. As the T-shirt continued to shrink and rotate, the iron railing deformed slightly, visible to the naked eye!

The air outlet itself is not big, and can barely allow an adult to pass through it, so the iron railings at the exit are naturally not very big either, about the size of a 55-inch LCD screen, and each of its Iron railings are also as thick as an adult's finger.

This one doesn't look too thick, but it's solid, a pure iron rod!

Fu Zhen's arm muscles bulged, and his arms slowly rotated counterclockwise. The iron railing, which was still slightly deformed at the beginning, deformed faster and wider as it went back.

There were beads of sweat on Fu Zhen's forehead, and his cheeks were completely deformed by the airflow. He took advantage of the fact that the internal fan was running and making a lot of noise, stepped on the iron railing with his right foot, and continued to apply force with his arms.

"Bang, bang!"

After the iron rod was greatly deformed, it directly affected the stability of the square frame, causing the solder joints welded to the pipe to crack. And this cracking sound was instantly covered up in the huge noise.

Fu Zhen knew that he didn't have much time, so he gritted his teeth and continued to work harder with squinted eyes.


There was another slight sound, and the square iron railing was twisted out of the T-shirt. The left and right frames shrank inward, while the upper and lower frames were bent. The solder joints everywhere cracked, and the pipe walls at the corners were somewhat deformed. .

Brother Xiao's mouth formed an O shape, his eyes full of shock.

Fu Zhen's fingers exposed outside his tactical gloves had been peeled off in many places after being strangled and rubbed. Blood and urine on his clothes flowed down, but he still didn't stop and continued to redden his face.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two more sounds of solder joints collapsing, and the iron railings completely sunk inward. Fu Zhen loosened his T-shirt, held the wall of the pipe with his left hand, and pulled the iron railing with his right hand. He moved back and forth a few times, and then took off the iron railing with his bare hands.

Brother Xiao held it in for a long time and commented succinctly in the howling airflow pipe: "Animal!"

Meng Xi looked at him: "...This is not the blood of a normal person! I should test his DNA."

"Come down, come down!"

Fu Zhen wiped the sweat from his face with his arm, stretched out his hand to put the iron railing under his buttocks, and then glanced out along the rotating fan, then he bared his teeth and said to Brother Xiao: "...What do you think? Let's do it. Open it, let me do it, right?"

Fu Zhen said it easily, but his arms were completely exhausted. The pain from the muscle tear had not yet come, but his arms were shaking unconsciously.

"Bullshit!" Brother Xiao gave a thumbs up and immediately replied: "Look below."

"Look, there are only eight people." Fu Zhen lay in Brother Xiao's ear and said, "There is noise now. We are moving fast. You ask the people behind to crawl to the bridge to see what's going on there."

"Okay." Brother Xiao nodded and immediately conveyed the instructions behind him.

Two minutes later, three military intelligence officers left the existing pipe and began crawling upward.

This trip was also extremely strenuous. It took the three military intelligence officers nearly two hours to return, and they also brought extremely difficult news.

There are patrolling soldiers at all the exits near the bridge war room, and each point is not far from each other. If one fires a gun, other points will rush over immediately.

This incident was also different from the information given by Wei Zirun. Before everyone set off, he once said that the guards on the bridge were fixed. They usually only moved in the guard cabin and there were no people outside. But for some reason, they were now cold and steaming on the deck. moved on.

In the original plan, the infiltration team only needed to do two things: first, control the dock and find a way to let people from Fleet 093 come in, which would increase the number of troops; second, find a way to escape from the ventilation ducts. Infiltrate the bridge and look for opportunities to directly attack Zhou Yuanzheng, who is only active there.

There are too many people on the main ship, and "military unification" is simply unrealistic. They can only use clever tricks to control the commander before they have a chance to control the main ship.

But now the exit of the ventilation duct over there is full of people from the patrol team, and no one can get out at all, so there is no chance of attacking Zhou Yuanzheng.

what to do?

Everyone was completely in trouble.

Several hours have passed since entering the pipeline, and 093 is still waiting for news of the attack, and will wait for a while before dawn. Once it enters the daylight stage, there will be more people active on the ship. In addition, twelve people are lying in the pipe, resulting in unsatisfactory exhaust air, which may cause people to have to repair it. By then, everything will definitely be cold.

Fu Zhen held it in for a long time: "If we can't do it, we can only withdraw, find a way to enter the drainage warehouse, and follow the pipe directly into the sea. Of course... there is a radar on the ship. Once we react, we will have to hold on to the water. Dismount the cannon and ascend to the sky together."

Brother Xiao looked up at him: "I was just going to talk about the radar problem."

"What's the meaning?"

"...I have never encountered a situation where the on-site situation is completely consistent with the expected plan since I started working." Brother Xiao frowned and said: "When encountering an emergency, just adjust the plan immediately. Come here and start again. Help me point out the locations of each cabin...I had already thought about it before I came here. No matter what, I have to go to Zhou Yuanzheng to get an explanation for Brother Tianyin!"

093 Daqinei.

Wei Zirun looked at his watch anxiously and muttered in a low voice: "Why is there no information yet? It's been too long."

On the amphibious assault ship, Zhou Yuanzheng stood at the window holding red wine and looked at the dark night scene on the sea: "...We will be back sooner or later."

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