District 9

Chapter 2579 Race against time


Dozens of fishing boats and small civilian speedboats were rapidly approaching the Pearl. Xiaobai was on the boat at the end, holding a walkie-talkie and yelling: "The Air Force is preparing to move in for support. We will definitely be intercepted, so hurry up!"

"Understood!" the person on the phone responded immediately.

On the No. 091 cruise ship, the shipboard radar immediately detected the situation on the sea. The radar commander reported to the captain: "The Sichuan army launched from the west coast, organized some speedboats and fishing boats, and is approaching the Pearl. The current distance is We are very close, do you want to intercept?"

"Dip Lingling!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the captain's special communication equipment sounded. He reached out and picked up the microphone and replied: "091 Great Drive!"

"I order you to immediately intercept the Sichuan ships at sea and destroy them directly for me." Li Bokang's voice resounded.

"Has Commander Zhou Yuanzheng been rescued?" the captain asked bluntly.

"Don't worry about it, you just need to follow the order."

"What do you mean, don't you care about Commander Zhou Yuanzheng's life or death?" the captain asked in disbelief.

"I told you, don't worry about it!"

"Why don't you care about me? Zhou Yuanzheng is not only my superior, he is also my division commander! What the hell did your Army Special Operations Force do? With so many people rushing in, you can't save even one naval commander?" the captain said directly He cursed emotionally.

"I asked you to carry out the order..."

"I'm just going to do it! You can ask me to fire, but the commander must call himself." After saying that, the captain hung up the phone.

Zhou Xingli’s direct descendant is Zhou Yuanzheng, but who is Zhou Yuanzheng’s direct descendant?

There is no doubt that he is the core general of the No. 1 Southern Patrol Fleet. This group of people was all promoted by him, and Zhou Yuanzheng has always been very supportive of everyone in fighting for naval rights and interests. Now that he has been captured, Li Bokang has ordered the massacre of the Sichuan Army's infiltration troops at sea. Who will guarantee the safety of Zhou's expedition?

Therefore, when Li Bokang issued orders to other warships of the Southern Patrol Fleet, more than 70% of the generals did not agree to directly shoot the Sichuan Army's infiltration troops on the sea. Because the Pearl is all your own people, you don’t go to save Zhou Yuanzheng, but you want to kill the people in Sichuan Mansion on the sea. What does this mean?

Obviously, this was an order to protect the fleet regardless of the life and death of the superiors.

Many generals in the naval headquarters are all disciples and immediate relatives of Zhou Yuanzheng. How could they not care about the life and death of their boss? The most important thing is that the Southern Patrol Fleet No. 1 has now completely separated from the support range of the EU fleet. They have just marched to the Lu District for two hours, and Li Bokang has already run away and evacuated. If the Sichuan army controls this side of the sea and the big guys resist desperately, in the end... EU Zone 1 The fleet no longer cares about itself, so what should we do?

Sure enough, when Li Bokang issued orders to other warships, the air forces of the Eighth, Nine, and Seventh Districts that were originally entrenched outside Luhuai also entered the scene at this moment.

The reconnaissance plane directly shouted: "Any warship that dares to resist will be destroyed immediately!"

Except for the Pearl and the 093 Drive, the remaining warships in the Southern Patrol Fleet became nervous and set up anti-aircraft firepower.

In fact, the air force on the coalition side is also very nervous, because once the entire Southern Patrol Fleet opens fire, the air force also feels that there will be a lot of battle losses.

After Li Bokang's order could not be advanced, he could only call Zhou Xingli and ask him to give the order directly to the fleet.

After Zhou Xingli hesitated for a while, he directly called a captain who was close to him and said in a solemn tone: "You 085 frigate cannot hesitate at this moment and must cooperate with Li Bokang's actions."

"If I cooperate, then...what if the expedition commander dies that week?"

"The fleet cannot make any mistakes. If the expedition is sacrificed, the other generals will have peace of mind and will not be hampered by emotional factors." Zhou Xingli no longer used euphemisms and replied with a very sincere tone.

On the sea.

Xiaobai's temporary sea commando team was already very close to the Pearl, but the two enemy frigates near him did not fire on it.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Xiao Bai urged and shouted.

After answering Zhou Xingli's call, the captain of No. 085 thought for more than ten seconds before he said to the junior officers: "Notify the fire control chief to focus on the battleship Pearl and aim..."

After listening to the order, the officer immediately reminded: "Captain, we are done fighting. The air force on the opposite side will definitely focus on attacking our 085, and the current attitudes of other brother warships are unknown..."

"After the fight, we will go into the water and escape. 085 will definitely not be saved." The captain frowned and said, "Follow the commander-in-chief's order. The navy must also be deployed by the leader."

The officer nodded immediately.

Inside the Mingzhu amphibious assault ship.

Fu Zhen, Brother Xiao and others used a large number of directional blasts to blast through the lower deck of the bridge, causing the remaining personnel to escape to the central cabin. This is not as conspicuous as the bridge, because the latter is convex on the deck, but the former is in the center of the lower deck.

After everyone landed, Ma Laoer immediately shouted: "Seize the spot, hurry up!"

At the same time, Xiaobai ordered everyone at sea to fire machine guns into the sky, making noise, intending to remind Ma Laoer and others to hold on, as support troops had arrived.

Sure enough, after everyone heard the gunshot, their energy doubled, and they immediately made defensive arrangements around the physical training room.

At this moment, Zhang Tian squatted on the deck, frowned and asked the investigators: "Is the investigation clear?"

"The sound detector shows that all their people have entered the central cabin, which should be near the physical training room and entertainment room." Lao Liu replied.

Zhang Tian heard the sound and waved his hand: "Let 085 move, the other combatants are hiding at the predetermined location."

"Yes!" Lao Liu replied.

In the physical training room, Brother Xiao opened two cabin doors in succession, but did not find any enemy combatants here. He said somewhat suspiciously: "The central cabin can't be so empty? Where have all the people gone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the main gun on the 085 frigate, loaded with armor-piercing D-guns, was aimed directly at the Pearl.


"Focus completed!"



The 085 main gun roared, and the sound of gas explosions instantly spread across the sea.

Brother Xiao in the physical training room heard this voice and immediately turned his head and shouted: "No, there seems to be other battleships attacking us..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shell penetrated directly through the deck of the Transparent Pearl and hit the central cabin instantly.

Brother Xiao pulled his neck and shouted: "Avoid!"

In the air, a captain of the Eighth District Air Force formation immediately shouted: "Gather the fire and kill 085!"

"Swish swish swish...!"

The airborne artillery shells of more than a dozen enemy fighter planes hit 085 instantly.

On the 091 cruise, the captain saw 085 firing and immediately cursed: "Damn it! This Li Bokang really doesn't care about the commander's life or death...!"


The shell exploded in the center compartment of the Pearl.

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