District 9

Chapter 2639 Unstoppable, Commander Feng

In the battle zone in front of the Draken Mountains, the main forces of the Feng Clan and the Tengba Clan fought fiercely until ten o'clock in the evening. Feng Lei's tactics of armored corps opening the way and infantry cooperating to attack achieved extremely effective results.

One and a half regiments on the front side of the Tengba regiment were defeated and collapsed. The newly constructed defense zone was forced to give way, and the troops retreated uncontrollably.

Although the management method of cash capability has mobilized a certain degree of enthusiasm of the Tengba Army, many troops dare to fight and can perform defensive tasks according to tactics. However, their natural combat habits and personalities make it impossible for them to transform from pustule troops to almost Within a few days, he will become a brave and invincible iron army.

After discovering that they could not hold the defense zone, a large number of soldiers began to disperse on their own, and the officers could not stop shouting.

A regiment commander under Yang Liandong stood in the forefront trench and shouted in the local dialect he had just learned: "Keep fighting, no retreat!"

The surrounding black brothers didn't listen to the shouts at all. When they broke up on their own, they didn't even bring their personal armaments in the trenches and defense areas. They just threw away the heavier ammunition boxes and hand boxes.

"What the fuck, are you considered a soldier?!" Yang Liandong's regimental commander was so angry that his eyes were red. He directly picked up a machine gun from the trench and fired a shuttle in the direction of the defeated army: "Come back and fight, otherwise we will Killed by the ground!"

After only a brief pause, the disintegrated troops continued to run around, regardless of the Chinese officers' shouts and commands.

Yang Liandong, the commander of the regiment, felt very aggrieved. He was a foreign general and it was impossible to really shoot the officers and soldiers of the Tengba faction. Otherwise, if a general of any faction was killed, it would trigger a mutiny in the troops and easily cause the Chinese to mutiny. Conflicts with locals.

Unable to fight and unable to control, Yang Liandong's leader was almost crying with anger. He took the walkie-talkie and prepared to report to the superiors. He didn't care about these dead guys...

At this moment, two military vehicles rushed over from behind. Bablu, the chief of staff of the Tengba Army, grabbed the automatic rifle directly from the guard, opened the safety, and threw his arms at the disobedient defeated army.

"Da da da……!"

A platoon of D's swept over, and the three officers who took the lead in escaping were shot dead, and two soldiers were also seriously injured.

The battle area where the gunfire was ringing fell silent, and the fleeing soldiers looked at the chief of staff in horror.

Baburu, who had white hair and wrinkled cheeks, glanced at everyone, pointed at the Draken Mountains behind him and shouted: "Soldiers! Behind the Draken is the Indian Ocean. Where can we retreat? Do you really want to Are your hometown and family enslaved by the EU forces? Please show the courage that a soldier should have and fight for your ideals and freedom! If you really want to die, please let our corpses, the old people, women and children who fell behind Front!!"

Everyone looked at him blankly, hesitation flashing in their eyes.

"Go back and fight!!! Teach these invaders a lesson!" Bablu, who was over 50 years old, raised his arms and shouted: "Go back, soldiers!"

As soon as the words fell, Bablu's guards and soldiers all rushed to the front line. After a brief hesitation, the infected local officers and soldiers saw that many of their compatriots had returned to the front battlefield. They also began to turn around and watch the artillery fire ignite. run in the direction.

Two hours later, inside the headquarters.

Meng Xi had had no sleep for nearly two days. His cheeks were as pale as a piece of white paper. He sat on the chair without saying a word, listening to the reports and shouting around him.

"General Staff, the second frontier zone really can't be defended. Chief of Staff Baburu, despite personally supervising the battle, still can't stop the Feng Ji Corps' echelon attack. The two regiments there suffered heavy losses, and nearly a thousand people were lost in the battle... ..." A Chinese officer stood nearby, reading a battle report.

"Withdraw, abandon the second area." Meng Xi replied succinctly: "The remaining troops will withdraw to the edge of the fourth area, and then order the rear troops to move forward to replenish their combat strength and wait for the next battle."

"Yes!" The officer nodded.

Meng Xi stood up directly and shouted to the telecommunications office: "Have you finished printing the information?"

"It's over." The officer from the Communications Department stood up and replied.

Meng Xi stepped to the desk, reached out and picked up the printed photo of the leaflet, and immediately frowned and said: "Send a message to Bablu and ask him to mobilize the helicopter formation to transport the leaflets to the front line. After our troops withdraw, , just threw the leaflets in the trenches."


At around ten o'clock in the night, in the command camp of the First Field Army of Feng Ji Corps, Feng Lei drank coffee, frowned and asked: "Their defensive hardness has improved, right?"

"Yes, there has been a significant improvement." Chief of Staff Zhang Dong immediately nodded and replied: "After the Chinese officers were transferred to the Tengba combat unit, their role was still very obvious. Their ideas for building defense zones, as well as their understanding of troop deployment and firepower deployment , are much stronger than Tengba’s officers. Moreover, the divisional defense of Tengba’s troops has become much clearer, and it is not as chaotic as before, and can be broken at a touch.”

"Haha!" Feng Lei sneered: "Only Meng Xi can come up with the tactic of throwing money at people, but this thing only treats the symptoms but not the root cause! How can the army, which has been rotten for decades, turn into a God of War army in a short time? ?Since their defensive hardness is still within our control, then don’t test it anymore. The two divisions on the front line all pounced on them and continued to bite their positions. You must remember to try your best to defeat them in Germany. On the outskirts of the Laken Mountains, the 20,000 people were crippled to reduce pressure for the attack on the hinterland of the mountains."


After the two talked, Feng Lei was about to get up and go to the staff headquarters when an officer rushed in with a stack of leaflets in his hand: "Army... Commander, the other side is playing psychological tactics with us."

"What's wrong?" Feng Lei asked.

"Look at this leaflet." The officer handed Feng Lei the leaflet his soldiers found in the trench.

When Feng Lei saw the flyer, the anger in his heart instantly reached his forehead.

The most prominent place on the flyer is the photos of his grandfather Feng Chengzhang and the Feng family war criminals after they were arrested and put to death.

In the photo, there is a scene of Feng Chengzhang being tied up and hanged. His old cheeks and the tragic scene of death hit Feng Lei's heart directly. In addition, the horrifying scene of those Feng family children kneeling on the ground, lined up in a row, with war criminal labels on their bodies, waiting to be shot, also made Feng Lei's brain congested.

Everyone here has a strong blood relationship with Feng Lei. The old man who was hanged loved his grandfather very much...

"I'm cnm!" Feng Lei tore up the flyers and cursed with red eyes: "Too much bullying! Inform the three regiments behind that there is no need to wait. They all rush forward and crush Meng Xi's troops as fast as possible. , I will chop him into pieces myself!"

At the same time, the He troops attacking from the side also received leaflets, and their leaflets contained engraved CDs.

The content on the CD is very direct. It is all the image data left behind when Feng Chengzhang compromised and betrayed He Xi, as well as when Feng Ji negotiated with Meng Xi and others.

This thing has never been made public. After He Chong saw the content, he was so angry that his brain was filled with blood. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "When my father was alive, he said that except for Feng Yunian, all the Feng family are Junzijian. You can never trust them or have close friendship with them. If they hadn’t betrayed us in the first place...why would I go into exile overseas and suffer from this cowardice?!"

At around one o'clock in the morning, the attack momentum of Feng Ji's regiment became more fierce. Meng Xi looked at the tragic battle losses of the forward regiment and ordered again: "Continue to retreat, and retreat another thirty miles. But you must give me a guarantee when you retreat. You can’t just run away in panic, you have to run and resist at the same time.”

The central region of the Draken Mountains.

Jiang Xiaolong stood in Coco's room and said, "They contacted me over there for an interview. I'd better go there."

"In your personal judgment, are they trustworthy?"

"I think there's no problem." Jiang Xiaolong replied with a smile: "In the current situation, everything you do is risky. If you are afraid, you can't do anything."

"Okay, then you must pay attention to your safety." Coco frowned and said, "Try to meet their conditions. Even if I don't use them very hard in the end, you have to maintain the relationship well."


"Be sure to pay attention to safety. If you feel uneasy, let the people below have contact with them for a round. In short, be cautious..." Coco instructed.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at her, and after a moment of silence, he said in a teasing tone: "You just say a word, and I'll give you my life!"

Coco's expression collapsed when he heard this: "Brother, how many times have I told you, let's not make our relationship awkward, okay?"

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