District 9

Chapter 2645 Fight to the Death 103

After Meng Xi's order was issued, the Second Battalion of the First Regiment, which had only more than 200 people, quickly got out of the car and moved forward to block the people on the hillside at the site of the exchange of fire. The remaining troops rushed directly into the 103 Hukou area, preparing to escape from this side.

During the battle, several officers in District 8 recognized that the troops attacking them on the hillside were Tengba Army and two combat battalions of the 112th Division.

Why can the Tengba Army's defense zone plan be detected by the enemy even if it is hidden in the mountains?

Why could Li Bokang still grasp the overall movements of the troops despite the large-scale migration of nearly 100,000 Tengba troops?

Why is it that the EU Air Force in Region 1 can accurately attack the logistics corps, and even knows how to avoid anti-aircraft firepower along the way?

Is this a fucking coincidence? !

Definitely not. Meng Xi's Jin-Yuan military strategy improved the combat effectiveness of Tengba's army in a short period of time, but Li Bokang can also use the Jin-Yuan strategy to disintegrate your internal forces.

There are many troops in Tengba's army, all of whom are officers and soldiers who have been recruited for the second time. How loyal are these people to Tengba?

Defeat is never the final result of a tactical mistake, but a variety of reasons that contribute to the current disadvantage.

On the hillside, a black general carried a gun and tied a red scarf on his arm to distinguish ourselves from the enemy. He shouted excitedly: "Charge, attack, kill the bastards from China!"

There are approximately a thousand rebels in the two battalions, but Meng Xi's personnel guarding the entrance of 103 are only more than 200.

Although both the enemy and us are weak, with inaccurate marksmanship and low fighting spirit, at least there are many people on the opposite side. Moreover, they knew that Feng Ji's regiment was behind them, so they felt confident in fighting. They almost defeated the defenders below with two charges.

After more than fifty people were killed by the covering troops, they immediately retreated uncontrollably.

"Kill! Kill the yellow monkey first!"



The two battalions of rebels became more confident as they fought, and they launched a charge towards the large army. There were also people on the hillside who attacked the convoy and vehicle tires, hoping to bite Meng Xi who was fleeing away.

A group was dragged at the mountain pass. Meng Xi immediately got out of the car and looked at the map and shouted: "If you can move the car, keep moving forward. If you can't move, give up. Get out!"

Next to it, officers from the Eighth District had immediately called Tengba's headquarters to request support for this side. Tengba was also very concerned about Meng Xi's safety and immediately dispatched two combat regiments closest to this side. Come support.

The two sides fought fiercely in the narrow mountain corridor. One group suffered heavy losses, and even Meng Xi's personal guard was seriously injured.

"What the fuck!"

An officer from District 8 who was hiding next to the command vehicle and shooting was shot twice. He looked at the advancing rebel troops with sharp eyes and immediately gritted his teeth and shouted: "Are there any seriously injured Chinese who can still move?"


"Count me in!"


The Eighth District officer who was shot or injured in the middle of the convoy quickly responded.

"CNM! These rebels dare not shoot when they fight against the Feng clan. They beat us harder than anyone else." The leading officer from District 8 yelled: "We can't go back home. Let us teach these rebels how to fight." .”

"All of them!" shouted a captain.

After the nine injured soldiers who could still move heard the call, they immediately got up and gathered next to the convoy. One of them was holding a military anti-explosion shield and was at the front.

"Go ahead!" the captain shouted.

The nine men immediately gathered together, dragging their disabled bodies with them, and charged directly in the opposite direction.

"Da da da!"

The enemy's machine gun roared, instantly shattering the military anti-explosion shield and killing the two people at the front.

"Disperse!" the captain shouted again.

After everyone dispersed, relying on the cover of their comrades from the Eighth District behind them, they charged forward thirty meters without thinking, and then all fired their handguns and directional blasting bombs.

"Brothers of the Northwest Advance Army! Foreign battlefields are also battlefields, and we must win every battle. Let us continue to write the undefeated legend of our First Army!" The captain's loud shout spread throughout the valley. He was the first to hit the enemy. Officers of the attacking line.


There were explosions and thick smoke. The enemy machine gunners and assault team soldiers who were turning around and fleeing were killed on the spot because they were unable to evacuate quickly while carrying heavy equipment.


A dilapidated military truck turned around and crashed back. The other wounded soldiers who followed the captain all grabbed the handles on the outer wall of the truck compartment and followed the truck toward the enemy with their bodies suspended in the air.

The driver was shot twice in the chest by an enemy sniper, but he still stepped on the accelerator.

The truck rushed into a crowd of enemy troops and had its tires smashed by mortars. The seriously injured soldiers from the Eighth District jumped off the side panel of the truck and pulled the pistol. One of them leaned on the vehicle's fuel tank and pulled away the fuse of the directional bomb. .


A shocking loud noise resounded in the mountain corridor, and all nine people were killed. A truck exploded, taking away more than a dozen soldiers from the other side.

"From cnm! Come on!!"

The remaining soldiers in District 8 were all red-eyed. They didn't care about the Tengba soldiers in the regiment at all. They just held their guns and kept pressing back.

The rebels were also stunned. They couldn't figure out that these four districts had been fighting for decades, and wars were going on every day in each district. So why would these Chinese people be willing to risk their lives to fight in a small battlefield?

The rebel soldiers were very afraid of the Eighth District soldiers engaging in human bombing. They held them on their backs before they died, so the attack was obviously slow. One of the battalion commanders in charge also sent out messages three times, requesting support from Feng's troops. .


In the command vehicle of the Feng Department, Feng Lei asked in an urgent tone: "Are you sure that the other party already has two regiments moving towards the 103 area?"

"I'm sure." The coalition's military intelligence officer said quickly: "Our internal line monitored the support calls of these two regiments, and it was an order issued directly to them by Temba Command."

"I see."

Feng Lei hung up the communication device, turned to look at the officer next to him and asked: "How long will it take for our nearest troops to be transferred?"

"It will take about half an hour at the fastest, because the enemy's troops' breakout route is very fragmented and complicated. All our forward troops have been deployed to pursue them. If we want to mobilize, we can only mobilize nearby activities."

"...!" After thinking carefully for three seconds, Feng Lei immediately shouted: "Order the two groups following me to enter the mouth of the pot. I will chop Meng Xi alive!"

The order was issued, and the two regiments following Feng Lei in pursuit of Meng Xi, consisting of nearly 3,000 men, all increased their pursuit speed and rushed towards area 103.

The previous attack was all preparation. Feng Lei had been waiting for this moment for three days!

Without capturing Meng Xi alive, how could the resentment in the hearts of the entire Feng family be released?

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