District 9

Chapter 2665 Action

Baal City.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, everyone had already had dinner for a while. According to normal procedures, everyone had to go to Ke Hua's room for a meeting in the evening to discuss tomorrow's travel tasks.

Before the meeting started, Xiao Zhao suddenly went to Ke Hua's room: "Boss, there is something wrong with Xiao Qinglong. You may have to say hello to the guard downstairs. He is going to the medical department."

"What's wrong?" Ke Hua raised his head and asked.

"I don't know what the disease is. I have vomiting and diarrhea, and I'm paralyzed."

"Why are you suddenly sick? Go check it out!" Ke Hua stood up immediately.

Ten minutes later, Ke Hua came to the room where Xiao Zhao and others were staying and saw Xiao Qinglong holding on to the chair and vomiting.

"What's going on?" Ke Hua asked.

"I...!" Just as Xiao Qinglong was about to reply, he felt a strong sense of vomiting. He turned his head and sprayed it directly onto the ground.

"He has gastrointestinal problems. Maybe he is not used to the food here." Xiao Baihu added next to him: "I just lay down for a while and started vomiting and diarrhea."

Ke Hua looked at the sturdy little Qinglong and was speechless: "You said... you are big and round, and you are still working as a guard. Nothing happened to the leader, but you are sick first. You are the only one who is like this How can we improve our quality?"


Xiao Qinglong continued to vomit.

"Let's go, let's get him a guard room." Ke Hua frowned and waved his hand.

"We can go, you don't have to follow, I will take care of him." Xiao Baihu replied with a smile.

"You ask me to go, but I can't go. After I finish the meeting with you, I have to report to General Zhang." Ke Hua put one hand in his pocket and replied, "But I have to go down with you, otherwise you can't get out. .”


Little White Tiger nodded.

"Do you have a fever?" Ke Hua asked Xiao Qinglong.

"...I...I can't breathe." Xiao Qinglong replied weakly.

"Made, you trash!" Ke Hua cursed and led everyone downstairs.

The headquarters where the delegation is located is not a front-line combat center, but a strategic deployment unit based on Baal City. The people who come and go here every day are all free-spirited top generals, civil servants, political dignitaries, or foreign guests. It is no exaggeration to say that the farts of the police dogs here may be extremely important military secrets, so the personnel control here is It's very strict.

All current employees of the headquarters are absolutely not allowed to bring personal communication equipment, cameras, or other personal items without permission from the superiors. Before taking up their posts, they will be subject to a strict search of their bodies and personal belongings when entering the entrance of the headquarters compound. It must be placed in the safe in the guard room and can only be collected according to the numbered plate after you are laid off.

This is why it is so difficult for Xiao Qinglong and others to send a message out. Their work usually has no access to communication equipment. Even if they go on a mission, the upper management will distribute intercom equipment with limited channels, and it will be collected after the mission is over.

After everyone went downstairs, Ke Hua said hello to the guard of Zichen. After explaining the situation, Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Baihu made an entry in the registration book, and then they were driven away by the guards in the courtyard.

After Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Baihu left, Ke Hua took everyone back to the meeting.

In the car, Xiao Qinglong was still vomiting, while Xiao Baihu supported him and whispered in his ear: "Stop acting, it's too much, you vomited on my pants..." .”

Xiao Qinglong swallowed his saliva and asked weakly: "What on earth did you give me to drink?"

"The soybean oil, beer, and expired milk from the cafeteria, along with a little swill, and some chili..." Xiao Baihu lowered his voice and replied: "This thinning package has the fastest effect."

"cnm, you are such a beast...!" Xiao Qinglong cursed for a while and continued to vomit.

The health department of the main service headquarters is located in the northwest corner of the compound. It is less than three kilometers away from the main building, so the two guards sent the two to the place in less than fifteen minutes.

After everyone got off the bus, the guard met with the people from the health department according to normal procedures, explained the situation to them, made a handover, and immediately returned to work.

The rest was simple. Xiao Qinglong was arranged to be examined in the clinic, accompanied by Xiao Baihu.

Because the channeling meal was so violent, the free-spirited health worker thought that Xiao Qinglong was poisoned, and even gave him gastric lavage medicine. After this ordeal, Xiao Qinglong was almost sent away on the spot.

After about forty minutes of examination, the free agent told Xiao Qinglong that he had gastroenteritis and that he would need to be observed here for a while and given two bottles of anti-inflammatory drugs.

The purpose of Xiao Qinglong's coming here was to be "observed", so he expressed his gratitude to the medical staff in a few sentences in Russian that was not very fluent.

After the drip was applied, the military doctor went out to rest and told Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Baihu not to wander around because there were separate military control areas everywhere and there were guards around them.

After the people left, Xiao Qinglong winked at Xiao Bai Hu: "Go find it...it's right here, hurry up."

The little white tiger nodded.

The purpose of the two people coming here is very simple, they just want to leave the main building and find a communication device that can communicate with the outside world.

Why not do it in the main building?

Because the communication equipment there is most likely encrypted, even if you encounter it, you may not be able to use it, and a password may be required. Secondly, Xiao Qinglong didn't know whether the communication equipment there had a recording function or whether it was being monitored, so he didn't dare to use it.

But the situation in the health center is slightly better, because the doctors and nurses here are all staff in the building. There are no wounded soldiers or the like in the unit itself, so the work pressure is relatively low and there are many rooms. , there is a lot of free time, and the management will not be so strict. Secondly, the health department must have separate communication equipment that can communicate with the outside world. Otherwise, there is no way to directly contact the drug transportation, dispatching, and any problems that arise in various departments.

Based on the above reasons, Xiao Qinglong felt that this was the place with the least risk and the most likely place for the operation to succeed. For this reason, he drank a full glass of the channeling set meal.

While Xiao Qinglong was injecting an intravenous drip in the house, Xiao Baihu had already walked out along the front door, and the nurses and medical staff guarding them were chatting in the duty room.

After the little white tiger came outside, he took out the gun and turned on the safety. He was already prepared to grab the unattended communication equipment if he couldn't find it, because the opportunity might only come once.

Walking along the bungalow of the Ministry of Health, the little white tiger came to the door of the room closest to the periphery. This room was independent and the indoor lights were very dim.

Little White Tiger glanced inside and saw no one, only the lights in the back room were on.


The little white tiger swallowed his saliva, turned around and looked around, then stretched out his hand to open the door, and said silently in his heart: "Buddha, I don't want to get promoted and get rich. Please bless me to keep this small life... Go back and take a look. Wife and kids! Don’t let me work hard for half my life. In the end, the child has someone else’s surname, and the wife has slept with someone else..."


The door opened, and the little white tiger stepped into the room. When he looked up, he saw three telephones placed on the desk on the left, one of which was a military satellite phone.

God will not kill me!

Little White Tiger immediately quickened his pace and walked over, reached out to pick up the satellite phone, and used his brain to recall the contact number Xiao Zhao gave him...


At this moment, there was a sudden muffled sound in the house.

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