District 9

Chapter 2686: The sun rises in the east, and our country is boundless

"I told you, you won't die!" Xiao Qinglong growled back.

The little white tiger looked at the ceiling of the helicopter, his body swaying slightly with the movement of the helicopter.

Xiao Zhao, Guang Ming, and Xin Lei all came over covered in blood. They did nothing but stared blankly at the little white tiger.

"I really don't want to die...!" Little White Tiger's voice was weak, with fear in his eyes: "I... I have a wife and children... why me? God is unfair... I'm very careful, little Qinglong... ...You know, I've always been very careful! Just now... I saw airborne troops advancing forward in the sky, so I dared to come back to join you... I thought it was over... We can go home together, get promoted and make a fortune... …I can’t fucking figure out why I was the one affected by the explosion…?”

Everyone looked at him with dull expressions and silence.

The little white tiger grabbed the little green dragon's clothes, looked at him unwillingly and said: "What the fuck, you... you said... people like us... hide faster than anyone else when things happen... why do you still do it? Come this far...?!"

"Yes... I'm sorry, I'm dragging you down!" Xiao Qinglong turned his head and shed tears: "You shouldn't come back!"

"I wanted to run away, but... when things came to a head, I became confused again... I remembered a lot... Let's walk from the border together, fight for our lives in the fifth district, and work together at sea... Finally we made it all the way. Today... we are friends and brothers... I don’t want to run away and be unable to contact you for the rest of my life... I even thought of what Lao Wei said... He always talked about faith... I don’t know what this is. ... But before I ran away, I felt so damn uncomfortable... This fool was even more stupid than me... He actually chose to commit suicide... You said, you said there is something more important than life."

The cabin was extremely quiet. The people who were still alive, after listening to Xiao Baihu's words, all collapsed emotionally and stared blankly ahead, shedding tears.

"I...I fell behind...Brothers...but I didn't give up in the end...right?" Little White Tiger grabbed Xiao Qinglong's neck and collar, and said intermittently: "You are still alive...apply with the superiors , taking good care of my family... It’s not easy for them... I have been traveling all these years, my children can’t see their father, and I rely on women to take care of everything at home... I owe them a lot."

Xiao Qinglong gritted his teeth and nodded heavily.

"I have many children...you tell them...their father is a hero who rides horses. It is something they can brag about when they grow up. I let them become the second generation of red...the second generation of red..." Little White Tiger twitched all over, then slowly turned his head to look at Xiao Zhao, and asked with a guilty conscience and a pleading tone: "...I...am I qualified?"

"Yes, you are better than us!" Xiaozhao gritted his teeth and held back for a long time before replying with a trembling voice.

Little White Tiger nodded slowly, closed his eyes reluctantly, and murmured slowly: "I... I swear... I swear to the death to defend the nation's military rights and interests and fight for the rise of the nation. If necessary, I am willing to fight on the military intelligence front... …Sacrifice your life…!”

"I remember many words... I just never believed them... I never repeated them..." The little white tiger muttered the oath he swore when he first joined the military intelligence department, and slowly loosened his grip. Xiao Qinglong's palm: "...let's go...I'm leaving...comrades!"

After saying that, the little white tiger let go of his palms, and there was no breath in his mouth and nose.

Everyone in the cabin looked at his body, either sitting or standing, and raised their arms in military salute.

In the tragic battlefield, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people are charging into battle. The death of one little white tiger will not cause any waves at all, but countless little white tigers will definitely illuminate the future.

With the prosperity of the motherland and the strength of the nation, how many little white tigers are buried in foreign lands!

About forty minutes later.

A dozen helicopters landed on the command line in the central battlefield.

After Qin Yu heard the report, he immediately brought all the generals from the headquarters to greet him.

The roar of artillery behind him continued, and the soldiers from the three major districts rushed into the sky with shouts of killing. In front of him, more than a dozen helicopters were spread out in a line, the cold wind was blowing, and the doors were open.

Dozens of guards, Qin Yu and other generals stood at attention and looked towards the side of the helicopter.

Fu Zhen hugged the seriously injured Lao Zhan and stepped out of the cabin first, followed closely by other generals, including Xiao Sang, Xiao Zhao and others...

Soldiers followed closely one after another and came down from the cabin. They supported each other and were seriously injured.

In the center of the crowd, Little Qinglong was carrying the body of Little White Tiger on his back, and his figure was bent very much.

"stand at attention!!"

Fu Zhen shouted loudly.

The returning soldiers all stood at attention, as straight as possible, and looked at Qin Yu and other generals.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, 355 troops were dispatched for this mission, and 280 troops were lost in combat, leaving 75 troops! After fierce fighting, my infiltration team... successfully destroyed 600 poison gas bombs... and moved forward. With assistance, we have evacuated the battlefield. The mission has been completely completed. Please...please give instructions from the leader!" Fu Zhen cried and shouted.

Qin Yu looked at them, his eyes instantly turned red, and his mind went blank. He didn't know what to say at all. He only saluted the military salute, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you!"

"thank you all!!"

The rest of the people all bowed and saluted.

When the seventy-five people saw this scene, their suppressed emotions collapsed again, supporting each other and crying. On the battlefield, they had no time to feel the pain and sadness of farewell... Now that they have returned, they can't help but think of their comrades who went with them.

Around Baal City.

After four consecutive sieges, Wu Tianyin blocked Kirill in an unnamed mountain col. After a fierce battle between the two sides, Wu Tianyin's troops eliminated the enemy in only fifteen minutes. Kirill wanted to commit suicide midway, but was shot in the wrist by a sniper here, completely controlling him.

In addition to Kirill, more than thirty senior officers from Baal City were captured, and they were brought back to Wu Tianyin's headquarters.

Inside the headquarters, the chief of staff asked Wu Tianyin: "The main force has almost been wiped out. What do you think we should do with the other people who escaped from Baal City?"

"There is no good person in the main military city." Wu Tianyin said simply: "Seize Baal City, station troops for six hours, and shoot at least 20,000 people!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. The chief of staff took the lead in persuading: "This...isn't this okay? This is completely contrary to the convention of the coalition government. After all, there are still people in the withdrawing troops."

"What do the people in the main military city do?! They build war fortifications for the forward positions, transport artillery shells, and provide logistical support to the forward corps. Are these people considered people? Damn it, they are pitiful. Hundreds of thousands of people at Beifengkou have been affected by the war. Aren’t the real people affected?! Aren’t the soldiers who were killed by gas bombs pitiful?!” Wu Tianyin stared at his eyes and shouted: “Don’t talk to me about the joint political treaty, I’m going to kill people when I fight back this time! Tell me! Frontline troops, slaughter them! All captured personnel with military connections will be shot!!"

After Wu Tianyin gave the order, the massacre in Baal City was completely unstoppable. More than 6,000 enemy soldiers who were captured by the enemy were killed within three hours, and more than 4,000 logistics support troops were killed...

The Bar River was completely dyed red, and the conflict on the southern battlefield ended.

In the direction of District 4, the Tengba Army, which was attacked by gas bombs in the Draken Mountains, also completely collapsed...

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