District 9

Chapter 2695 Pushing Hands (Leader Update)

In the first district of Germany City, Leon Brooke on the podium was smiling and calling names one by one, having a 1v1 conversation with the people.

After the interactive session lasted for about twenty minutes, the assistant behind the main stage pointed to his watch, indicating that Leon could withdraw. The next step was to distribute "gifts" to the people present to win people's hearts.

Leon nodded slowly at the other party, and when he was about to say his closing speech, a black guy raised his hand and stood up: "Dear Mr. Leon, the questions you just answered are all good for the republic. I don't think they are. not objective."

Leon looked at him with a smile: "Excuse me, what do you want to ask?"

"When will the war end?" the black guy asked bluntly.

"I don't know this, but it may depend on when China's military aggression against us will end. I suggest you call and ask the war criminal Qin Yu why he is so poor and still willing to start a war!" Leon thought he was very good He replied humorously.

"Ha ha!"

Many people in the audience seemed to enjoy this dry humor and laughed in unison.

"Don't you think it's stupid for us to wage war in the region?" The black guy frowned and asked: "I... our taxes are not actually invested in people's livelihood policies. It only supports the underfed army. As a citizen of Europe 1, I have not received relief benefits for four months.”

"Sir, I see that you have sound limbs and a clear mind, so why don't you find a job?" Leon retorted.

"Because no matter how hard I work... I am still at the bottom of society, and the economy is in the hands of you people. I am a citizen, and I should have the right to enjoy political relief, and you don't know that I am a congenital A patient with sexual heart disease... I can't work, and without benefits, I may die this winter." The black guy looked at him, and his words suddenly became fierce: "Our chief executive, Puduo, is as stupid as a mentally retarded child! He makes war-inciting speeches everywhere... Why do you still want him to be the chief executive? Is it your father... who can climb to a higher level?!"

Leon frowned and looked at him: "I don't think the issue of war is..."

"You stupid lackey, you don't respect me, then die!" The black guy suddenly pulled out his gun.

The guard next to him immediately stepped forward and rushed towards the opponent.


The black guy shot twice at the main stage, but was blocked by the guard with his body. Leon frowned, walked quickly to the audience, and said viciously: "Use the most cruel method to kill this idiot!"

The black guy was shot in the arm and fell on his back into the crowd.


The crowd broke up and fled around.

At this moment, on a rooftop diagonally opposite, a sniper had clearly seen the police equipment around Leon during the turmoil at the venue.

"Bang, bang!"

After two gunshots, the two guards fell to the ground.

"And there are attackers!"


As soon as the guard officer finished shouting, an RPG hit directly from the side and hit the center of the Z stage.


The sound of explosions resounded through the streets, followed by heavy footsteps on the streets outside the cordon, and a group of armed men with their faces covered rushed over in scattered directions.

In the building, on the surrounding iron shelves, more than a dozen RPGs were fired at the main stage, and the arrogant Leon died directly in the explosion after being escorted to the car. It was blown into three sections, and its intestines were spilled all over the floor.

At the same time, vote-canvassing activities in various areas of District 1 were attacked to a greater or lesser extent by some armed men. The specific organizers were unknown, but the number of casualties was further expanding.

That night, larger and more influential demonstrations were held in major cities in the first region, mainly targeting the issue of troops shooting protesters.

For a time, the chaos in District 1 escalated again, and the hot spots and conflicts in the chief executive election were gradually pushed to the top.

The next day, the north wind outlet.

Qin Yu was holding a bottle and sitting on a chair, browsing the news reports sent by the headquarters.

"Yesterday, a protest near the F Building of the Manchester City Council in the European District 1 turned into a riot. The police department and the stability maintenance force dispatched more than 3,000 people to suppress it. Preliminary death toll is about 4,000 people..."

"Yesterday, during a political event in Texas City, Texas City Councilman Leon Brooke was attacked and killed. The scene was chaotic, resulting in the death and injury of 25 police officers. The organizer of the incident has not yet been investigated..."

"Yesterday, around 10:30 p.m., an additional 400 members of the Army Special Forces were dispatched to the Chief Executive Office of Region 1 to protect the security of the regional government."


There were dozens of such news. Qin Yu frowned and looked at the general content, and said to Staff Wang with some confusion: "...Didn't they control it very well some time ago? Our military intelligence department also submitted the information. It is claimed that the Civil Affairs Bureau is also secretly negotiating with the Gonghe Committee, so why did the trouble suddenly become so serious?"

"Maybe it's an illusion." Staff Wang replied in a low voice: "For the civilian government, this year is their last chance, because the enemy government is constantly launching wars, and the public is very emotional. I personally feel that, It’s hard for them to give up this opportunity, after all, they have been suppressed for almost twenty years.”

Qin Yu looked at the report with confusion: "This is obviously a large-scale incitement action. It seems that the civil affairs officials are very ruthless."

"They must be the driving force." Counselor Wang also agreed with Qin Yu's view: "After all, Free Chan has shown a serious disadvantage in the Sixth District recently... This shows that Gonghe Chan's decision-making here is a failure, or there are loopholes. … This is an opportunity for civil affairs.”

Qin Yu took a sip of rice porridge and said, "It's also an opportunity for us. The more they quarrel internally, the more it proves that our counterattack is necessary. As long as it drags on, they will collapse if there is no internal turmoil."

"The main thing depends on the follow-up. If the incident escalates indefinitely, it will indeed be good news for us." Staff Wang nodded.

It’s around seven o’clock in the evening on CSS Island.

Coco kept refreshing the major official media websites in District 1, praying that some news could be gleaned from them. But unfortunately, she has not seen any valuable news since the afternoon.

Coco was drinking coffee, sitting curled up on a chair, holding her legs with her left arm, and still mechanically browsing various web pages.

At around nine o'clock in the evening local time, just when Coco thought her work was in vain, a piece of news from the civil affairs and official media finally caught her attention. The title was very simple.

"The people were choked and couldn't speak out? Manchester City's stability maintenance troops shot and killed more than 2,000 people and injured thousands more. Who gave them the right?!"

Coco looked at the news with a smile on her cold and pretty face: "Take the move!"

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