District 9

Chapter 2718 Chain Reaction

Meng Xi thought about it for a long time and then replied bravely: "I did it! I contacted CSS, and then... I contacted the doctor from our Seventh District Research Institute and asked him to bring... the technology developed by his own students."

Qin Yu touched his head and said in a trembling voice: "Meng Xi, let me ask you one last time, were you the one who took the lead in this matter?!"

"Yes!" Meng Xi replied simply.

"If you want me to find out something is wrong, I'll shoot you and kill you!" Qin Yu almost yelled and cursed.

"Yes!" Meng Xi continued to respond simply.

Qin Yu actually didn't believe Meng Xi's words at all, because the latter's network didn't look like someone who could build a bridge with CSS. But if the other party doesn't say anything at this moment, he has no time to ask anymore, because after this attack, the turning point of the war has come.

Meng Xi also quickly adjusted her mood: "Yemen counterattacked, the springboard is right in front of me, and I am ready to rush out."

"Hold tight and wait for my order."


After saying that, the two ended the call. Qin Yu stepped out of the lounge and ordered directly to everyone in the headquarters: "Inform the Qilin Corps and the Gu Yan Corps to launch a counterattack throughout Yemen. At the same time, give me a separate order. Xiaobai, I have no other requirements for him, on the Red Core battlefield, he must annihilate Feng Ji for me!"

"Yes!" Chief of Staff Wang nodded.

"Send the order to the war department, and prepare everyone." Qin Yu issued the latest orders one after another, and the entire command center became busy instantly.

After Qin Yu finished adjusting his strategy, he immediately called Ma Laoer alone, frowned and said to him: "Secretly investigate the scientific research units to see who has had close contact with Meng Xi recently, including those who passed the news."

"Yes!" Ma Laoer nodded.

Yanbei, District Eight.

Lin Yaozong sat on a chair and looked at the report with confusion: "The purpose of this attack is obvious. The attitude shown by CSS is actually to help the three major districts."

"What are they doing this for?" the staff asked, confused.

"I don't understand either. We have no contact with this organization." Lin Yaozong slowly shook his head: "Check, check the latest news about this organization."


Unknown airspace, on a plane.

Coco was sitting on the spacious seat, holding a red wine glass, and turned to look out the window.

I don't know if she was drunk, but her cheeks looked very pale, and her eyes were calm and dull.

Reed looked at her, smiled and asked: "My lady diplomat, do you regret the attack, or do you feel guilty?"

"Some," Coco nodded honestly, "after all, many people are innocent."

"...This is a way to end the war." Reed persuaded softly: "The process is not important, what is important is the result."

"I understand the truth, haha." Coco lowered her head and replied.

"Well, you know...who I was before I joined the CSS movement?" Reed asked.

"Who is he?" Coco asked curiously.

"In your Chinese terms... I am actually a rich second generation, hahaha!" Reid laughed: "My father was in the energy business before the Era. Our family owns minerals and oil... in the Middle East."

"Oh, what then?" Coco asked.

"After the Era, the current situation was turbulent, and private armed forces appeared in various places. Our family was worried that the huge wealth would lead to killings... So everyone in the family persuaded my father to give up his current industry and become a rich man." De said: "Unfortunately, my father is a man who loves money. He doesn't want the family industry to flow into the hands of any political system... so he also invested in building an army for self-defense and protecting the people there. "

"I understand." Coco nodded.

“Unfortunately, the third ruling party in the European Second Region after the new era took a fancy to our oil fields and resources... After many negotiations, the talks finally collapsed... They united with the First Region to invade our place. Three years later... everyone in our family... was almost completely killed. My father... my mother... and more than a dozen brothers and sisters... all died in the war... At that time... I didn't By the age of twenty.”

Coco is speechless.

"According to the order, I inherited part of the property, but I don't know how to run it, and I don't like making money very much. Maybe... because my family was very wealthy when I was very young." Reed paused and said: "I just wanted revenge, so I came up with css."

Coco grinned, not entirely believing what Reed said.

"Do you think I'm telling you a story?" Reid asked proactively.

Coco nodded straightforwardly: "It sounds sad, but it's like a story."

"...My family used to have a famous name."

"What?" Coco asked.

"Saudi Consortium!" Reed said with a smile.

Coco was silent for a long time and nodded slowly.

"Look away, ma'am, people are dying in this world every day, just in different ways." Reed said easily: "I'm not kidding, if the Republic of China doesn't give up its rights... my attack will never end. "

Coco nodded and clinked glasses with him, then drank it all in one gulp.

Turning her head and continuing to look out the window, Coco murmured in a low voice: "Please catch it, it will be over if you catch it."

Coco knew very well that the effect of five gamma bombs could not destroy Zone 1. What it could do was make the Republic of China lose control of the situation, and the real victory must still be dominated by the expeditionary force.

She was praying, praying that the heavy snow would stop and spring would come.

Yemen region.

The troops in Europe's first district were wailing, and all the military flags were lowered to half. The soldiers, who were originally in high morale, completely collapsed after learning that the inland was attacked. No one understands the situation between the Republic of China and their hometown better than them.

As the war continues to escalate, the internal conflicts in District 1 are also accumulating. And this attack will completely remove the shackles of this suppressed contradiction, which is equivalent to giving Gonghe Chen a knife in the heart.

Near Hongdan Airport.

Feng Ji sat in the command post and looked at the report from Area 1 in disbelief: "How could it be possible?! Damn it, the attack didn't come sooner or later, why did it arrive at this time?!"

"This may be a conspiracy that has been planned by the three major regions." The chief of staff interjected.

"Can't I see that this is a conspiracy even though I'm riding a horse?!?!" Feng Ji yelled and cursed at the other party.

At the same time, Westbrook received news from the upper echelons of the Republican Party. The other party told him that the 60,000 army troops originally prepared to support the Yemen battlefield could not log in for the time being because the inland was completely in chaos. The Civil Affairs Bureau had taken advantage of the wind and had already Prepare for final negotiations with the ruling party.

Summer Island.

Zhou Xingli sat on the chair with a gloomy look, and instead of being angry, he smiled: "Fuck, I asked you to use poison gas bombs, is that okay? They threw five gas bombs at your homeland at your most critical moment. I see How can you parry. Westbrook is a fool, and Feng Ji is even more stupid! The bottom line in war is a matter of tacit understanding. If you can break through, others can break through."


After receiving Qin Yu's order, Xiaobai waved his hands and shouted: "The whole army sounded the charge horn! Kill the Feng Corps for me!!"

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