District 9

Chapter 2725 The game between old Jianghus

Yemen, inside the Zhou Corps headquarters.

Li Bokang took the phone and asked the general in Xia Island in a serious tone: "He wants to touch Feng Ji, right?"

"Yes." The general replied.

"You can't listen to him." Li Bokang's face changed drastically: "The Commander-in-Chief wants to rejoin the Civil Affairs Bureau, and he has probably already contacted them. He wants to clear up the civil unrest in the Chinese armed forces before surrendering, but now is definitely not the time. ! And the most important thing is that I leave you there for prevention. No matter what the situation, you can't miss it."

The general listened to Li Bokang's words and responded with an embarrassed look: "General Staff, what I just received was a call from the commander-in-chief himself... I have no way to refuse him. If I don't execute it, it will be disobedience."

"Damn it," Li Bokang cursed with red eyes when he heard this, "Can't wait any longer!"

"Yan Hu also contacted me and said that now is the best opportunity. I think the commander-in-chief... has made a judgment. This order is irreversible." The general paused and said: "My position... there is no way to refuse His orders."

Li Bokang's brain was working rapidly. After a long pause, he said, "I'll go back right now. You try to delay it as much as possible."

"Okay." The general agreed.

The two hung up the phone. Li Bokang only paused briefly and said to the staff: "Prepare the plane for me, I'll go back right away."

The people in the staff department didn't understand what Li Bokang meant, but they immediately made arrangements to return to Xia Island.

Li Bokang took out his personal mobile phone and called up Feng Ji's phone number, but after hesitating for a long time, he still didn't call.

Li Bokang had two considerations: First, if Zhou Xingli had done everything and was just waiting for Feng Ji to enter the situation, then if he tipped off Lao Feng at this time, he would be no different from a traitor. As a minister, you can give advice, but you must not cross the line.

Second, Li Bokang was also considering the feasibility of Zhou Xingli's plan. If he had to do it, as a subordinate, all he could do was help Zhou Xingli achieve his goal quickly.

Based on the above reasons, Li Bokang decided to return to Xia Island immediately to deal with internal problems first.

Half an hour later.

Feng Ji sat on the off-road vehicle, put his hands in his hands, frowned and asked the staff officer: "What do you think Lao Zhou planned?"

"After all, our Feng Clan is affiliated with the Chinese armed forces and is within the combat order of the Zhou Clan. His excuse for attacking you must be to deal with it in a censorious manner and make Yan Hu a villain. He then put you under house arrest and took away the military power of the Feng Clan... When Westbrook reacts, it will be of no use." The staff member saw clearly: "Zhou Xingli's success in District 7 relies on his decision-making at critical moments. He will never hesitate when deciding something."

Feng Ji turned to look out the window and said in a calm tone: "Would he not know that I was guarding him?"

The staff officer thought for a moment and responded: "I checked, and there are currently about 1,500 people in the Zhou Clan headquarters. He must want to close the door and kill us."

"Let the group enter the designated position." Feng Ji replied coldly: "We will not go upstairs after we enter the headquarters compound. Let's meet with Commander-in-Chief Zhou downstairs. It's foggy today, and we're at the beach. Take a walk.”

"you mean?"

"If Lao Zhou touches me, then I won't be polite and just kill him." Feng Ji said coldly: "This bastard wants to switch jobs to the Civil Affairs Bureau, and is planning to use me as a gift and eat my soldiers... Then I have to repay him with a big gift. After killing Lao Zhou, even if Gonghe Chan loses his power to govern, their Zhou clique will still be in a situation of civil strife... Xu clique will not listen to Li Bokang, and Li Bokang will not take advantage of him... They If we fight within ourselves, we will be safe."

"Yes, unless Zhou Xingli dies, he will kill us sooner or later." The staff officer nodded.

When Feng Ji came back this time, he actually had his own Xiao Jiujiu in his heart. He knew that Xia Dao's troops were empty, and he had brought back 8,000 troops. Although most of them were wounded, if there was a real friction, he had the strength to do something.

Unless Zhou Xingli dies, sooner or later he will be avenged for his rebellion. Rather than trying to get rid of the damn thing, it would be better to get rid of it once and for all.

Feng Ji was sitting in the car thinking about something, while the staff officer was holding a mobile phone next to him and secretly dispatching troops.

At about 9:30 in the morning, the convoy arrived at the headquarters compound. There were about 150 people, because Feng Ji came with a reorganized security company.

On the main building, Zhou Xingli looked at the motorcade at the entrance of the courtyard with his hands behind his back. He turned to Yan Hu and said, "Believe it or not, if I don't move Old Feng, he might even move me."

"Of course, what else would he do if he brought eight thousand troops back to Xia Island?" Yan Hu frowned and said, "Let me put it bluntly, if something happens to you, Feng Ji is the most likely to take over as the supreme commander of the Chinese armed forces. He If he can't contain us, Gonghe Chen will help him do it."

"Dip Lingling!"

While the two were talking, Zhou Xingli's phone rang. He glanced at the number and immediately pressed the answer button: "Hello, Lao Feng. Haha, you're here, I'm in the office."

"Commander Zhou, I think it's foggy today and it's quite artistic. Why don't we take a walk downstairs for a while and get some fresh air." Feng Ji said bluntly while sitting in the car.

When Zhou Xingli heard this, he immediately waved his hand towards Yan Hu: "Okay, I'll go down now."

Yan Hu saw Zhou Xingli's gesture and turned around to leave.

"Okay, I'll wait for you downstairs." Feng Ji hung up the phone and frowned.

"What's wrong?" the staff officer asked.

Feng Ji turned to look at him: "I said I wanted to go out for a walk. He didn't say anything else and just agreed."

"So happy?" The chief of staff was also a little confused.

Feng Ji was a little worried and immediately gave an order: "Let the group move closer. Damn it, they are almost all out now. Let's stop pretending. Safety comes first."

"Okay!" The staff officer nodded.

Feng Ji reached out and pushed open the car door, stepping out first.

"Dip Lingling!"

At this moment, the adjutant's phone in the passenger seat suddenly rang.

Feng Ji stepped out of the car door and was about to poke his head out.

"Wait a minute, Commander!" The adjutant took the phone he answered and suddenly turned his head and said, "Our security department said... there seems to be hidden troops on Xia Island."

"What?!" Feng Ji looked at the adjutant in disbelief.

"Wang Zhenghai from the security department just wanted to go to the air-raid shelter to replenish armaments, but the guard at the door refused to let him in. During the quarrel, he discovered that there were a large number of soldiers in the air-raid shelter inside...all Chinese troops." The adjutant said Said quickly.

Feng Ji was startled for a moment, then immediately stepped back and closed the car door: "How far away is the group from us?!"

"Right in the back." The staff officer replied.

"Tap tap tap!"

At this moment, two to three hundred Zhou soldiers suddenly rushed out of the barracks in the headquarters compound, holding guns and heading straight for Feng Ji's motorcade.

"Damn it, you fell into Lao Zhou's trap, leave quickly!" Feng Ji roared.


Several gunshots broke the tranquility on the island.

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